Today is Veterans Day, " A celebration to honor America's veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good. "
The Other Side of Paradise
Soldiers are notoriously silent about their political views. By law they are committed to supporting the Commander and Chief. Yet this election has brought about deep feelings of distrust and uncertainty within their ranks. The perception of Obama for these soldiers is grounded in some simple realities that for them draws into question the President-elect's intentions and core beliefs in the United States .
Another soldier continued, "You know what really sucks is that none of our votes count. Sure, we voted, but they are absentee ballots. They only are counted in the event of a tie. What type of statement is that towards democracy. You fight, you die, but your vote while deployed doesn't count."
The group discussion continued, " As a military officer I will serve whoever is Commander and Chief. But this is the wrong guy for the job, and the wrong time for our country. He's weak."
"This is a war. Karzai wants it both ways. He wants to point the finger at us whenever he thinks he can gain favor with the Afghan people. But he wants our money and our soldiers to fight for him. I expect Obama to support him, cut our budgets and hang us out to dry for the sake of his vision of change. He is all about negotiating and compromise."
If you're wondering what you can do, please support the wonderful efforts of Operation Graititude. They need your help.
May God bless our military and their loved ones.

He's been living in America for at least twenty-five years and finally became a naturalized citizen last month on his 51st birthday. I don't always agree with Christopher Hitchens -- religion being one issue -- but like most conservatives, I was elated when he excoriated the Clintons' values during the 90s. He quickly became the conservatives' favorite lefty. He understands the WOT and supports President Bush's efforts thwarting terrorists. So I am a little puzzled why he believes Mrs. Bill Clinton would make a good president: I'd vote for Giuliani because of the war. Mrs. Clinton has a good position on the war, too. If she were running against an anti-war Republican, which could happen, if it was Hillary vs. Chuck Hagel, let's say—he's not running, but let's suppose he was—well, then I'd vote for her. Because she's serious about the war—or at least she has to pretend to be. I'm a single-issue voter.
In this fascinating interview, he brings up an interesting point: Before I could vote, I wrote in a column that I was for the re-election of George Bush, Sr. That was the first time I ever wrote or said in public who I was for. If George Bush, Sr., had that second term, I think we would be living in a better world in lots of ways. One of which would have been, we never would have elected George Bush, Jr. People forget that. People who always vote Democratic don't realize that if they didn't want this George Bush they should have voted for the last. They think of it as zero-sum: You're either an elephant or a donkey. I hate the whole mentality. It produces boring parties and bad politicians. I've never been a supporter of either party in America. My line is that I dislike the Republicans, but I despise the Democrats.
And yet another:
Do you think we will win the War on Terror and defeat radical Islam?
No, no. None of these wars ever get won, but we're not going to lose the war against Islamic jihad, which is what it really is. I don't know how we will define our victory, but they will lose. It will do terrible damage, but where it succeeds is where it fails.
Read the entire interview.
88 This is choice: Hitch sets Ron Reagan, JR, straight.
Labels: Christopher Hitchens, George Bush, WOT
WOOF WOOF And what better way to send your birthday greetings. |
Well, hush ma mouth, y'allllll, if it isn't Mizz Lucianne's birthday! |
I wanted to wish you a happy birthday personally, but Hillary won't let me. |
![]() | I wrote the song Happy Birthday, y'know. |
I'll drink to that! |

"I'm sorry I don't have a square to spare, now if you don't mind."

Yeah, the Sopranos are gangsters and killers. So what. Never missing a single, solitary episode doesn't equal idolatry or even admiration. It means that I love the show. So have some pity, already, cuz I'm in mourning.
Just some of the reasons why I'll miss Tony (in no particular order):
* Tony explaining the mob: "In the old days, the ones that came over, that started this thing, they didn't get mad. They just smiled and nodded and made sure you got it later. That's the whole beautiful point. You know what they say: Revenge is like serving cold cuts."
* Tony explains Uncle Junior’s shooting him to Dr. Melfi: "I got caught up in domestic violence. You think it can't happen to you, but it does."
* Tony explains parenting:
Tony: "Violence? You're lucky I didn't put my shoe up your ass."
AJ: "You see? Now, that's abuse. I know what my rights are. I can call Social Services, and they'll send a case worker."
Tony: "Go ahead, he'll get the other shoe."
* Tony explains the bottom line: "But we are a family. And even in this fucked up age that means something. So we are going to deal with this like a family."
Just some of what I loved about last night’s episode (in no particular order):
* Sydney Pollack, playing an incarcerated oncologist, explaining to Johnny Sack how he ended up in prison by getting high on coke and booze and killing his wife: "I killed her aunt too, I didn't know she was there... And the mailman. At that point, I had to fully commit."
* The baptism scene so reminiscent of The Godfather.
* Carmine Jr.’s mangled vocabulary, like Norm Crosby, the “Master of the malaprop, Norm always speaks from his 'diagram' and drinks' decapitated' coffee.” Little Carmine even kinda looks like Norm Crosby.
Btw, last night’s story of Johnny Sack dying from lung cancer had eerie parallels to the actor’s real life: Curatola's mother, who was not a smoker, died of lung cancer when she was only 39. His wife's brother, who did smoke and was an ironworker who spent seven months working at Ground Zero, lost his battle with lung cancer two months before Curatola was due to start work on the episode.
"We had just buried him," he says, "and then that script comes in - I was in shock."
David Chase reveals THE GANGSTERS WHO INSPIRED THE SOPRANOS: Unlike their fictitious counterparts, however, Richie the Boot and Tony Boy never brooded over their sadistic acts like Tony Soprano and his family.
Instead, they kept a rubbish incinerator in the grounds of their vast mansion and used it as a private crematorium. Afterwards, the ashes were scattered across a huge vegetable patch on which Boiardo senior erected a sign reading: “The Godfather’s Garden.”
Personally, I don’t see Tony getting whacked. I just don’t. I don’t see him being carted off to jail, either. So how will it end? Who knows? Vincent Curatola (Johnny Sack) on the ending: Curatola won't say whether or not Tony Soprano or Christopher Moltisanti meet their maker by the business end of a 9 millimeter. But he does allow that series creator David Chase, who wrote and directed the series finale, has most likely filmed more than one ending.
"There's a little camera work in there where David can go this way or that way," he says.
Labels: David Chase, SOPRANOS, The Godfather
Brooklyn Boy sent me the article Mystery cat takes regular bus to the shops, which reminded me of a similar story about a local dog.
I worked across the street from a dive of a bar called the McClintock, upon which I based my Spud Shelanski story. The owner had a beagle named Buddy who sunned himself in the front window while putting on a great show for passers-by. During the Christmas season, he’d bark and howl at the horse drawn carriages.
Buddy was known for visiting area restaurants. He'd trot right in the front door and someone would give him food. His was a discerning palate, according to his owner, because he’d bypass a few of our local eateries causing him to wander far and wide for his culinary delights. So his owner attached a medallion to his collar which instructed anyone who found him to put Buddy in a Vet's Taxi. (One time the cops found him toddling along the interstate.) The taxi drivers knew Buddy and would deliver him back to the bar where they would get paid.
Buddy’s activities were such a hoot that the McClintock owner and the Vet’s Taxi owner got together and made this hilarious TV commercial using Buddy. "Have a carefree evening of fun at the McClintock and then let a Vet's taxi safely take you home." There was Buddy shown hopping out of the taxi, trotting into the McClintock and hopping upon a bar stool. Later, there was Buddy trotting out of the bar and into the taxi out front.
Everyone loved Buddy, but the health department finally banned him from the bar, which made no sense cuz Buddy was the cleanest thing there.
I loved Sunday night's episode of The Sopranos. The opening scene was a perfect foreshadowing of the final shows. With cops banging incessantly on their front door early in the morning, Carm bolts upright in bed and asks, "Is this it?" The big surprise for me was when Bobby admitted that he had never "popped his cherry" by whacking someone.
Here's the synopsis.
I didn't think it was slow, however ... Final Season Premiere: For those of you who were disappointed by the lack of action and violence in the last season, rest assured, and brace yourselves: you're in for a classic--and merciless--Sopranos comeback! Although the first episode will start slow, by the end of the second, it will be quite apparent that the show will neither bow out quietly, nor succumb to a dull exit. This final season promises to be packed wall-to-wall with dramatic, jaw-dropping, and riveting scenes confirming that in its final hours, the show will get ugly!
Cast your VOTE HERE: Who do you think will get whacked this season on "The Sopranos"?
Interblogatory musings ...
8 Speaking of presidents, Doug Powers wants to know, Do We Really Want a President Who Is Afraid of a Cable Network? (scroll down to heading): A presidential candidate who’s afraid of a friggin’ cable television network probably isn’t the best equipped to protect the nation from Iran, Al Qaeda, Kim Jong Il or any other threat — but dammit, they’ll have shown Fox News who’s scared!
8 Y'gotta be kidding! Blog Police?
8 If you could, Which Show Would You Stop?
8 Is thatch all there is? Roofers Wanted: Irish thatchers are turning to immigrant labor to fill the empty slots.
8 Don’t leave home without your fast food maps.
Labels: Blog Police, fast food joints, Fox News, half-vast Left with no cajones, Irish thatched roofs, Tony Soprano, WOT