imkittymyers at hotmail dot com
Friday, December 16, 2005
You could just feel the collective energy in the air last night as school kids throughout the area were fervently praying for a snow day. And, of course, they got it. There are now 4 days of school remaining in this year.
I don't know how many inches we got; I'm guessing 3" - 4". Big deal. It's winter. The temperature moderated, though. It was in the 20s this morning. A couple of days ago it was -6*.
Go ahead and leave a comment on any ol' subject, as long as it's decent.
In the meantime ...
8 FARRELL IN REHAB: "MIAMI Vice" must have driven him to it! Reps for Colin Farrell announced the star checked himself into rehab late yesterday, claiming the old nugget "exhaustion" and addiction to prescription painkillers. The pills had been prescribed to the lusty Leprechaun after a "back injury." No other information was given. Farrell had developed a set of man-boobs and an unhealthy sheen due to his constant partying during the long months of shooting "Miami Vice" on location. The lothario, who has been linked to more than 20 women this year alone, was a regular at the hot bars and clubs on Miami Beach.
Compare Farrell's media treatment to Limbaugh's, who has never been charged with a single crime after 26 months and a ton of misinformation in the news. You'll find up-to-date news on Rush here, including his huge court victory.
8 Why is someone killing the fish in Hollywood? SLEEP WITH FISHES: AGENTS in Los Angeles like to behave as if they have mafia muscle, but someone at William Morris has taken it too far. In a phenomenon vaguely reminiscent of the horse-head-in-the-bed scene in "The Godfather," someone is killing the firm's fishes — and leaving their slimy corpses on desks. According to an e-mail obtained by, "Someone killed [agent] Charles King's assistant's goldfish and left it on his desk. Then another agent got a fish and it disappeared from the bowl. They have actually involved security to see who may have done it. They're waiting for it to turn up dead."
8 Thinking of seeing the just released movie RENT? According to Village Voice columinist Michael Musto: "A FRIEND of mine is undergoing chemotherapy, but said in all seriousness, 'It's better than "Rent" '"
8 Mrs. Media Matters loves this, even though it's "nerve-wracking."
8 Finally, just in time for the holidaze, The Bunnies have finished their 30-second version of A Christmas Story! And don't forget their It's A Wonderful Life :~)
You'll shoot your eye out, kid!
Thursday, December 15, 2005
In addition to my regular daily routine -- y'know, cooking, cleaning, the occasional stint watching Little H -- Christmas preparations have me swamped. It began when I decided to make some cards this year as I've done in the past. I swore I wouldn't because it takes time, but hells-bells I got inspired. Happens every year.
PLUS, I decided to print a book of my short story blog as a present for my mother, the woman who has everything and wants for nothing. She's not seen it online, so I thought she'd get a kick out of seeing a hard copy. (I know I would!) I didn't want to print it in an 8.5" x 11" format, so I used 5" x 8" tablets of plain paper. The sheets are so thin that I can only print on one side. I copy'n'pasted everything, including the pictures, from my blog to word docs and printed the entire thing on the computer, which took hours. I used a 110 lb. wt. paper, which resembles a very stiff card, for the covers, then a friend in the printing business bound the 90+ pages together with a plastic spiral for free.
Total cost $1.23 (paper). Satisfaction; PRICELESS!
In the midst of all this, I had to have my annual physical yesterday. I used to have it in the summer, but I kept edging it later and later in the year. Kinda like you do with your car's inspectation. I hate going to doctors. However, I needed a new script for my allergy meds, so I had to succumb to the embarrassment. This morning I'm off to have blood work done, for which I've had to fast. That means no coffee, either =:O
Later gator :~)
Monday, December 12, 2005
But you don't have much snow?
Then here y'go!
In honor of the fact that I'm an honorary Texan,
here's my version -- well one of them.
I used only the accessories available on the site.
Now that I think of it,
I should have added a star to his hat, too.
And speaking of cold things,
Nope! In fact someone at NBC really doesn't like the $65M perkster, and Page Six prints the snarky parody for our pleasure :~)
Here's a teaser:
'Tis right before seven, On the set of 'Today,'
There struts a smug diva, Who wants things her way.
Her cheeks are quite rosy, With layers of rouge ...
Which reminded me that sometimes Couric behaves like a donnaccia in public =:O