imkittymyers at hotmail dot com
Saturday, April 03, 2004
First I clean up my potty mouth and now a SPORTS CORNER! Yee gads, what’s next? Somebody check my temperature. Is there a doctor in the house?
BASEBALL STUFF: This one’s for you, Shortstop:) JETER IS #1 WITH GALS! Like this is news to anyone? I mean, I am NOT sports, unless you count treadmills, but even I knew this one. Like, duh! ‘By a 3-2 margin, women picked the Yankees' soft-eyed shortstop over third baseman Alex Rodriguez as the Bronx Bomber they would most like to have blast a home run over their fence, according to a new survey by a national dating service.’
FOOTBALL STUFF: Hmmmm, seems like Rush Limbaugh got into a whole lotta trouble for saying a whole lotta less. ‘When college football has-been Paul Hornung told a Detroit radio station Tuesday that the sagging Fighting Irish should lower their academic admissions standards to attract "the black athlete," the implications were clear: African-Americans can't get it done in the classroom. And whites can't get it done on the gridiron.’
TRUE MARCH MADNESS: The last standings I received from Boss state that I am #2 (strictly in the literal sense only:) in the March Madness pool/contest/whatever. I just wanted to put that in writing before my standing drops outta sight (I picked Gonzaga to go all the way).
THIS LITTLE PIGGIE ATE WHAT?: Billy Bob Thornton once rescued his pet pig, Albert, from choking to death by performing the Heimlich maneuver. The digestive drama unfolded a few years ago after Thornton fed the oinker a big piece of chicken marsala. "He didn't even pretend to chew it," Thornton tells Stuff magazine. "The whole thing went down, and the next thing you know, he's choking . . . I got him underneath his stomach - just like you see on television - and I kind of picked him up. I just kept squeezing and pumping him until it came out . . . The funny thing about it was, as soon as I pumped it out of him, he tried to get it again. It was like, 'Come on, man.' "
THE CURSE OF WINNING: He can’t win for losing … hee hee hee! ‘After waiting almost a year to claim his prize, the winner of the biggest lottery jackpot in Canadian history might have to share his huge windfall. He may also need to shell out for some legal advice.’
DUBYA STRIKES AGAIN?: A headline in the Washington Post on Thursday: "Kerry Criticizes President, Then Undergoes Surgery."
Friday, April 02, 2004
Straight from Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy headquarters: a witty, all-in-one handbook of conservative responses to liberal lunacy!
"Hillary Clinton's 506-page memoirs has come out . So much of her personality shines through, that in the end, you, too, will want to sleep with an intern." - Craig Kilborn
"In the book she says when Bill told her he was having an affair, she said 'I could hardly breathe, I was gulping for air.' No, I'm sorry, that's what Monica said." - David Letterman
"In Hillary Clinton's new book 'Living History,' Hillary details what it was like meeting Bill Clinton, falling in love with him, getting married, and living a passionate, wonderful life as husband and wife. Then on page two, the trouble starts." - Jay Leno
"Hillary Clinton, our junior senator from New York, announced that she has no intentions of ever, ever running for office of the President of the United States. Her husband, Bill Clinton, is bitterly disappointed. He is crushed. There go his dreams of becoming a two-impeachment family." - David Letterman
"Last night, Senator Hillary Clinton hosted her first party in her new home in Washington. People said it was a lot like the parties she used to host at the White House. In fact, even the furniture was the same." - Jay Leno
"Senator Hillary Clinton is attacking President Bush for breaking his campaign promise to cut carbon dioxide emissions, saying a promise made, a promise broken. And then out of habit, she demanded that Bush spend the night on the couch." - Late, Late Show host Craig Kilborn
"CNN found that Hillary Clinton is the most admired woman in America. Women admire her because she's strong and successful. Men admire her because she allows her husband to cheat and get away with it." - Jay Leno
"Hillary Clinton is the junior senator from the great state of New York. When they swore her in, she used the Clinton family Bible. You know, the one with only seven commandments." - David Letterman
'It's hard to think of a time without the Internet at the ready. Hard to recall an age when information was not flowing free; borderless and without edit.'
-- Matt Drudge April 2, 2004
Miami Beach, FL, USA
Ninth Anniversay of the DRUDGE REPORT
Nice hat, Matt!
Having your posts deleted on Lucianne is not quite the same as getting your face on the cover of the Rolling Stone. Yet, in a strictly Clintonian tortured reasoning, I was deleted because of the Rolling Stone. Well, kinda.
To recap: Yesterday I discovered that my two posts on Luciannce had been deleted. I reviewed the rules of posting and determined that I had not done anything wrong. So I contacted both the webmaster and Lucianne herself. When the webmaster told me that my posts were deleted due to language … specifically, my reference to John F***ing Kerry and my reference to Her Royal C … I wasn’t angry, I was utterly humiliated. To make matters worse, I had read the rules and had not even recognized my own mistakes!
So how does this involve the Rolling Stone? I began referring to Kerry that way after he had used the “F” word in describing Bush’s Iraq policy in an interview he had done in the Rolling Stone. Plus, Kerry had begun referring to himself as John F. Kerry, “the other JFK.” Kerry, whose middle name is Forbes, was trying to capitalize on the Kennedy association. At first, John You-know-what Kerry was funny, a way of needling him for his spurious, haughty nature. But even I have to admit that it was wearing on me. So, I have decided to refer to that person as John Façade Kerry. It means false and it sounds so very French.
HOWEVER, I will continue to refer to HER as Her Royal C. “C” refers to Clintoness, but I got tired of typing out that long word, so I shortened it to its initial. I won’t be coy; I realize some of you may infer something else. So, if you prefer to read it as Her Royal Cutie, I can’t stop you.
GIT down!: Who would ever want to replicate Clinton, right? Like, duh! But apparently the Façade thinks that that’s the winning formula. If Bubba did MTV, then naturally the Façade will, too. He did a sit-down with MTV’s Gideon Yago and, from the sounds of it, made a façade of himself in the process.
‘Kerry confided to Yago that he was "never into heavy metal" but was "fascinated" by the "poetry," "anger," and "social energy" of rap and hip hop. As with everything else, Kerry then took the other side of the issue, leaving people with the impression that you should and should not listen to violent gangster rap. "I think when you start talking about killing cops or something like that, it bothers me," Kerry said. "But understand, I'm still listening, because I know it's a reflection of the street and it's a reflection of life."’
Standing firm: On abortion, that is. Yes, just like Clinton, the Façade believes that “fertilized eggs” can be killed. ‘Kerry would rather protect abortion than prosecute criminals. Unborn children in his view don't even deserve the rights of criminals. Where criminals possess some rights, in his view, unborn children possess none at all.’
War, that is. An excellent article by Arnold Ahlert: ‘WHAT could have been worse than 9/11? How about follow-up attacks in Chicago and Los Angeles only weeks later? That was the plan, according to Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, alleged al Qaeda operations chief now in custody.’
Christopher Hitchens points to the recent blood-thirst in Fallujah and reminds us that that still could be a possibility for us right here on our doorstep. ‘Fallujah is a reminder, not just of what Saddamism looks like, or of what the future might look like if we fail, but of what the future held before the Coalition took a hand.’
RESIDENTS BEEF OVER RATS: ‘MOLLY Shannon, designer Carlos Miele, Us editor-in-chief Janice Min and other residents of an exclusive new Meatpacking District loft building are freaking out over rat infestation. And they're furious at developer Jeffrey M. Brown and architect Gregg Pasquerelli of ShoP. "Rats are coming out of people's Viking ranges, sitting on sofas and falling on people's heads," says one irate resident of the Porterhouse. "Someone's dog even died because of the building's sloppy placement of rat poison." To make matters worse, occupants paid dearly for their rodent-filled retreats. Prices in the building range from $735,000 for one-bedroom apartments to $4.15 million for the penthouse. A typical two-bedroom loft costs $1.3 million. Pasquerelli also lives there, but our source said he spends his time avoiding other residents and no longer returns their calls. Until the rat problem is solved, we're told, "Some people have checked into hotels and many of us are considering lawsuits." Pasquerelli didn't return calls.’
Thursday, April 01, 2004
I noticed that my two posts were deleted ... DELETED!!!! ... on So, I e-mailed the webmaster and asked why. I wasn't angry, I was devastated! I didn't want anyone to think I had done something wrong.
I waited and waited and waited some more. No response from webmaster. After waiting a total of TWO WHOLE MINUTES, maybe longer, I e-mailed Lucianne personally, and she replied:
'I think you may have gotten caught in the unfortunate name calling KStan thread business. Everyone involved was blown away this morning. Let things calm down and I will check with the webmaster and see what I can do.'
I didn't know what she meant by "name calling KStan," but I felt better knowing that I wasn't involved. It must have been a mistake; I must have been deleted by mistake.
Boy is MY face red! Webmaster said my posts were deleted because I had used symbols for dirty words, specifically John "F***ing" Kerry and Her Royal "C." So I quickly replied that I was terribly sorry and that it wouldn't happen again. Just to make certain I realized my error, webmaster quickly replied with the exact rule which covers such infractions:
No if's and's or *$()#@()#!!!'s:
We remind you that using symbols to get around the 'dirty-word-filter' is not acceptable. We see a growing number of these being used and we will be revoking the posting privileges of those who continue to 'swear by them'.
Updated 02 MAY 03 - ed.
LDotter Reminder: Again, we have to jump on posters about language. There are a lot of stories in the news about things we used to not talk about in public. We can't help that but this site was not built to add to the coarseness of the times. Sexual, scatological posts, posts that advocate death and dismemberment and posts that use offensive language will be deleted.
So wadda y'think? Should I refrain from using the "symbols" here or not?
A teacher in a small Rhode Island town asks her class how many of them are John Kerry fans. Not really knowing what a John Kerry fan is, but wanting to be liked by the teacher, all the kids raise their hands except one boy.
The teacher asks Johnny why he has decided to be different.
Johnny says, "I'm not a John Kerry fan."
The teacher says, "Why aren't you a John Kerry fan?"
Johnny says, "I'm a George Bush fan."
The teacher asks why he's a George Bush fan.
The boy says, "Well, my mom's a George Bush fan and my dad's a George Bush fan, so I'm a George Bush fan!"
The teacher is kind of angry, because this is Rhode Island, so she asks, "What if your mom was a moron and your dad was an idiot, what would that make you?"
Johnny says, "THAT would make me a John Kerry fan."
Apparently a certain “John Kerry fan” in Houston took offense to that joke and sent an e-mail to someone who, in turn, forwarded the fan’s comments to about 50 more people. It eventually worked its way into my e-mail box. I decided NOT to list his e-mail address or name, although I had considered it. Think of all the truly tasteless jokes the Left tell about President Bush. Like the joke Kerry made about the Secret Service having orders to shoot Dan Quayle if Bush 41 died, which I referenced on March 27th (the link is no longer working). And this thing about Bush's pronunciation of the word "nuclear." Does anyone else recall Kennedy saying "Cuber" instead of Cuba? We’ve all heard the jokes about Bush; this Kerry joke is a nothing by comparison. But, that’s the Left for you. And these people have driver’s licenses and they vote. Here's the Kerry fan's response to that joke:
Subject: Re: Are you a John Kerry fan???
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2004 10:20:49 -0600
No morons or idiots in my family. And while I think George Dubya may be a nice enough ol' guy to sit and have some beer and barbecue with here in Texas, he's squandered a couple of opportunities, and I think he's toast.
I understand and really don't care what happened with Bush's military records. Kerry went overseas. And I wouldn't mind if I found out that all he did there was to become a rock 'n' roll deejay and scream, "Good Mornin' Vietnam!!" Nearly every one of us men my age were scared in the late 60's and early 70's about going to fight in that "crazy Asian war" (as Kenny Rogers would sing it). So go ahead and poke all the fun you want and alter all those photos you have of John Kerry. You have damn-short memories.
Let's hear Kerry in just one debate with Number 43. Can't wait to hear Mr. President pronounce "nuclear". Or discuss the job market. And I have no problem with anybody changing his/her mind if a policy has proven to be a mistake. Has that ever happened in your own life? You may be a hypocrite and not even know it.
This angry, rarified Democrat -- who even supported the war in Iraq, who doesn't give a damn anymore about weapons of mass destruction, who realizes that the whole mess is a done-deal anyway, who is troubled by constant campaign film clips of the collapsing World Trade Center buildings, who suffered through unemployment for almost six months, who sees reports of layoffs every day in the newspaper, and who is from purported Bush Country -- will vote "my pocketbook" like millions of others in November. The late-great Soul/R & B singer Sam Cooke put it best: "A change gonna come ...."
Take your jokes and smoke 'em. Get respectable and get a life.
To answer your question -- YES .... I am a John Kerry Fan.
Houston, TX
For you history buffs (Boss:), April Fool’s Day apparently has “serious origins” dating back to 1582, when Pope Gregory XII fiddled with the calendar.
And for the more frolicsome of you Litterers (Slappy:), the Top 100 April Fool’s Day Hoaxes of All Time, beginning with “The Swiss Spaghetti Harvest,” in 1957.
That April Fool 365 days a year, Al Franken, debuted his talk radio show called the O’Franken Factor (he and B O’R have a feud) yesterday, and (I think Limbacher) was listening. ‘In Rush Limbaugh's liberal radio network parody "The Tom Daschle Show," the Senate minority leader-turned-temporary radio host is frustrated when his only caller turns out to be none other than former Vice President Al Gore.’
That f***ing Francais fool, Kerry, has apparently reminded Hugh Hewitt, in The Weekly Standard, of Frank Burns of M*A*S*H. I am very flattered as I pointed out that very resemblence back on February 26th:
‘Which got me to thinking that John Kerry is so Frank Burns from M*A*S*H. At least twice Burns applied for the Purple Heart for such combat heroics as being struck in the eye by a “shell fragment” (which turned out to be an eggshell from breakfast) and throwing out his back. Like Kerry, foppish Frank was haughty and hollow and lampooned by his peers. Both men married women who controlled the purse strings. Kerry’s continued harping on his he-man heroics could be his undoing. “Suicide is painless, it brings on many changes …”’
It also appeared in the letters section of The American Spectator on February 27th. Y’don’t suppose that gave Hewitt the idea, do you? Naah!
I wouldn’t call the Clintons fools, more like leftovers. Remember their ’92 slogan of “two for the price of one”? Well, it seems that Bubba is suggesting something similar. "The former president has made it clear he will do anything to help the Democrats retake the White House and get America back on course," says a former Clinton White House staffer. "That said, this is probably the former President's attempt to get Kerry to focus on Hillary as the vice presidential nominee. By stoking the P.R. machine he's saying, 'You get her on the ticket, then you have me.'"
A fool and his $$ are soon parted if they buy that fool Clarke’s book. Richard Miniter has written a great piece in the Opinion Journal today called Against Selected Enemies. Better you should read Miniter’s book: “LOSING BIN LADEN: How Bill Clinton’s Failures Unleashed Global Terror” instead.
‘Years before the public knew about bin Laden, Bill Clinton did. Bin Laden first attacked Americans during Clinton’s presidential transition in December 1992. He struck again at the World Trade Center in February 1993. Over the next eight years the archterrorist’s attacks would escalate killing hundreds and wounding thousands—while Clinton did his best to stymie the FBI and CIA and refused to wage a real war on terror. … If Clinton had fought back, the attacks on September 11, 2001 might never have happened.’
We’re not all fools. This full court press the Left and their sycophant media have been waging in tandem against Dubya has not succeeded as they had hoped. ‘Majority of Americans Continue to Believe Iraq "Worth It" Bush job approval on handling Iraq now at 51%’
Wednesday, March 31, 2004
Shhhhhh, don’t tell the Left, but much of what they’re doing is beginning to backfire on them.
“Stark Rove-ing Mad”: Remember all those protestors outside Karl Rove’s home protesting Bush’s immigration policies? The ones that were transported by SCHOOL BUSES (which school district’s tax $$ paid for THAT?). ‘Had they done their homework, moreover, they might have learned that the boy who was inside the Rove house with Mr. Rove's young son on Sunday is himself an immigrant from India and the son of an immigrant attorney--Shakun Drew--who specializes in immigration law. Though a Democrat, Mrs. Drew says she's impressed both by President Bush's immigration package and her neighbor's role in advancing it. "Karl is the last person whose house they should be protesting in front of," she tells us.
Then again, maybe it's not that surprising that President Bush's immigration plan should engender such a violent reaction from a collection of left-wing community "activists." In many ways, these are precisely the people who have the most to lose from a Bush immigration reform founded on responsibility and the American Dream rather than subsidy and entitlement.’
“Why Clarke HELPED Bush”: ‘No matter what negatives emerge on Bush's conduct in dealing with terrorism, it will still be the president's issue. So as damaging as the Clarke testimony was - and as hurtful as his book is - all it does is ratify terrorism and the response to 9/11 as major issues in the election.’
“Bush Attack Fatigue”: According to John Podhoretz: “[Clarke] has been embraced by the Michael Moore-Al Franken crowd, and has been canonized by a liberal media that has basically decided it will do whatever it can to prevent Bush's re-election. But the very fact that Clarke's criticisms are so patently over the top and false …’
‘The second factor helping the president is the nature of the 9/11 hearings themselves. There's something about congressional inquiries that just get people's hackles up. The grandstanding of committee members, the discomfort of the witnesses and the way everybody drones on for hours make it all seem a bit unseemly.’
“Lefty Love-In”: Speaking of that sycophant Franken and that squalid Moore, ‘NO prize for guessing who Al Franken's first guest will be when the new liberal radio network, Air America, takes flight today. He took no chances and booked heavyweight blowhard and Ralph Nader-booster Michael Moore. And if that's not comfort zone enough for the lefty loudmouth on his first day, two of Moore's former TV producing colleagues, husband and wife team Patrick Farrelly and Kate O'Callaghan, are shooting a fly-on-the-wall documentary about the network's launch. We're betting it'll be fair and balanced!’
According to James Hirsen's The Left Coast Report: 'We might soon get to see how well Al Franken fares against Tucker Carlson and Peggy Noonan in a battle of wits. The venerable quiz show "Jeopardy" is set to host the three familiar faces in May.'
“Playing Martyr”: While doing his darndest to portray himself as a “practicing Irish Catholic,” it seems that Kerry was a bit surprised that anyone would bitch about him taking communion. Catholics not in good standing are not supposed to take communion, and his stance on abortion does not put him in good standing. There is a rumor that John F***ing Kerry sees this as an opportunity to make political hay. ‘[A]ccording to other sources inside the Kerry camp, aides are attempting to identify a Catholic diocese, and perhaps even a specific priest and church, where Kerry could attend a Mass with reporters present, and be turned away at the altar attempting to receive communion.’ Y’see why he has earned that middle name?
Tuesday, March 30, 2004
Do they still harbour a grudge from 1776 or what? ‘You can experience all kinds of laughter in a theatre - ribald, good-natured, hysterical, sympathetic, shocked - and I love them all. There is, however, one kind of laughter I loathe, and Follow My Leader is full of it.’
THE TROUBLE WITH CLARKE’S SALES PITCH: ‘How can we explain this eager suspicion of Bush against the evidence -- this drive to blame hidden enemies at home rather than declared ones abroad for the Pearl Harbors of our day? Since Pearl Harbor many Americans, especially the cultural elites and the left, have overcome patriotism. They like to think of themselves as citizens of the world above petty national prejudices. But in practice they are merely inverted patriots who tend to take the opposite side in any foreign quarrel.’
What will be the liberal talk radio’s telephone number? They think that hate will carry them, but Jay Severin reminds them that ‘it’s strictly business.’ GREAT READ!
What do you think their phone should be, or will be?
Yesiree bub, because Hollywood … that den of iniquity, that city of sin, that cesspool of pagans … has discovered FAITH! Or something like it. It’s all the rage, y’know. It’s IN! Madonna is doing that kabbalah thing. She made wearing those red string thingies on your wrist THEE fashion craze for the bubble-headed set. So money has to be involved.
THE GOD SQUAD: Okay, okay, in all seriousness, there are those in the industry who have declared their faith. However, Mel Gibson, who was threatened with being ostracized from Hollywood before “Passion,” is ‘now in the enviable position of not caring if he ever eats lunch in [Hollywood] again.’
Thanks to Mel’s vision and courage: ‘By latest unofficial count, there are four religious epics in serious review around town, and, undoubtedly, scores more being eagerly churned out on laptops from Silver Lake to Malibu. Actors who haven't had a job in years are now surfacing to offer up intimate details of their deep spiritual convictions.’
PA$$ION $ELL$: Books and soundtracks, and accessories, too.
GOD & RONALD REAGAN: Jeremy Lott has written a review of the latest book on Reagan and his faith called God and Ronald Reagan, by Paul Kengor: ‘… the young Dutch conceived of his relationship with the Almighty in entirely solitary terms: God was there for him when no one else could be. For Reagan, church was but one possible manifestation of that relationship, ending Communism another.’
Monday, March 29, 2004
Here's the only photo I found showing the demonstrators surrounding Rove's home. They were so close they knocked on his windows!
Check out the comments posted by both Gayle and LoanCat about the demonstrators at Rove's house (post below). I'm glad there's some righteous outrage out there! I'd still like to know if this has happened before to other conservatives and/or Republicans, and, if so, why they were reported. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. That was a rhetorical question. ARRRRRRGGGGGGGGGH!
This burns me up! I seethed when I read this and I’m STILL seething a couple of hours later!
‘Several hundred people stormed the small yard of President Bush's chief political strategist, Karl Rove, yesterday afternoon, pounding on his windows, shoving signs at others and challenging Rove to talk to them about a bill that deals with educational opportunities for immigrants. …
‘The protest was organized by National People's Action, a coalition of neighborhood advocacy groups based in Chicago. …
‘Rove opened his garage door and allowed Palacios and Inez Killingsworth to enter. The meeting lasted two minutes and ended with Rove closing the garage door on Palacios while she was still talking.
Palacios said that Rove was "very upset" and was "yelling in our faces" and that Rove told them "he hoped we were proud to make his 14-year-old and 10-year-old cry."
A White House spokesman said one of the children was a neighbor.
Palacios, trembling and in tears herself, said, "He is very offended because we dared to come here. We dared to come here because he dared to ignore us. I'm sorry we disturbed his children, but our children are disturbed every day.
"He also said, 'Don't ever dare to come back,' " Palacios said. "We will, if he continues to ignore us."’
To which L.dotters replied:
‘Reply 6 - Posted by: Evocatus, 3/28/2004 11:54:12 PM
This is what yard sprinklers are for.
Reply 11 - Posted by: ForNow, 3/28/2004 11:58:54 PM
Demonstrations at conservatives’ homes have been going on for years, little reported. I guess this story made it into the Washington Post because Executive Editor Leonard Downie Jr. so hates Rove’s guts & was so amused by its happening to Rove, that he forgot that stories of harassment & intimidation against conservatives are supposed to go unreported in major news outlets.
Reply 28 - Posted by: GoldenSt8r, 3/29/2004 2:28:00 AM
The one who threatened a return visit if Rove doesn't meet them again is named Emira Palacios, from Wichita, Kansas. Bio.
It seems she's done the same thing to the Kansas Governor's Chief of Staff in 2003.’
For starters, I’d like to know:
1) Were these people arrested?
2) They used SCHOOL BUSES for transportation. Who authorized that? And Why?
3) Was there property damage? If so, who will pay?
4) Have there really been similar demonstrations at other conservatives’ home in the past? Why haven’t they been reported? (Or is that a rhetorical question?)
This Meet The Press exchange explains a lot:
‘RUSSERT: Did you vote for George Bush in 2000?
CLARKE: No, I did not.
RUSSERT: You voted for Al Gore?
CLARKE: Yes, I did.’
Hi$ book deal explain$ even MORE:
Former counterterrorism chief Richard Clarke is on track to earn over $1 million in cash advance and royalties for his controversial book AGAINST ALL ENEMIES, publishing sources tell the DRUDGE REPORT.
"Mr. Clarke's six-figure advance will soon turn into a seven-figure compensation, if sales continue at this pace," a top source at Clarke's imprint SIMON & SCHUSTER reveals.
"Astonishingly, we are already approaching a point where the advance paid to Mr. Clarke is covered."
AGAINST ALL ENEMIES sold more than 140,000 unites in its first week, a second publishing insider claims.
Publicly, SIMON & SCHUSTER has refused to reveal specifics of its contract with Clarke, citing business privilege.
But an insider explains how the contract called for bonuses to be paid to Clarke for "hitting The [NYT bestsellers] List" in its debut, a contact clause common in publishing.
"There are bonuses for each week the book remains on the charts," the source, who demanded anonymity, explains.’
HOWEVER, some people aren’t buying his shpeel:
‘A group of New York families of 9/11 victims came out swinging against Richard Clarke yesterday, accusing the former White House anti-terror chief of cashing in on the tragedy with his explosive book.
In a scathing open letter, the furious families also ripped Clarke for releasing the controversial tome to coincide with his appearance before the 9/11 commission on Wednesday.’
Well, maybe it’s due to Marfan Syndrome. Lucianne posted this article about how “A Fit Kerry [is] Dogged by Medical Questions.”
‘Sen. John F. Kerry, by most measures an unusually fit 60-year-old, has spent key parts of his presidential campaign battling ailments ranging from prostate cancer to a stubborn cough and cold.
Kerry frequently complains to reporters of a stiff right shoulder or allergies that leave his voice raspy and sore. For much of this year, Kerry has curtailed speaking and sipped hot lemon tea to nurse a voice strained by hacking and yakking. In mid-February, he described the ailment to reporters as a "chest thing" and griped about its persistence.
On Wednesday, Kerry will undergo elective shoulder surgery for a slight tear, marking the second time the Democratic candidate has missed time on the hustings for an operation. In 2003, shortly after announcing his campaign, Kerry had his prostate removed to cure early-stage cancer. This week, he will be in Boston for at least four days.’
To which a couple of L.dotters suggested that Kerry quite possibly suffers from Marfan Syndrome.
‘Reply 35 - Posted by: Muteeny, 3/29/2004 7:05:50 AM
#29...I agree...he does look like he suffers from Marfan's Disease...think Abraham Lincoln. I googled it and there are some pretty serious problems associated with it. But outwardly, he sure has the characteristics.’
The suggestion being that this is why Kerry will not release all of his medical records.
The writer of the article also included this crude braggadocios judgment made by a Kerry’s aide: ‘As a soldier in Vietnam, he killed people, one aide noted.’ Is THIS how they hope to convince voters that Kerry is a macho-macho-man, by saying he killed people in war?
And this L.dotter posted this interesting heads-up:
'Reply 20 - Posted by: LadyVet, 3/29/2004 12:08:58 AM
When you go to the grocery store next, check out the cover of National Enquirer. It has Kerry and headline about Kerry & STD.'
Sunday, March 28, 2004
When DogMan and I got married, I was 18 and he was 32. It was back in the good ol’ days of Women’s Liberation, which was the precursor to the Feminist era. By definition I was a “woman’s libber,” fully imbued with anger and bitterness, all of which I directed at poor DogMan, because that’s what women’s libbers did: they burned their bras and then blamed men for everything. In all fairness, the libbers of 30 years ago broke down a few barriers which needed to be eliminated. But, like labor unions, their mere existence soon became their primary cause.
Somewhere in my mid-20s, I had an epiphany. It’s embarrassing to admit, and down right laughable, but it occurred to me that DogMan might, just might!, have a few complaints about me! No, say it ain’t so! Except that, unlike me, he rarely ever voiced them. And that was my turning point.
All of this coincided with my political awakening as well. Actually, they went hand-in-hand, but that conclusion was still years in the making back then. At the time of my epiphany, I was bogged down with two severely asthmatic preschoolers (when relatively little was known about pediatric asthma and its treatment and prevention), a mountain of bills and one severely overworked husband. The country had just crawled out of the Watergate mess and into the Carter mess. Life seemed hopeless to me. I was tired of being angry and bitter all the time; I had hated the way I had become. And that’s when I began to change with the help of three men.
1) Phil Donohue: We lived in the country with one car and no TV cable, which meant I was stuck with Sesame Street on our PBS channel or CBS. That’s how I discovered Phil Donohue. He was arrogant and self-centered, obnoxious beyond belief, and I NEVER agreed with his ideas of government. Yet he was the first person on TV who actually welcomed women’s views and treated them as though they were thinking-engaged human beings. For all his many faults, Donohue did the best political shows ever. I don’t think he counted on women thinking for themselves, however. I quit watching when his shows veered away from the social/political themes and delved into the ridiculous. Phil got me thinking.
2) President Carter: We felt his fiscal policies with every single paycheck, not to mention the so-called oil crisis and the hostages in Iran. If he was a Democrat, then I knew I wasn’t one.
3) President Reagan: Ridiculed by Donohue (“The commies are coming! The commies are coming!”) and despised by Carter, Reagan was the man who energized me to register to vote for the very first time. My very first vote was for Ronald Reagan in 1980 at the age of 30. He was sunny and positive and genuinely like people. He made us feel good about being Americans again. Old Glory was pulled out of mothballs and once again displayed as it should have been, instead of burned and desecrated by cowardly protesters. I knew I was a Republican because of Reagan.
In April of 1992, I discovered Rush Limbaugh. I can’t add him to the list because, contrary to Liberals’ misconceptions, I listen to Limbaugh because he says what I think. I don’t need marching orders from anyone; I can think for myself. However, I further refined my label to being a Conservative because of Rush.
Which brings me to two excellent articles:
1) Zell Miller Rallies Democrats for Bush: ‘The Bush-Cheney campaign unveiled a new weapon Wednesday in its re-election campaign — John Kerry's longtime Democratic colleague and self-described Kerry friend — Georgia Sen. Zell Miller. …
“I was born a Democrat and I expect I’ll be a Democrat until the day I leave this earth. But I have grown mighty frustrated with the direction my party has taken over the last few years. National Democratic leaders today are moving further and further away from the principles that made our party great," Miller said, explaining why he has turned to Bush.’
Check this out:
2) My unlikely bridge to the right: ‘It quickly became clear that my understanding of conservatism was a cartoon.’
It’s your turn; what’s YOUR story?
Dick Clarke, that is, and I don’t mean Mr. American Bandstand, either. Mark Steyn took one gander at Clarke’s book and was reminded of the movie Airplane!
‘The media were very taken by this passage from his book, in which he alerts Mr Bush's incoming National Security Adviser to the terrorist threat: "As I briefed Rice on al-Qa'eda, her facial expression gave me the impression that she had never heard of the term before, so I added, 'Most people think of it as Osama bin Laden's group, but it's much more than that. It's a network of affiliated terrorist organisations with cells in over 50 countries, including the US.' "
Mr Clarke would seem to be channelling Leslie Nielsen's deadpan doctor in Airplane!: "Stewardess, we need to get this passenger to a hospital."
"A hospital? What is it?"
"It's a big building with patients, but that's not important right now."
As it turns out, Clarke's ability to read "facial expressions" is not as reliable as one might wish in a "counter-terrorism expert". In October the previous year, Dr Rice gave an interview to WJR Radio in Detroit in which she discoursed authoritatively on al-Qa'eda and bin Laden - and without ever having met Richard Clarke!’
Steyn ends his column with this bit of advice: ‘That's the Clarke-Clinton legacy. And, if it were mine, I wouldn't be going around boasting about it.’
Ann Coulter ruminates on the media’s double standard concerning Clarke’s book:
‘When an FBI agent with close, regular contact with President Clinton wrote his book, he was virtually blacklisted from the mainstream media. Upon the release of Gary Aldrich's book "Unlimited Access" in 1996, White House adviser George Stephanopoulos immediately called TV producers demanding that they give Aldrich no airtime. In terms of TV exposure, Aldrich's book might well have been titled "No Access Whatsoever."’
Good question, Ann: ‘Did Clarke have the vaguest notion of Rice's background and education? Or did he think Dr. Rice was cleaning the Old Executive Office Building at night before the president chose her -- not him -- to be national security adviser?’
From newsletter:
‘As the cliché goes, sometimes the best advertising is word of mouth ... or, sometimes not. At a Palm Beach luncheon this week we were fortunate to sit in the company of an interesting Bostonian woman, who just happens to be a neighbor of John Kerry.
Oh, perhaps we'd better clarify which of Kerry's neighborhoods we mean, as he does have five different ones. This lady is a Beacon Hill neighbor.
Of course, we couldn't help but ask - and we won't mention her name - "What do you think of John Kerry?"
She told us.
"I think he's the rudest, ugliest, most arrogant man I've ever met," she replied without a second's hesitation.
She then went on to inform us that Kerry and his wife Teresa Heinz had a fire hydrant removed from the street near their home, so they would have an extra place to park.
The last anecdote she gave us was about a visit to the grocery store. It seems the Beacon Hill neighborhood has a popular little market, which is nearly always quite crowded with long lines of shoppers waiting to check out.
On one of this neighbor's shopping trips, she said, Kerry appeared with his groceries and went straight to the front of the line demanding, "I'm a senator. Take these."’
What do YOU think of John Kerry?