imkittymyers at hotmail dot com
Saturday, May 29, 2004
How pathetic is this: I’m posting on a holiday weekend … again. I logged on this morning and no one was online. The life of a blogger you ask? No, because I actually have no life.
Locally …
Bubba will be at Cornell U deliver the commencement address. Bubba amongst bodacious coeds, all bubbly'n'eager to experience his essence, and he so willing to oblige. I did a google-news search for his visit. “Cornell closing campus parking lots and roads for Bill Clinton ...” Hell for the locals but he loves all the attention. Y’think he’ll get an apartment on campus? The funniest headline: "Cornell puts out extra seats; Clinton expected to fill them - Ithaca Journal." Is he bringing Her Royal Caboose?
Here at home …
The 26th Annual LPGA has been in Corning this week. yip-yip-yip-yip-yahoo. It’s being televised on the Golf Channel. I’ve never understood people who watch golf on TV. Then, again, I’ve never understood people who listen to the NASCAR races on radio. Watkins Glen is up the road, and the station which carries Rush used to pre-empt his show so we could hear 3 solid hours of vroom-vroom-vroom. Go figure! One vroom sounds like the next, but that’s just me.
I’ll bet you all envy me now, huh?
Alex Polier: then and now.
The girlfriends … they never really go away, do they?
Former Kerry intern Alexandra Polier writes in New York magazine that she was "peppered with questions" after her name surfaced in news stories linking her to the Massachusetts senator in February.
In the article, Polier even wonders whether one of Kerry's closest advisers thought the candidate may have been lying when he denied the affair.
"What I thought she wanted to ask, but stopped short of saying was, was I sane? Was I going to seek out the limelight? Had I started this to bring Kerry down? Perhaps she also wondered whether her own boss was telling her the truth," Polier recalls thinking after the conversation.
Friday, May 28, 2004
Rush advocated, back in 1992, a novel idea for using women in combat. He called it the All American First Calvalry Amazon Battalion. (He spells it out in his book “The Way Things Ought To Be” in chapter 17.) I remember my liberal female friends seethed when I told them; they couldn’t understand why I found it absolutely hysterical.
[I]f we're going to have women in combat, then what we need is a battalion or an infantry or some group that is always PMS-ready at the moment's notice to be called into active duty, I mean into combat duty. Because I concluded that if women are capable of killing while on PMS and can get away with it, then that's exactly what we need in the military. I mean, because the purpose of the military is to kill people and break things, that's what you do in war. And everybody was saying that women are not capable of it. So I came up with the All-American 1st Cavalry Amazon Battalion, it would be a PMS-ready at all times, and of course, you know, PMS only happens once a month.
DESPITE being frustrated by traffic jams on his commute from Chappaqua to his Harlem office, Bill Clinton ... says he has no plans to buy a pied-a-terre on the Upper West Side. The former president — who was a half-hour late to a press conference yesterday denied The Post's story that he's looking for a pad in the city, Stefan C. Friedman reports from our City Hall bureau. "No offense to the Upper West Side, but . . . I'm not a two-house sort of guy," Clinton said. "I'm kind of a nester. I've got a place to live, and I'm going to live there." After apologizing for keeping reporters waiting, Clinton continued, "I think I'm just going to start taking the train."
Members of the 'Black Watch' military regiment.
600 more troops for Iraq may be just the start
Key points:
• 600 Scottish troops ordered to Iraq, claims 3000 more troops to join them
• Black Watch to replace 1st Battalion Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders in July
• Shadow defence secretary questions if troops were adequately trained
Key Quote: "It remains the case that we, with our coalition partners, are considering the levels and disposition of forces required in Iraq in the months ahead, to support the sovereign interim government of Iraq through the process leading to the election of a transitional assembly and government early in 2005." - Geoff Hoon, Defence Secretary
Despite reservations about the choice of battalion, the Tories and Lib Dems backed the deployment, saying commanders should have the resources they need after an escalation in attacks on British forces.
Michael Howard, the Tory leader, said: "We support that. Our troops who are there are doing a very difficult and dangerous task and they are doing it magnificently. If they need help and if they need more reinforcements, we support that, and we agree with the government that we need to see it through."
No Class
Sen. John F. Kerry yesterday plagiarized from a speech given by the man he so desperately seeks to be compared to.
[I]t turns out that Kerry -- or his speechwriters -- lifted it from a speech President John F. Kennedy was to give on the afternoon of November 22, 1963, at the Trade Mart in Dallas --on the day Kennedy was shot and killed on his way to the event.
Kerry never attributed the line to Kennedy in his remarks, nor does the transcribed version of the Kerry's speech.
"He'll probably blame it on his speechwriters, the way he blames them for everything else," says a former staffer for Wesley Clark.
On Wednesday, senior campaign staffers for Kerry were laughing at the draft text of former vice president Al Gore's remarks when he sent them to Kerry as a courtesy.
Gore had shared them, perhaps believing his rant against the Bush Administration would be viewed favorably.
"It was like "Oh, my God, what medication is he on," says a political consultant who has been doing work for Kerry and formerly did work for Gore. "Then the Kerry folks realized the speech would actually help them. After Gore, anything Kerry said would seem downright substantive and moderate."
Kerry's Seattle speech, though, was neither. "He's not going to get any more specific than he already has," says a Kerry campaign staffer. "Especially on Iraq, what can he say? We're not boxed in like the New York Times would have everyone believe. We're just not going to set ourselves up to be held accountable."
Fat Harry
EIGHTEEN months ago, when Boston was picked as the site of the 2004 Democratic convention, it was compared to landing the Super Bowl. These days the four-day gathering in late July is looking more and more like a demolition derby of Democrats.
At least the unfolding fiasco is providing a sneak preview of how a Kerry administration might handle major logistical problems. And Sen. Kerry's performance as a leader has been underwhelming, to say the least.
[R]oad closings threaten to create a week-long nightmare.
For years, the liberal warhorses of the state's all-Democratic Congressional delegation have thundered about how the average American worker was "one missed paycheck away" from homelessness. Now Rep. Michael Capuano blithely advises his constituents here to simply take the entire week off.
Particularly infuriating commuters is that the convention didn't have to be held at the Fleet Center. The (Republican) governor, Mitt Romney, offered the state's brand-new convention center, in a much less congested area. But that facility lacks the skyboxes favored by network anchors.
So, to give Peter Jennings and Tom Brokaw a better backdrop, the city of Boston will pretty much shut down for five days.
Thursday, May 27, 2004
Bubba-Boy is shedding the shackles of all that Westchester domesticity and headin’ to town. He’s gittin’ himself a babe-a-licious bachelor pad on the la-di-da Upper West Side. Okay, so the term bachelor pad was mine, but why else would he get an apartment in Manhattan? Because he was tired of the (chauffeured) ride home?
"He's been looking for a place primarily on the Upper West Side with a couple of bedrooms for about $2 million," said one agent familiar with Bubba's house hunt.
"The West Side would work well for him," said Corcoran CEO Pamela Liebman. "It's more relaxed than the East Side and it has more of the Hollywood element."
As many of you know, I co-blog with Pat on Kerry Haters. But, did you know that he has another blog? Yes, it’s true, our adorable Patrick is the man with two blogs. The other one is called Brainster, and it’s a little bit of everything. Lately I’ve gotten the idea that he likes sports. He also likes movies, which I’m personally trying to encourage. Drop in and leave a comment anywhere and tell him what you’d like to see over there (hint: MOVIES). BTW, do y'think Pat might look like Steve Martin?
The differences between the male brain and the female brain.
This picture of Algore cracks me up! I saw this and couldn’t stop laughing, damned hard, too. He’s losing it right before our eyes, or maybe he’s already lost it. “It” being a grasp on reality. Pat (Kerry Haters) thinks that this Gore-basm helps him. “The sad thing is that this speech probably helps Gore. He's looking to nail down the moonbat left, and with his endorsement of Dean and his over the top rhetoric at Moo-On, he seems to be doing it.” I agree; he probably secured the radical left. However, in doing so, he probably lost a portion (or more) of his moderate base. In fact, I think he scared off far more people than he attracted. The guy is nuts! Tipper, call your mental health clinic ... quick!
By John Podhoretz
There is no way of knowing how [Gore] would have responded [to the 9/11 attacks], because it is now clear that Al Gore is insane.
I am not kidding or trying to score a cheap rhetorical shot when I say that watching Gore rant and rave and scream and yell and lose all connection with reality, common sense and even proper comportment at this moment of great stress for the Republic, even his most passionate supporters should thank God that he was not the one whose hand was on the Bible on Jan. 20, 2001.
The indiscipline shown by the sheer endlessness of Gore's address is a reflection of the psychic morass in which he has become mired.
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
Here’s a less-than-stellar report from the Scotsman about the UK’s NHS. Her Royal C loves socialized medicine, but not enough to rely upon it for her own primary health care. Just something to keep in mind for future reference.
WAITING times for cancer treatment have soared despite Tony Blair's multi-billion-pound investment in the NHS, an unpublished nationwide audit of cancer care shows.
The authoritative survey by the Royal College of Radiologists(RCR) shows that since 1998, the number of people who wait longer than the official safe maximum time for treatment has doubled. The median waiting time for all cancer treatment has risen by two weeks.
Yet the RCR study, seen by The Scotsman, makes grim reading. The audit exactly followed the format of a study conducted in 1998, which was considered to have painted a bleak picture of cancer care. The new study shows waiting times have become dramatically longer.
[T]he survey also shows disturbing failures in the ability of NHS managers to spend the new money wisely.
ACE has a nice reading selection today.
it’s Kerry Haters for all things You-know-who.
Democrats and their allies don't seem to have absorbed the lessons of the Bill Clinton sex scandal. Because if Watergate taught us that the cover-up can be more deadly than the crime, Monicagate's lesson is that overzealous critics can outweigh even outrageous behavior in the public's mind.
[Y]ou'd think the president should be running 20 points behind John Kerry.
But he's not.
The public didn't forgive Clinton. But it came to believe that the anti-Clinton rants did not match the crime — and that the ranters hadn't made the case for removing him from office.
Sure, it's disheartening for the president's supporters to hear every anti-Bush tirade being highlighted in the press, or to watch Hollywood fawn all over Michael Moore's latest screed.
But take heart and think back to Monica: Those harangues may end up shooting their authors in the foot and helping send George W. Bush back to the White House for four more years.
Pimp-turned-rapper-turned-actor Ice T is best known to millions of viewers as Detective Odafin Tumola on "Law and Order: Special Victims Unit," but fans of hard-core pornography may have caught him in that instant carnal classic, "Ice T's Pimpin' 101."
Kerry's Brilliant Scheme
The genius of not accepting the nomination.
By Mickey Kaus
I was initially skeptical of the delayed-acceptance idea myself, thinking it too clever by half. But that was before I realized its diabolical tactical brilliance.
Up until just recently, Jessica Cutler was known as "Washingtonienne," a now ex-employee of Sen. Mike DeWine (R-OH) who blatantly blogged about her prostitution in DC. Except she doesn’t think of herself as a ho; she looked at the “quick $400” as “gifts.” Yeah. Right. Tell it to the judge, Jess! It seems Capitol Hill’s hussy now has an offer from Playboy. Will she refuse?
The skanks on Capitol Hill
By Michelle Malkin
Meet the new Monica Lewinsky. Jessica Cutler, a 24-year-old mailroom clerk and phone receptionist, worked for Sen. Mike DeWine, R-Ohio, until last Friday – when he fired her for using Senate computers to post to an Internet Web log that chronicled her trysts with six different men in Washington. Cutler's partners reportedly included government officials who gave her money for her sexual services.
Diary excerpt: "I just took a long lunch with F and made a quick $400. When I returned to the office, I heard that my boss was asking about my whereabouts. Loser." In another entry, Cutler explains: "F [equals] Married man who pays me for sex. Chief of Staff at one of the gov agencies, appointed by Bush."
I don't usually write about such inside-the-Beltway gossip, but Cutler's indecent conduct, glib rationalizations and in-your-face shamelessness, and the accompanying feeding frenzy over her, deserve a firm outside-the-Beltway lashing. This vulgar little episode reflects a larger, disturbing media trend toward normalizing and glamorizing sexual promiscuity among young working women. It harms those trying to succeed on their merits in the professional arena.
Tuesday, May 25, 2004
I think the purple button works. Try it! Besides, it's for a good cause.
A 11-year-old Queens fifth-grader was booted from her Catholic elementary school for blowing the whistle on a bizarre sex-bracelets game.
"I'm happy. I hate that school," a defiant Megan Stecher said after learning that Holy Child Jesus School in Richmond Hill won't let her return next year. "I only have five friends in the whole year."
Megan said getting the boot was unfair, but her mother, Michelle, 33, was much angrier.
"I'm outraged," she declared.
Michelle said school officials claimed she slandered Holy Child by allowing her daughter to be photographed by The Post in front of it wearing bracelets and rings that represent different sex acts.
Sister Diane Androvich, the principal, called Megan and her mother in and said the girl would be allowed to take her final exams this year, but wouldn't be allowed back next year, the family said.
"They said I did an un-Christian thing," Michelle said.
“The terrorists and Saddam loyalists would rather see many Iraqis die than have any live in freedom."
I didn’t watch President Bush’s speech last night. I knew he wouldn’t change directions like some were hoping he’d do. He understands that WE ARE AT WAR, so I knew that he wouldn’t do something for the sake of his poll numbers. He’s not a Clinton or a Kerry; Bush is a leader. I know his character, which gives me faith in his ability and his vision. I know he’ll do what’s best to win this war. No tricks. No gimmicks. Whatever he did or didn’t do 30 years ago is history. George W. Bush has proven himself to be a fearless, selfless leader. Let Clinton earn his million$ from books and speeches. Let Kerry remind us ad nauseum of his Vietnam war hero record; in fact, give him a few more medals to toss around. Just keep them out of Bush’s way so he can maintain our security, because the other two sure as hell will never be able to keep us free and safe.
GEORGE W. Bush is a high-stakes player, a political gambler. And last night he took a fantastically bold gamble: In the teeth of bad polls, an atmosphere of panic in his own party and the barely concealed glee of his rivals . . . he has decided to stand pat.
He didn't change course last night. He didn't use the occasion to announce elevated troop levels or faster elections or any of the panacea urged upon him over the past few weeks (including by me).
In other words, he is betting his presidency on the soundness of his approach and its prospects for success.
There would be no reason for Americans to believe that things were going well in Iraq after all the bad news these past weeks, from the prison scandal to the confusing pullback from Fallujah to the even more confusing raid on Ahmed Chalabi's house.
Bush's decision to stay on course may not simply be an example of stubbornness. The fact is that the news from the battlefield in Iraq these past five or six days has been remarkably good. The forces commanded and directed by the thug-cleric Muqtada al-Sadr are on the run or nearly destroyed in three different cities.
I love this picture of him because it's honest. People can relate to this.
President Bush last night sought to reassure Americans that he has a plan to transfer power to Iraqis on June 30 so they can choose the hope of democracy over terror - and speed the return of U.S. troops.
But Bush also cautioned "there are difficult days ahead" and said he's ready to send more troops if needed.
"We did not seek this war on terror, but this is the world as we find it . . . History is moving and it will tend toward hope or tend toward tragedy," he said.
“We will persevere and defeat this enemy, and hold this hard-won ground for the realm of liberty."
Monday, May 24, 2004
I stumbled upon Michael Gallaugher's blog called Christian Conservative. He posed an interesting question (below) yesterday. I posted my comment. Log on and post yours, too.
Blogging on the Sabbath
Michael Gallaugher's blog Christian Conservative
Here's an open question for anyone to comment on. I am not only ignorant on Christian blog etiquette, but am sometimes careless in fully living up to the 4th commandment: Honor the Sabbath and keep it holy.
The question: Is it ok to blog on the sabbath?
Megan Stecher, 11, a fifth-grader who sells the $1 bracelets to her classmates at Holy Child Jesus School in Richmond Hill, Queens, for $1.25 said her teachers are not aware of what they symbolize.
When I read this in the NY Post yesterday I thought it was a fluke. Then I googled “sex bracelets” to find the color code and was amazed at the amount of info … graphic info … out there. I then did a google-news search for "sex bracelets” and was again flabbergasted at the number of stories on this subject. First the slutty clothing and now the slutty accessories. Where are the parents? Do these children ever get a childhood? Where? For some, it’s obviously not at home. God help us all.
A bizarre new kids' sex craze is sweeping the city's elementary schools.
Girls as young as 11 are stacking colorful rubber "sex bracelets" up their arms while their parents are unaware that each piece of the cheap jewelry represents a different sex act, according to a secret-code the kids share.
The kids play a game called "Snap" associated with wearing the bracelets. In the game, girls wear the bracelets around their wrists, and if a boy runs up and rips one off, he gets a "coupon" from the girl to perform whatever sex act the color stands for.
A black bracelet indicates sexual intercourse, blue is oral sex, red is a lap dance or French kiss and white is a homosexual kiss - and it gets more in depth.
Green represents having sex outside.
Some of the bracelets stand for specific sexual positions, and there's even a light-green glow-in-the-dark version that means "using sex toys."
Megan's mother, Michelle Stecher, 33, originally thought it was an innocent fashion fad.
"But when I found out, I was outraged. I sent her to Catholic school to avoid things like this.
Mangez! Mangez!
Michael Moore and Me
by Fred Barnes
A FEW YEARS AGO Michael Moore, who's now promoting an anti-President Bush movie entitled Fahrenheit 9/11, announced he'd gotten the goods on me, indeed hung me out to dry on my own words. It was in his first bestselling book, Stupid White Men. Moore wrote he'd once been "forced" to listen to my comments on a TV chat show, The McLaughlin Group. I had whined "on and on about the sorry state of American education," Moore said, and wound up by bellowing: "These kids don't even know what The Iliad and The Odyssey are!"
Moore's interest was piqued, so the next day he said he called me. "Fred," he quoted himself as saying, "tell me what The Iliad and The Odyssey are." I started "hemming and hawing," Moore wrote. And then I said, according to Moore: "Well, they're . . . uh . . . you know . . . uh . . . okay, fine, you got me--I don't know what they're about. Happy now?" He'd smoked me out as a fraud, or maybe worse.
The only problem is none of this is true. It never happened. Moore is a liar. He made it up. It's a fabrication on two levels. One, I've never met Moore or even talked to him on the phone.
No, not Michael Moore? =:O
Sunday, May 23, 2004
She comes here for the money.
Her Royal C blew into Corning, NY, on Friday.CORNING | President Bush's re-election bid is the likely hold-up on a new transportation bill that could bring millions of federal dollars to the Corning area, U.S. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton told Corning officials Friday.
Clinton met with 28 local leaders at the Baron Steuben Building in Centerway Square before explaining the status of federal funding at a brief press conference. The former First Lady then toured the Corning Museum of Glass before heading to the home of Corning Inc. CEO and Chairman Jamie Houghton for a $750-per-plate fund-raiser for her 2006 senatorial campaign.
Jamie Houghton just happens to be the younger brother of Congressman Amo Houghton (R), and Jamie is hosting a fund-raiser for a Democrat. Sweet, isn't it. Of course, Amo is a RINO (Repub In Name Only). And don't forget that Amo was one of only four Republicans who voted AGAINST IMPEACHMENT. He's retiring, THANK GOD!
Then on Saturday we were under a tornado watch/warning most of the day. One never materialized. Many of us suspect, however, that what the weatherman thought might have been a tornado was actually the backdraft from her broom.
Remember Ron Brown, the Commerce Secretary for Bill Clinton? Remember how he died? His plane crashed into a mountain killing everyone on board … well, eventually, because one woman survived the crash but died en route to the hospital. Brown's was just another death associated with the Clintons, another death shrouded by unanswered questions. Like Vince Foster’s death before him. But, hey, as long as the Clintons' political futures remain viable, right?
Ron Brown could tell tales from the grave: Although the title of his new book suggests both the conspiratorial and the partisan, Cashill bends over backward to include the most benign of explanations to a most disturbing case.
[Brown] had suffered a circular wound in the top of his head. Some military investigators and photographers noticed what appeared to them to be a bullet hole. But strangely, no mention of the symmetrically shaped cylinder appeared in any report on the crash, and although an Air Force doctor examined Brown's body, a full autopsy was not ordered.
Cashill has a theory about exactly what happened to Ron Brown (which I leave for the reader to discover) and why it happened. The “why” involves Brown's apparent knowledge of the Clintons' involvement in using international means, including ties with China, in what may have been blatant circumventions of campaign finance law. Cashill goes to great pains to make clear the difference between what has been documented and what he surmises from the evidence.
This is a training session, but it was the best picture I could find to illustrate the up-close-n-personal aspect of bayonets.
Bayonets? In Iraq? Yup. I first learned of this in Mark Steyn’s column in which he talked about Scotland’s Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders going hand-to-hand with a Shi’ite militia in southern Iraq. So I googled a bit and found a couple of accounts in UK papers.
According to the Scotsman:
Soldiers from the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders mounted what were described as "classic infantry assaults" on firing and mortar positions held by more than 100 fighters loyal to the outlawed cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, according to military sources.
At least 20 men from al-Sadr’s army were believed killed in more than three hours of fighting - the highest toll reported in any single incident involving British forces in the past 12 months.
Nine fighters were captured and three British soldiers injured, none seriously.
"It was very bloody and it was difficult to count all their dead," one source was quoted as saying. "There were bodies floating in the river."
The Guardian disagreed with the number of deaths by bayonets:
According to an army spokesman, Colonel Ed Brown, it is unlikely that bayonets killed any of al-Sadr's men, but for him its power is more psychological than practical.
But it explained why bayonets are still part of their gear:
"If you're defending a position and you see someone advancing with a bayonet, you may be more inclined to surrender," he says. "Soldiers see a bullet as a clean kill, but a bayonet would be a decidedly unpleasant way to go. I've never been bayoneted, but I can imagine it's pretty gruesome." The psychological (some say psychosexual) effect on the user should also not be underestimated. "Putting the bayonet on makes a satisfying clunk," says Colonel Brown. "It's all part of the hardening process, preparing yourself for battle."
So how have bayonets survived? "They are now a multi-purpose tool," says Cornish. "Bayonets can be used as wire-cutters, saws and screwdrivers, and they've always been useful for opening cans of food. They are a weapon of last resort, but could be useful for house clearance and for keeping prisoners under control. You don't want to shoot them, but you might want to give them a prod."
Picture John-John Kerry going hand-to-hand with the enemy.
Not for all the Purple Hearts & Bronze Stars in the world!