imkittymyers at hotmail dot com
Saturday, December 20, 2003
Another UNKNOWN e-mailer. This time nothing in the subject line, so why did I open it? Dunno. Still wondering myself. But it was another anti-Rush message: "el tubbo turned his maid into his drug with it." I'm not certain if these e-mails are in response to this blog or not. I suspect they are responding to a comment I posted on today (or was it yesterday?), which concerned his maid. But back to the message itself. I have nothing to "deal with." I'm very certain that Rush can deal with his own problems himself, no doubt much better than I. His problems, such as they may be, do not affect me. Ad hominem attacks on Rush do not bother me, either. But, again, if you're reading this (and you know who you are), have a Merry Christmas.
I had an e-mail in my mail box from an UNKNOWN. Unless the sender is obviously responding to my blog, I delete them. But this arrived with the subject: "Rush Limbaugh is pathetic," so I gave it a shot. Nothing there but the following: "...and talentless, and a HYPOCRITE!!!" That's the sum & total of the message. Okay, I thought, so what? What's the person's point? My reply: "So don't listen to him." Within minutes came the reply: "I wouldn't." WOULDN'T? It sounds as though UNKNOWN hasn't listened to Limbaugh, because if UNKNOWN had but won't ever again, it seems as though the message would have been "I won't." I'll chalk this up to holiday stress or maybe problems at home or quite possibly a frantic leftie. Whatever. My heart is big enough to be the magnanimous one. So, UNKNOWN, if you're reading this, in the spirit of Christmas may peace be with you.
Rush has a link to a site called STOP HILLARY PAC. John LeBoutillier, of, is affiliated with it. Rush said he thought it was legit but wasn't certain. Here's a bio of LeBoutillier. It was a sad day for this New Yorker when Her Royal Clintoness was elected as a senator. We all know where's she headed on that broomstick of hers, so let's hope this PAC is for real.
Anyone who's an aficionado of SOUTH PARK will recognize that line. It refers to the episodes with Satan and So-Damn Insane and a nerd named Chris. Well, those SP geniuses have done it again! Do NOT miss this episode! I'm hoping they'll repeat it tonight.
Friday, December 19, 2003
Ich bin dumm!
A German cat burglar who downed half a bottle of Scotch got so drunk, he stripped naked and climbed into bed with his sleeping victims. The married couple slept on soundly as the naked man got into their double bed and fell asleep - waking up only after he started snoring. The pair immediately called the cops in Moers, and the officers busted the boozed-up burglar.
"Yale was Dean's study and Bush's fun house." That's what NY Daily News writer, Bill Hutchinson, claims. "While the Democratic presidential contender was scoring high marks in brainy subjects like Marxism and existentialism and Chinese politics, Bush barely passed sociology and economics." Marxism brainy? The Dems are losin' it! HOWEVER, it does allow me a segue into my favorite Dr. Deaniac question: Would you entrust your health care, and your children's, to this man?
Cindy Adams may be a mere gossip columnist, but Cindy knows. In the past she has written some very titillating political tidbits in her columns which have later proven to be correct. She knows everyone and they talk to her. Blab, even. So, with that in mind, here is a jolt in her column today:
"AS Saddam and this year draw to a close, new risks cloud the horizon. What our leaders haven't yet focused on is Pakistan. In the classic Bosnian savagery of the haves vs. have-nots, Pakistan is the next country that will blow up. The danger to us and the world is what has not yet become public knowledge. Pakistan has in its arsenal over 100 nuclear bombs, each the size of what was dropped on Hiroshima.
Do not ask how I know."
Thursday, December 18, 2003
The NY POST runs a column entitled "Weird But True." Weird I like. This is one of today's WBT tidbits:
Single folks in Germany have been snapping up wallpaper with life-size pictures of ordinary-looking people so they don't feel lonely at Christmas.
The paper, depicting people in everyday poses, has become a best-seller in Germany.
"The friends we provide are not very talkative, but they are guaranteed not to argue with you at Christmas, promise to be there all the time, and don't leave dirty dishes or argue over the remote control," said creator Susanne Schmidt.
Ver-ree in-ter-res-teeng, considering that a recent survey found that Germans cheat nearly as often as Clinton. Must be that the cheaters only cheat with other married people. That or the single Germans are downright coyote-ugly. By the way ... that animated Herpes ad in the middle of the article was a nice touch :)
Nothing like ripping off a store only to have your partner leave your picture behind for the cops!
Another great quote of the day from
"I'm aware now that I'm speaking not only to Democrats, I'm speaking to the whole country." -Dr. Howard Dean on his political awakening.
I still can't believe this guy is a doctor. I mean, really, would you entrust YOUR healthcare, and that of your children, to THIS GUY?
I thought the name Kinky Friedman was a joke. I saw it plastered across the paperback version of his first book “Greenwich Killing Time” and was convinced it was some sort of nom de plume. This was back in the late 80s. If I had been a C&W fan, I might have heard of his band The Texas Jewboys and their hit “Get Your Biscuits In The Oven and Your Buns In The Bed.” In his picture on the back of “Greenwich” he’s dressed in a rumpled trenchcoat and hat and holding a cigar looking very much like a kinky Dr. Watson. I was interested enough to begin reading the first few pages and became hooked when I read the best description of a fat man: “I wondered if he’d been out walking his pet stomach.” Ever since, I’ve been reading Kinky’s scribblings on authority figures and western film legends and even Jesus himself.
Kinky is a hard drinking, hard loving, cigar smoking character who grew up in Texas and has lived in New York City. He writes about his cat! He went to Borneo with the Peace Corps, but something tells me that his intentions were as much carnal in nature as they were altruistic. The possibility of bodacious beauties bouncing around those jungles … think National Geographic. The indigenous botanical pharmaceuticals were probably another factor when he signed up for his two years of service.
Kinky now writes a regular column for Texas Monthly, and his style has not changed a bit. Still straight from the lip and funny as hell. His current column is about Jerry Jeff Walker, the “Mr. Bojangles” singer who originated from Oneonta, New York, which just happens to be the 2nd of my two hometowns.
Bill O'Reilly started out as a decent, standup guy. He's accomplished a few good things in his time. Exposing Jesse Jackson as the fraud we all knew he was is one example. But when B.O'R. got so involved with himself, he became a b*o*r*e. And now he's crossed the line. He's pissed that Matt Drudge caught him fudging his book sales and has verbally attacked Drudge. B.O'R called Drudge a "threat to democracy" and claimed: "I just want to tell everybody that Matt Drudge is smoking crack - right now, in South Miami Beach on Washington Avenue... And the authorities should know it." Get OVER yourself, O'Reilly! Think Drudge will sue?
Wednesday, December 17, 2003
Is there a reporter somewhere who has the balls to ask the 9 dueling Democrats that if Osama bin Laden is such a threat, more so than So-damn Insane, then why didn’t their beloved Bill Clinton take him when the Sudanese offered back in 1996?
Tuesday, December 16, 2003
Paris and Nicole give blondes a bad name. I am, of course, speaking of those Beverly Hills bimbos and their reality show, "The Simple Life," a show which is becoming increasingly more irritating with each episode. I could understand if they had low IQs, but these two are not stupid. No, intelligence is not their problem; class is. They have none, and they have no shame, either. Zip. Zilch. Nada. According to the previews, animal husbandry will be one of their endeavors. I can only imagine how they'll muck it up, and believe me, they will. It's what they live for.
Joanne Webb, of Cleburne, Texas, has been arrested on obsenity charges for selling undercover (snicker snicker) agents a vibrator. What I want to know is, What happened to the vibrator ... hmmmmmmm?
First John F***ing Kerry utters the Queen Mother of Dirty Words in order to appear hip. Now it's the Dean supporters. At least we know why the cameras were kept far away from his recent fund raiser.
Read Rush's Angry White Liberals, and don't forget the links at the bottom.
Would you like to be married to him?
Would you entrust your children's health care to him?
Jim McDermott= Liberal Spin. McDermott was the House Ethics Committee member who, in 1996, was enmeshed in the scandal involving taping Newt's phone call. It began with Mr. & Mrs. Martin of Florida who were driving around Christmas shopping. They just happened to have in their car a tape recorder and a scanner when they "accidentally" intercepted a cell phone conference call involving Gingrich, who was battling his own ethical problems at the time. Wanting to capture history in the making for their soon-to-be grandchild, they taped the Republican confab then turned the tape over to McDermott who turned it over to the NY TIMES which published the call transcript. Wanting to keep his name in the news, McDermott went to Baghdad last year in order to bad-mouth the president. This year, McDermott is claiming that Bush purposely orchestrated the timing of the capture of Saddam, that we could have captured the Butcher of Baghdad much sooner. Our tax dollars at work.
Monday, December 15, 2003
I read somewhere, but can't recall just where, that all that celebratory gunfire in Iraq killed 8 people. What goes up must come down, y'know.
When I heard that the Ace of Spades had been captured, my first thought was Gulf War I. I remembered that the Democrats tried to diminish Bush 41’s monumental success by claiming that Saddam was still loose. Forget that the Democrats had to be coddled to vote to go to war in the first place. (Think Algore and how he sold his vote to get more face-time on TV.) Forget that the mission was to drive the Butcher of Baghdad out of Kuwait, that killing him was not part of the charter forged with the rest of the world. Forget that if we had killed him … specifically, if we had intentionally tracked him down and killed him … that the Democrats would have excoriated Bush 41. Forget logic, because that’s what you must do when dealing with these Democrats.
Gulf War I was about as quick (initial phase was 100 hrs.) and as surgical as possible, all the while sustaining minimal casualties. Gulf War I was supposed to be long and bloody and vicious; Saddam had promised that tens of thousands of our soldiers would return in body bags. Saddam supposedly had about 50 doppelgangers running around so as to confuse his enemies. Plus, Saddam supposedly had impenetrable bunkers about 2 miles underground. And yet, the Democrats complained that Saddam was still loose.
Then over the weekend, “So-Damn Insane” (Marines’ nickname for him) was captured alive without firing a single shot. Now the Democrats (and Insaniacs) are complaining that Osama bin Laden is still loose. Okay Democrats, what's your plan(s)? Remember this when you vote next November.
To date, 41 of the TOP 55 are in custody or killed.
I wonder who'll collect the $25M reward for catching the bastard?