imkittymyers at hotmail dot com
Saturday, March 26, 2005

To be honest with you, I just can't gin up much enthusiasm these past few days. Terri Schiavo and her loved ones are on my mind constantly. I have posted on Terri at LifelikePundits. Life does go on, but for this weekend, blogging won't, at least not here. Check back in on Monday. In the meantime, I'm spending it with my family and praying for Terri.
Friday, March 25, 2005
Thursday, March 24, 2005
With all the depressing news about the latest school shooting by a teenager, it's nice to read about a young person as kind and as considerate as this young lady.
You know...she does act strange...but she is a person.
Karen is a person, too. She is actually very nice in real life. Easy to get along with, you know.
Oil prices sank more than $2 a barrel yesterday on rising crude supplies in the United States, a strengthening dollar and signs that China's energy appetite, while still growing, has its limits.
Appeals Court Upholds Soros Conviction
A French appeals court on Thursday upheld George Soros' conviction for insider trading, which the billionaire investor says has unfairly damaged his reputation.

Check out where your state ranks for
The best and worst states for taxes
We all pay Uncle Sam the same no matter where we live, but property, gasoline, tobacco and sales taxes are all over the map.
Mariah Carey needs more sex partners
Mariah goes on to say, "My relationship with my husband was not a physical relationship. It just wasn't. I still have nightmares about it."
Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Yes yes yes, today is my birthday. I’m a hotheaded, and always right, Aries. Everywhere I went today, people wished me a happy birthday. I expected it from all of the newsstand guys, but coming from the bank teller was a surprise. I’ve gotten e-mails and cards and phone calls. A writer friend of mine sent me a Jacob’s Musical Car Chimes (the turtle). DogMan asked me if I wanted a “big piece of meat,” so we’re going out for a steak dinner. Five years ago, my brother took out a nearly-full page ad in our local paper announcing my birthday. Tomorrow night, G & C.O. & Little H are throwing a party for me. I am truly blessed.

If AIR AMERICA is your bag ...
Making ‘Air’ waves
When Air America Radio began broadcasting exactly on March 31, 2004, there was a dearth of liberal talk on American airwaves. Except for a few pockets of hosts presenting what’s become known as a progressive agenda, conservative Republicans were ruling the radio roost.
But next week, the left-leaning Air America Radio, heard locally on two AM stations — WKOX 1200 and WXKS 1430 — celebrates its first birthday. And key players within the operation say they’re making a difference.
“I just did the annual conference for Radio & Records magazine,” [Al Franken] says. “I didn’t attend it last year but I was the keynote this year. When I arrived the people there told me that last year they were all laughing at us. They were scoffing at the idea of liberal radio. And now they aren’t. They actually respect us and see us as a success. They see us as an agent for growth in radio.”
Air America Radio celebrates its one-year anniversary on March 31 with a live broadcast of the Al Franken Show (noon-3 p.m.), either from New York or Chicago. Also on March 31, HBO will premiere its new documentary on the rise of Air America Radio, "Left of the Dial," at 8 p.m.
This looks REALLY good!
The DRUDGE REPORT has obtained a director's cut of LEFT OF THE DIAL, a grossly entertaining docu-drama of life on the other side of the AIR AMERICA microphone.
The doubts. The lies. The bounced checks. The heartbreak.
The viewer is taken upclose to witness the ugly business of media ambition.
The main character, Evan Cohen, founding chairman and main investor, is depicted as a complete fraud.
The documentary shows Cohen arriving in the middle of night at AIR AMERICA offices to sign over the company and disappear again, but not before lying about how many ads have been sold and how much money is the bank [zero].
The film captures AIR AMERICA staff first learning about the Chicago and LA nightmare by reading a DRUDGE REPORT exclusive on their computers.
It shows midday host Al Franken at a staff meeting being told there is no money left, hilariously, just moments after ranting about George Bush's ethics.
The HBO crew is told to shut down their cameras -- but they don't -- and the 'We're Broke!' meeting is filmed raw.
Host Janeane Garofalo looks suicidal in nearly ever scene which she appears.
But every drama must have a hero: Enter Randi Rhodes.
Highlight. The camera captures pm drive Rhodes in her classic PMS mood, but this time at home, in her newly rented NYC apartment.
When she attempts to introduce herself to director Michael Moore [rushing out of a Franken Radio interview], Rhodes quickly realizes he does not even know who she is.
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Lorie Byrd has a recipe for CHOCOLATE GRAVY: He tears the biscuits up into bite-size pieces in a bowl and pours the gravy over them. It is a delicious, if sinfully sweet, breakfast treat. Do not plan to serve it without plenty of milk to drink along with it.

Nicole Richie is skinny: (Cough, cough - STD! - cough)
I dunno, I’m thinking drugs? Look at the pictures posted.

Too See The Future of Social Security Without Reform Look To General Motors: A substantial part of G.M.'s problem - but hardly the only issue - is that it is supporting about two and a half retirees for every worker.
By Ralph Peters
A few Euro-papers raised the possibility that Bush might have been right about some things — only to knock down that notion with excuses so convoluted even the writers and editors couldn't begin to believe them. They were trying, desperately, to save face.
The commonly agreed alibi runs that the Middle East was changing on its own, that Anglo-American actions had little or no effect, that the outbreak of democracy has been on the way for years, that the Arabs did it themselves.
Oh, really? Guess our troops overlooked the warehouses full of multi-party ballots when they took Baghdad.
The Independent, a Brit rag that's been hilariously wrong about Iraq, talks around the icky little details — such as that minor impediment to democracy, Saddam Hussein. The Iraqis were headed for free elections on their own. No reason at all to praise Bush.
Dead Kurds? Not our kind.
Saddam's slaughter of the Shi'as? Can't quite remember, old man.
Europeans are masters of instant amnesia. When they find themselves shamed by history, they simply move on. That's what they're doing now.
In France last week, there were more than 10 times as many strikers protesting a possible lengthening of the 35-hour work week than there were anti-war protesters.
Germans are far more concerned with unemployment levels last seen in the 1930s than they are with Iraq. And the Italian Left's brief moment of delight in the accidental shooting of a hot-dogging agent by American troops has already passed.
And the French government, terrified of being shut out of the new Middle East, is standing shoulder-to-shoulder with its cherished ally and old friend, the Bush administration.
C'est la vie.
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Hi Kitty!
My blog has been getting low on visitors, so I think I really need some help. If you would tell the world that my blog is alive and well, I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
How could I refuse a request like that from such a great kid?
Gavrochegirl reminds me the precocious character of Lucy McFadden (Quinn Cummings) in The Goodbye Girl. Which reminds me, I must add that to my movie list below.

Mark Schiavo should have such a greeting.
Scott Peterson, get ready to pay.
"As for killing his wife, that's his business — but for killing that child, well, he gots to suffer for that."
So says a fellow death-row inmate at Peterson's new home — California's San Quentin State Prison — who in an exclusive letter to The Post conveyed words of warning for his new neighbor.
If and when Peterson is not in protective custody, says convicted killer Ricardo "Richie" Roldan, "he'll be a paycheck canteen punk to some crew."
That means the boyish fertilizer salesman will have to cough up protection payments to inmate heavies in the form of items purchased from the prison canteen. Each prisoner is allowed to buy goods through accounts filled up by family members, prison officials say.
"I'm sitting on death row living better than half the world, if not more. How could I complain?"
And Roldan adds, most death-row inmates don't need — or want — sympathy.