imkittymyers at hotmail dot com
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Not quite Donna Summer, but my voice held up yesterday, it didn't fade out on me, which helped to make for a great time. As always, many thanks to all who had nice things to say, and to Pat who called in and paid me a wonderful compliment on the air. If I made one mistake, however, it was to completely forget to mention Aaron at Lifelike Pundits. What an oversight that was!, as Aaron and Pat have been two of my best blogging buddies for over two years now.
Andrea eased me into the show by asking me how/why I began blogging, and then she asked me about the border/illegal alien issue -- a subject not even on my radar. It's one of the main reasons why Chris, at Lucky Dawg News, is upset with President Bush. I honestly didn't know what to say on the subject yesterday, but I have been giving it more thought.
On a more somber note, my mother's health is not good. Amidst computer problems (which still plague me) and caring for Little H and the radio interview, I had gotten news that my mother was taken to the hospital for another scan. I'm not certain if they admitted her or not. She has lung cancer, which had matastasized from a previous cancer. The tumor was very large -- 6" x 5" -- when they finally discovered it, and they began radiation therapy immediately to shrink it. And she did seem to improve. Then she lost the use of her right leg this week. Not good. Right now it's a day-to-day situation, so if my blogging is spotty, you'll know why. I would normally post this news separately from the radio news, but the computer is beginning to rev again, which makes me nervous.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
I'm going to be on the radio tomorrow with Andrea & Mark, broadcast out of Florida. Dave talked me into it, but it was Andrea who finally sold me on the idea when she said I'd be their first female blogger to be interviewed. I have no idea of what we'll talk about, so listen to the show and find out. I'll try to mention names, readers and bloggers alike. Y'never know. Pat has done their show a couple of times and the shows were great.
88 Listen here: Friday at 3:30pm EST 'til 4:00pm 77
Hang around, because at 4:00om, Andrea & Mark will be talking with Professor Klocek, a longtime DePaul instructor, was fired after expressing his free speech rights in an out-of-classroom discussion with some Muslim DePaul students.
I'll be damned if I could find the story about Trump firing Carolyn in the Post. LoanCat found it on CNN Money. Apparently The Donald is turning the show into a remake of Family Affair.
Trump to Carolyn: 'You're fired!': Kepcher, blonde assistant of 'The Apprentice,' loses job after Trump tires of her, newspaper says.
Trump had had trouble reaching her recently as she had been away on a trip to give a speech, the sources told the newspaper. Trump's daughter Ivanka has replaced Kepcher in the role, while Trump's son Don Jr. is the successor to the 78-year old real estate lawyer George Ross on the show, the newspaper reported.
Ahhhh, y'know what I said about not being able to find the Trump story in the Post? Well, in my best Emily Litella, nevermind. TRUMP DUMPS HIS FIRING-SQUAD AIDE CAROLYN
8 From someone who lives in Florida …Look, heres my take on [the storm Ernesto]: OF COURSE IT WAS OVERHYPED. TV and newspapers (especially the Sun-Sentinel) have been overhyping these things for decades. It goes with the job. … If you’re going to live in Florida, you need to get up to speed on these things yourself and make your own decisions about preparation based on the hard information that’s there. Blaming the media for buying 20 gallons of gas, spending four hours to put up shutters, and buying half the water at the supermarket is a fool’s game.
8 Like watching really bad (*burb*) sausage being made, GAGGLE shows how the MSM does it’s thang.
8 I tell’ya, man, it's the TUBES!.
88 Not to scare you or anything, but this is probably the one piece you should read today: Voters looking to send a message to Republicans this fall may be surprised at their return mail from Washington.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Sometimes my blogging and/or writing gets hung up on the most trivial thing. Today it was what picture to use with a post on truth and virtue in journalism. I considered all sorts of pictures, plus one photoshop I had done of the Green Helmut Guy, but nothing seemed quite right. And seeing as how my day is seeping away, I decided to post this photo I took showing my 16-year-old cat Princess, who spends her mornings with me right next to the computer. That's Ann Coulter sitting atop the tower. It's nearly 1:30p.m. as I type this, and Princess has long since retired to her spot near the window for her afternoon siesta, not to be confused with her evening siesta nor her bedtime.
8 I began thinking about truth in journalism, or the lack thereof, when I read this ...
TRIANGULATE ON TERROR: The latest New York Times survey shows that a majority believes that Iraq it not part of the War on Terror. … Yes, the war in Iraq is connected to the War on Terror. Obviously, al Qaeda is behind many of the attacks in Iraq. Obviously, the streets of Baghdad are the alternative to Manhattan as the place in which the War on Terror is waged. But, equally obviously, it is political suicide to insist on drawing the connection.
8 The MSM has become so dishonest, at times downright corrupt, that their reporting is warped by their blatant hatred for Bush, as proven here: President Bush is suffering from Plame damage
8 Time to Boot Armitage from the Straight Talk Express: Armitage’s behavior warrants his shunning. John McCain can begin the process. He has placed Armitage on his list of policy advisers. He should ask him if the report is true, and if it is, pitch him off the Straight Talk Express. If he doesn’t, he begins his campaign for the nomination by signalling he respects self-serving above integrity and loyalty.
At least you'll get both sides here ...
8 Ankle Biting Pundits has a couple of good articles today on McCain. Pat Hynes, who works for McCain's campaign, has written So, Why McCain? and his blogging buddy Bulldog Pundit has written Why Conservatives Don’t Trust- And Won’t Support - John McCain In The Primaries.
And now for something a wee bit different ...
8 And Now, A Message From Your Candidate: Ms. Clinton believes that diplomacy and understanding will keep America safe. I am here to tell you that diplomacy and understanding are what got this country into its predicament in the first place.
You've probably heard about the mixup of the live mic from the ladies room bheard during Bush's speech. Doug Powers has the funniest write-up on it with ...
8 CNNs Whiz Kids Strike Again: Had this been Bill Clinton, we still wouldn’t have been sure if the zipper sound came from the reporter or the president.
I'm going to be on the radio!! on Friday. I’ll be the lead-in for Thomas Klocek: Professor Klocek a longtime DePaul instructor, was fired after expressing his free speech rights in an out-of-classroom discussion with some Muslim DePaul students.
Don't worry; I'll remind you on Friday :~)
Monday, August 28, 2006
8 AFTER SEX, A NOVEL SOUVENIR: Publishers Weekly, which critiqued Ephron's book, noted her "anecdote about Roth . . . concerning her friend Jane, who had a one-night stand, long ago, with the then 'up-and-coming' writer. He gave Jane a copy of his latest book. 'Take one on your way out,' he said. Conveniently, there was a box of them by the front door." [Link times out tonight!]
8 Washington hit by curse of the kid bloggers: Frist is one of at least half a dozen US politicians — and at least one US Supreme Court judge — whose public images have been dented in recent months by the internet antics of their offspring. Pictures of scantily clad daughters whooping it up have become a staple of internet gossip.
h/t Grumpy Old Bookman: [W]hen you think about it, there are quite good reasons why politicians' kids should be whackier than average.
8 HOLLOW VICTORY: FORMER Star magazine scribe Stephanie Green has won her court case to publish a book a la "The Devil Wears Prada" - overturning a confidentiality agreement she signed - but no one's interested. Green spent more than $30,000 winning her case, but no publisher is jumping to sign a deal, much to the relief of Bonnie Fuller and Star editor Joe Dolce - who come off pretty badly in the excerpts of the "fiction" we read on Green's blog, Dishalicious. It could be that, with the exception of "Prada," no one's interested in tales that excoriate former bosses or co-workers.
I guess all the attention is getting to her: Um, the blog is getting a little too personal as of late, now that more than just friends and family are reading. And it's kind of creeping me out again.
Here's her profile .
8 A note to all you blogger users: Blogger in beta
Sunday, August 27, 2006
A steady flow of rescue helicopters arrive at the evacuee staging area in New Orleans, La , on Sept 2, 2005 Thousands of victims have been flown to the staging area since evacuations began on Aug 31.
What the MSM got wrong about Katrina -- and it was significant! -- Lou Dolinar sets right.
Katrina: What went right
It was impossible, as well, for the media, which were getting most of their information from City Hall. What audiences across the country saw as a breakdown of relief efforts was in fact a breakdown of media relations. Instead of marveling at the courage and endurance of rescuers, television spread lurid rumors of near-parodic depravity: gang violence (with AK-47s!), murder (200 slain, stacked, and frozen!), rape (women, children, babies!), sniping at helicopters, and rampage at the Superdome. Mainstream publications have since shown these reports to be false; since most of what the media did report was dead wrong, no one should be surprised that there was a parallel failure to report what went right.
On this score, the biggest lie — worse than the urban legends haunting the Superdome — was that help was slow to arrive. Rescuers say that on Monday, when the levees failed and water surged through the city, they saved thousands who were in danger of drowning — and that they simply could not have arrived any sooner. Not enough resources? Admiral Duncan says one of his biggest problems was that so many helicopters were operating, they risked crashing into one another.
8 Lots of photos showing how much all of the different units of military helped with Hurricane Relief.