imkittymyers at hotmail dot com
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Is this the peak of Pelosi's political career, or is the White House her ultimate goal? Is Her Royal C worried? Will HRC consider surgery to plump her poll numbers? Dick Morris is already commenting on Hillary showing her age, while Rush pictured the two fems as queen bees.
I think Wyatt Earp sums up the House Madame nicely: First of all, she's a lying sack of crap (and there’s more :). h/t Pam
As a reminder ...
Labels: breast implants, Hillary, old age, Pelosi, queen bees
Friday, January 05, 2007
Just don't pay any attention to that evil wizard behind the curtain. It seems that while the House Madame was displaying her power, along with her surgically enhanced puppies, Kim Jong Il has been a busy little boy.
North Korea Prepping Nuclear Weapons Test : "We think they've put everything in place to conduct a test without any notice or warning," a senior U.S. defense official told ABC News.
Which begs the question: Just who has the power?
8 In the meantime, Doug Powers reports that The nation is just three hearbeats away from a most frightening newspaper cover ...
8 Heads up, winos! Farmers cool to mild winter : Farmers, especially local vintners, are worried that a few more weeks of unusually mild temperatures followed by a hard freeze could wreak havoc on their crops.
Labels: liberals, North Korea, Pelosi, wine
1) I sleep with my glasses on.
2) I love bagpipes and cry when they play Amazing Grace.
3) I absolutely hate to have my picture taken.
4) I quit high school in my senior year but returned to graduate.
5) I thought I wanted to be an architect. I was accepted at FIT in NY, but I got married instead.
I'm not tagging anyone cuz they've already been tagged. However, did you know that some of my blogging buds are also actors?
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Everyone has commented on her facelift -- check out those chipmunk cheeks -- but take a gander at those hooters!
Interblogatory detours ...
1) I find it's easy to waste a couple of hours with this.
2) When you're done with #1, calculate how many calories you burned.
3) Skinny girls to blame for late trains?: The MTA strongly urges all riders to eat something - anything - in the morning to keep the subway rolling.
4) So much for partisanship: Rangel is "giddy."