imkittymyers at hotmail dot com
Saturday, January 13, 2007
I must bid Midsomer adieu because 24 returns! Don't forget to check out Blogs4Bauer for the kill count and just good ol' fashioned fun. The guys over there are drooling over a "hot" picture of Chloe.
Aaron, at LifelikePundits, has somehow already seen the first four episodes. Without spoiling anything, he has posted some basic, and intriguing, observations:
9. Jack goes vampire on someone's ass.
10. Boy, white people are so gullible.
Labels: 24, Chloe, Jack Bauer
Friday, January 12, 2007
I've been a dittohead since April of '92. One of Nurse G's friends, who worked at our local AM station, thought I'd like Rush's show. Your politics sound just like his, he said. So one day in early April I tuned him in and I've rarely missed a day in the past 15 years. Even when I worked at the shoe store for five and a half years, I had my portable in the back room and scheduled my lunch breaks to catch at least 30 minutes of his show. I didn't need several months to "get him." I got him from that first day. He says what I think. Rush not only revived AM radio, he revolutionized politics, too. Is it any wonder that liberals loathe him? The best thing about Rush and his show is that it proved to us conservatives that there are millions of us out here in flyover country, that we are not alone.
Character matters; leadership descends from character.
Happy Birthday, Rush! May you enjoy a long, properous life :~)
Labels: Rush Limbaugh
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
In the comments on the post, DEMOCRATS HAVE STANDARDS!, our buddy THIRDWAVE Dave commented on the name -- a'hem -- LanceThruster (read the post;) by saying, "I have to get me a name like that."
I think we should help Dave find a nickname. Whaada'ya think, is "Ramrod" too much?
Leave your ideas in the comments! :~)
Labels: nicknames, THIRDWAVE Dave
My previous post, HAS PELOSI PEAKED?, irked one erudite commenter named LanceThruster (whose ISP is from the University of Southern California, so he must have smarts.)
LT: I'll look for your previous posts berating Katherine Harris for her "extreme makeover."
I didn't notice, did Speaker Pelosi stand at an angle like Harris did when on Hannity and Colmes in order to prominently display "the twins?"
KL: LanceThruster? My aren't we conceited :)
LT: Kitty Litter - Your function is clear as is the value of the product you are named for once used (though I actually find it playful and cute. I was responding to your *words*).
There is a story to my nick, but you never asked. Not all the connotations are sexual. Since you responed directly, can you give me the link(s) for your digs at KH's attempts at more attractive living through surgery? I'm sure they're as funny as this piece. No, really.
KL: No, I can't give you the links because I wasn't blogging in 2000. KH had cosmetic surgery? So what?
LT: That's my point re: Speaker Pelosi. So what?
You drop inane little choco-logs in your litter box and people marvel at it as if it were pearls of great wisdom.
The nature of still capture is such that we all look wild or bug-eyed at one point or another. I have my own issues with Pelosi but considering the bar is set very low, she's undeniably a lesser evil than what has gone before.
KL: "the bar is set very low"
You're talking about standards, right? You mean elected Democrats have standards?
Of course, you could just as easily read LanceThruster's answer to mean that the House Madame couldn't have been elected unless the bar was set so low. To which DogMan replied, “I thought Democrats were elected because they didn’t have standards.”
Labels: Bill Clinton, Katherine Harris, Pelosi, Pelosi's surgeries, standards