imkittymyers at hotmail dot com
Saturday, February 14, 2004
I remarked on an earlier post that I wanted a tank of unleaded for Valentine’s Day. DogMan is going one better; he’s buying me a car! So, this post will be short because we’re going’ shoppin’ and he expects me to find one today.
Lucianne has posted an article from The Sun (UK) which has a picture of “The Girl.” I’m not certain that she is The Girl (she’s only 24) because I had come across a very similar looking woman when I did a Google-image search for Alex Polier. The one I found was not Alex; she was the subject of an article Alex had written as a reporter. You be the judge. This is the one The Sun claims to be Alex Polier. This is the one I found. Here is the posting on Lucianne with comments about the picture (my comment is #4).
I’ve gotta be snarky now. I’ve held my typing fingers for way too long, which is kinda like stripping gears for me. John F***ing Kerry looks like a mortician who’s been sampling the embalming fluid. He’s the world’s tallest Shar-pei with positively NO personality, to say nothing of charisma. Macho? Not even with Viagra. He’s not even all that nice, probably because he’s French. However, he does have power from having money and social breeding. hoo-ray. hoo-ray. BFD. And let’s face it; those are the reasons sweet young thangs go for these guys in the first place. Put him in some Carharts and a trailer and he’d be cruisin’ the barnyard for action.
In the meantime, there’s a REAL man at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue who doesn’t feel the need to prove it, and he wears Carharts real well, too :)
Friday, February 13, 2004
Democratic presidential frontrunner John Kerry told IMUS IN THE MORNING "there is nothing to report" after a DRUDGE REPORT exclusive revealed the frantic behind-the-scenes drama surrounding a woman who recently fled the country, reportedly at the prodding of Kerry!
The nature and details of a claimed two-year relationship, beginning in the Spring of 2001, between a young woman and Kerry is at the center of serious investigations at several media outlets.
After being approached by a top news producer, the woman fled to Africa, where she remains.
"Well, there is nothing to report," Kerry told IMUS. "So there is nothing to talk about. I'm not worried about it. No."
In expanded comments later in the broadcast, Don Imus told his on-air crew that "Kerry is dead" if "something comes out."
Unlike the Monica Lewinsky drama, which first played out publicly in this space [Drudge Report], with audio tapes, cigar and a dress, the Kerry situation has posed a challenge to reporters investigating the claims.
"There is no lawsuit testimony this time [like Clinton with Paula Jones]," a top source said Thursday night. "It is hard to prove."
A close friend of the woman first approached a reporter late last year claiming fantastic stories -- stories that now threaten to turn the race for the presidency on its head.
Later on Friday, Kerry is scheduled to join General Wesley Clark, who, in an off-the-record conversation with a dozen reporters earlier this week, plainly stated: "Kerry will implode over an intern issue."
Reporters who witnessed Clark making the stunning comments marvel at the General's reluctance to later confirm they were spoken -- only to later endorse Kerry for the nomination!
Elsewhere, media response to the allegations varied widely.
The FRONTRUNNER details the coverage.
The television networks were quiet, although ABC News radio (2/12) mentioned the story yesterday afternoon. Meanwhile, local TV across the US reported the allegation extensively. For example, KTBS-TV Shreveport, LA (2/12, 10:00 p.m.) reported, "A bomb-shell was dropped on Senator Kerry today."
KABC-TV Los Angeles, CA (2/12, 6:00 p.m.) reported, "There's a report on the Internet from Internet gossip columnist Matt Drudge that John Kerry, the front runner, has had a problem with an intern in the past, perhaps an affair."
KDAF-TV Dallas, TX (2/12, 9:28 p.m.) referred to the story as a "bombshell rumor."
WBAL-TV Baltimore, MD (2/12, 11:11 p.m.) reported, "The Kerry camp is preparing a response."
WBTV-TV Charlotte, NC (2/12, 6:00 p.m.) reported, "Scandalous rumblings tonight inside John Kerry's campaign."
WSYX-TV Columbus, OH (2/12, 5:05 p.m.) reported, "Matt Drudge broke this bombshell on his website."
WTTE-TV Columbus, OH (2/12, 10:11 p.m.) reported, "The Democratic frontrunner -- some say he had an affair with an intern."
KRQE-TV Albuquerque, NM (2/12, 10:00 p.m.) reported, "Is John Kerry about to be caught up in a scandal?"
Various UK press outlets splashed the report on Friday.
The UK TIMES placed it on its front page -- in the lead position.
The UK SUN claims to have found the name of the woman in question, even interviewing her parents.
What would we do with Drudge?
That’s her name, the woman we here in fly-over country will eventually get to know as John F***ing Kerry’s bimbo. Seems his extracurricular activities are old news to the press and the politicos; it was only a matter of time before everyone else knew. Or at least that’s what Gen. "Ashley Wilkes" Clark said recently. Rush located a Kerry bimbo story in the Boston Herald dated September, 2, 1998!
Yesterday, Drudge broke the déjà vu all over again story, reminiscent of the heady Monica Lewinsky days. Yet there was nothing on the news last night, although I watch little news on TV. And there is almost nothing in the American press this morning. There’s a story in a Philly paper, “Kerry sex scandal lurking?” and there WAS one in the Chicago Sun-Times, but it seems to have been pulled. All that’s left of that one is this, which I pulled from Lucianne:
The Kerry scandal?
Chicago Sun-Times, by Michael Sneed
Original Article
Posted By:Desert Fox, 2/13/2004 5:28:09 AM
Here we go again. It's called the sex thing. Dem presidential contender John Kerry's campaign may have been hit broadside. Please, pardon the pun. It's no secret Kerry dated alotta women after his divorce from first wife Julia Thorne in 1988 and before he married Teresa Heinz in 1995.
The American Spectator has an article in which his magnanimous support of Clinton during L’Affair Lewinsky is examined, quote by fascinating quote. “John Kerry has addressed intern issues before -- Bill Clinton's. "I don't think it's that huge," Kerry said about Clinton's perjury during the Monica Lewinsky scandal. "In fact, on one issue of perjury it's a question of whether one additional portion of the body was touched over another. I mean, is that huge?”
The bimbo eruption is sweeping the UK: The London Telegraph and The Sun to name two.
If you heard a GIANT SUCKING SOUND around 7:30 this morning (who couldn’t?), that was Imus, ol’ Scrotum Neck himself, kissing up to John F***ing Kerry during a phone interview. KERRY ON IMUS: 'THERE'S NOTHING TO REPORT, NOTHING TO TALK ABOUT . . . NO' And that was it!
Personally, I'm skeptical about this whole bimbo eruption. The timing of it. The whole thing smells. I'm not saying these are false stories. Au contraire, they're probably very true, and there are probably MORE to come. But what was just beginning to gather a head of steam before Alex Polier was introduced? It was John F***ing Kerry's deplorable military behavior AFTER he served in Vietnam. Very convenient, would you say? So, without further ado, let's go
The American Spectator has a letter from a reader who offers the following:
John Kerry has introduced his Vietnam service and patriotism into the political debate. There are three questions each of us must answer before we can make any judgment on Kerry's patriotism:
(a) Were his actions after returning from Vietnam motivated by love of country, or did he use his Vietnam experience to advance his political career?
(b) Have his words about Vietnam been patriotic or self-serving?
(c) Have his words and actions after returning from Vietnam been helpful or harmful to Vietnam veterans?
For information which might help you answer these questions go to: and click on Kerry's Patriotism.
-- Dr. Sam Holliday, Director
Armiger Cromwell Center
Men’s Journal has voted Her Royal C as one of the 25 toughest guys in America, I kid you not. “25 Hillary Clinton Is there anyone who doubts that the toughest penalty Bill paid for the Monica scandal was at home?” John F***ing Kerry's name was NOT on the list.
Thursday, February 12, 2004
At present my ’93 Chevy Blazer is lying in state in the Goodyear parking lot after I had to have it towed there when it wouldn’t start. Couldn’t even jump the poor thing. They discovered fuel leaking into the oil … at least I think that’s what the guy said. Once I hear technical terms, like fuel and oil, I glaze over pretty quickly. Yesterday C.O., my Knight in Shining Armor of a son-in-law, came to my rescue and, on his day off no less!, helped me to make the necessary arrangements. He strongly urged that I park it in front of our house with a 4-SALE sign on it, but DogMan positively refused. No way Jose. Case closed!
Y’see, our neighbors aren’t enamored with our 4 German Shepherd dogs. Last summer my ’93 Subaru died (see a pattern here?), and days after DogMan took the plates off the car, we got a nasty letter from the town (via the neighbors) about the “abandoned car” in our driveway. Get rid of it or else! was the order. Personally, I can’t blame the neighbors.
I just want to get my car out Goodyear’s lot in a hurry. They’re being lenient right now, probably because they have so much of my money (it cost $75 just to tell me the car wasn’t worth saving). Today, after C.O. gets home from work, he’s helping a friend tow the car away, and, quite possibly, get some $$ for it, too. The best son-in-law anyone could have.
Thank you, GM in Ohio, for your note of sympathy. (sniff sniff)
Y’mean, John F***ing Kerry isn’t winning these primaries because of his bon vivant charm? “The Democrats seem to have succumbed to a terrible bout of wishful thinking, like Michael Moore bringing a condom in his wallet to a Sports Illustrated swimsuit-photo shoot.”
“He struck me as very ambitious,” Goldhaber said yesterday. “He struck me as the sort of person—even back then, newly returned from Vietnam—who was thinking about running for president.”
Abe Lincoln was thought to be “lacking intelligence … a country bumpkin who lacked the education and moral character to lead our nation through such a fateful crisis”
“Members of his own cabinet derided him and schemed against him.”
“To those who judged by appearances, he seemed a national embarrassment. The Europeans lampooned him as a savage - and worse. The rich and powerful everywhere looked down on him. And the literary set of his day despised him.”
Sound familiar? It should, because it's still being echoed today with Bush as the target. But take heart, because: “But the soldiers fought for him. And men and women who had not been born to privilege recognized themselves in "Honest Abe." In the midst of an agonizing war, the citizens of his country rejected the advice of the nation's elite and did not forsake him, but voted to keep him at our nation's helm.
And Abraham Lincoln gave our nation victory.”
Have faith ...
Wednesday, February 11, 2004
My car died, God rest its ’93 4WD soul, and today I must make arrangements for its proper disposal. Right now it’s parked in the service station’s parking lot. I’m hoping to get back into Litter later today … I’m hoping.
In the meantime, the Washington Times has a good read about the John F***ing Kerry/Hanoi Jane photo. “He had honorable service, but it's a shame someone would let politics rule their life, instead of their principles.”
And that’s the bottom line: Kerry = Politics, Bush = Principles.
MORE on that photo and all the facts concerning Bush’s service in the National Guard, plus read how John F***ing Kerry was arrested after that protest rally.
Tuesday, February 10, 2004
Yellow Snow Leads to Burglary Arrest
ELKO, Nev. - He should have taken care of it before he left home. Elko police arrested Roger Gray, 25, on the basis of yellow snow he left after relieving himself on the rooftop of a restaurant that had been burglarized. Investigators said the evidence produced enough DNA to link Gray to the scene. He subsequently admitted a jewelry store burglary, police said. Investigators were comparing his DNA and other evidence to determine whether he also might be implicated in burglaries at a pizza place and Elko's J.C. Penney store. He was booked Friday night for investigation of burglary. Bail was set at $5,000.
Thanks Blue!
It wasn’t so long ago that John F***ing Kerry was pronounced dead man walking as a candidate. Then POW! WHAMMO! KABOOM! As though he were some Marvel Comics Super Hero, here’s John F***ing Kerry alive and Botoxed and commanding center stage everywhere. How does such a thing happen? Makes you wonder just how the media fit into all of this. After all, they were heralding Dean as the presumptive king of candidates, commanding center stage everywhere. Then suddenly POW! WHAMMO! KABOOM! Dean is now the dead man walking. Public opinion rip tides simply do not move candidates that swiftly. So if you were wondering, as I have been, just how this all happened, you may find Lucianne’s quote of the day illuminating:
"Al Gore's endorsement is not bad. I don't buy that. What happened is that alarm bells went off in every newsroom in the country and in every other campaign in the country.... That alarm said kill Howard Dean this second. Because if we don't kill this son of a bitch right now, he's going to be the nominee of the party.' "
-Ex-Campaign Manager Joe Trippi, Monday morning quarterbacking his Dean Dot Con campaign
Hanoi Jane and John F***ing Kerry were busy playmates during the Vietnam War.
Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) Compares Guard Service To Draft-Dodging: “‘If people went to Canada, if people opposed the war, if people chose to be in the Guard, that’s their choice, and I’ve never raised that in an issue,’ he said.” (Noelle Straub, “Kerry Presents Himself As GOP’s Worst Nightmare,” Boston Herald, 2/3/04)
Kerry Repeats Insult Of Guard: “‘I’ve never made any judgments about any choice somebody made about avoiding the draft, about going to Canada, going to jail, being a conscientious objector, going into the National Guard,’ Kerry, a decorated Vietnam veteran, told Fox News Channel. ‘Those are choices people make.’” (Nick Anderson, “Buoyant Kerry Embraces Role Of Frontrunner,” Los Angeles Times, 2/4/04)
DNC Chair Terry McAuliffe Says President Bush’s National Guard Service Not Part Of Military: “George Bush never served in our military and our country.” (ABC’s “This Week,” 2/1/04)
As in run away from what he said 16 months ago: “Can we afford to ignore the possibility that Saddam Hussein might accidentally, as well as purposely, allow those weapons to slide off to one group or other in a region where weapons are the currency of trade? How do we leave that to chance?”
Doesn’t everyone buy bolt cutters at 4:30 in the morning ... wearing hand cuffs?
Watching DogMan try to do this cracked me up!
While sitting at your desk, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles. Now, while doing this, draw the number "6" in the air with your right hand. Your foot will change direction and there's nothing you can do about it.
Monday, February 09, 2004
For whom? Rush has posted a photo of John F***ing Kerry attending an anti-war rally in Valley Forge, PA, in September of 1970. Hanoi Jane was the one being photographed, but there's the Liberals' own war hero at an anti-war protest. (Look over Hanoi Jane's head, the horse face with black eyes.) This is the man who wants to become the next Commander-In-Chief, the one who lumps the National Guard into the same group with draft dodgers.
I didn’t watch Dubya being grilled by Russert yesterday. I didn’t need to as I have faith in President Bush, which is why I voted for him in 2000 and which is why I’ll vote for him again this November. I keep close enough tabs on the sausage factory known as DC as it is. Russert is part of the notorious Fifth Estate, whose primary goal this primary season is a search and destroy mission for all that is Dubya. Dubya, on the other hand, has a greater goal at hand: he’s on a search and destroy mission for all that is terrorism. There are days when I refuse to take part in the Kabuki Theater of politics, and yesterday was one of those days. So, while Dubya did what he had to do, I was doing something else. This morning you’ll find the expected Monday morning quarterbacking, the slammings and the damnings. Don’t bother; save your health. But if you must read some, I’ve got a few suggestions:
NY Daily News: “Three years into his term, the President is not an easy man to ambush. Although his critics refuse to admit it, Bush is smart, tough-minded and extremely well informed. He is also very politically savvy.”
The American Spectator: “President Bush did just fine on Meet the Press. Why this is emerging as the contrarian view, I'm not sure; I can only assume that some commentators have high expectations that the president can't meet, and some won't be satisfied no matter what he does.”
NY Post: “Bush knew what he wanted to do. He wanted to state his case in his own words, in a forum with a tough interviewer, so that nobody could say he was ducking issues or going into hiding.”
Have faith in Dubya.
Today is a FABULOUS day because today is Nurse G’s birthday, and that means more to me than Russert and all the nattering naBOOBs of negativism who help him.
I don’t care WHAT Father Miller says, I love gossip. I like to think of gossip as confession fodder. And there isn’t a better place to look for snarky tidbits than Page Six of the NY Post. There are two darlings of the red carpet set whom I detest … don’t know why, I just do. Nicole “I’ll do anything for face time” Kidman is one, and the other is Catherine “control freak” Zeta-Jones. So, when I read the two names together in one article, I think somebody at the Page Six likes me, they reallyreally like me!
Also on Page Six: ‘ON Wednesday, we reported that John Kerry's younger brother, Cameron, is such a longtime loyal supporter of his brother's political career that he was arrested in 1973, while Kerry was running for Congress, for breaking into a political opponent's headquarters. Apparently loyalty abounds among the Kerry siblings. During the Clinton/Gore administration, says a source, the senator procured a political patronage job for his sister, Peggy Kerry. When George W. Bush took office, Kerry "frantically finagled" for Peggy to be given a civil service title so that she could stay employed. She now works in the public affairs office of the U.S. Mission to the United Nations and actively supports her brother's bid for the presidency in her time off — she could be seen standing behind him on television as he swept the New Hampshire primary. In other words, she defends Bush's foreign policy by day and campaigns against it by night. And isn't this the same John Kerry who's vowed to "end the era of special interests"?’
MEMO TO DONALD TRUMP: Puh-LEEZE get a decent haircut and cut the color jobs! You’ll not only look better, you’ll probably look younger, even if your hair is gray. And by the way, LOVE “The Apprentice”! You’re a natural, so let your hair go natural as well.
Have faith!
Sunday, February 08, 2004
Four years ago I was seething at the Republican Party. I felt like they were force feeding me George W. Bush, like a goose being prepared for next month’s pate. I can’t even recall any of the other candidates at the moment, or even if I backed any of them. All I recall is that I did NOT like being dictated to by my party, dammit! But the polls kept supporting his nomination … maybe the media thought he would be an easy opponent for Algore … and Limbaugh talked about how Dubya’s coffers were filling up with small Average Joe donations. That mattered to me a lot.
Wherever Dubya traveled, people loved him and felt good about him. He inspired (for the lack of a better description) good feelings in our country, and ourselves, like Reagan did. Much was made of Dubya’s poor syntax, so his critics hammered away calling him stupid (ha ha ha). Someone referred to him as Shrub, to imply a lesser version of his father (Shrub: that’s a knee slapper). They trotted out his drinking, so he spoke about his redemption. And through it all Dubya persevered, ignoring the taunts, “comfortable in his own skin.” I remember that by the summer of 2000, Dubya had sold me. I heard him speak on TV and I was reminded of Reagan. Dubya was a bit rough around the edges, but that was to be expected.
I bring it up because there are nine more months until the November elections, so y’better get used to headlines blaring Dubya’s demise. The media are in the process of 1) birthing the Democrat’s candidate and 2) trying to abort Dubya, and I have a suspicion that Her Royal C is the mid-wife. So, STOP! listening to network news and STOP! reading all those idiotic polls. We’ve got NINE MONTHS to go and they’re not worth your blood pressure. Ignore the nattering nabobs of negativism out there. After all, will you be voting for anyone other than Bush? I thought so. Dubya would tell you, with one of his ah-shucks grins I love so much, to have a little faith and remember that no one ever got elected by underestimating him :)
John F***ing Kerry: The 1971 version.
The military’s thoughts on Kerry.
In a Page Six mention of PETA, of how they’re making nice with the fashion industry this year, they said, “we don't eat honey because bees die in the process.” Are they calling people bee killers? I must Google this one!
Read why a health expert claims that "When [Moore’s] documentary came out, it was all about the guns. He got an Academy Award for something that was a lie."
This is a very good thing … but maybe not for Slappy.
Have faith :)