imkittymyers at hotmail dot com
Saturday, March 06, 2004
KERRY vs. KERRY: In a stroke of what I consider genius, the Bush campaign has decided to step back and allow John F***ing Kerry to duke it out with himself over the issues. After all, he’s taken all sides at one time or another. They have an online Kerry vs. Kerry Internet boxing game. It contains a wealth of info on the French-looking one, but frankly I think just having Kerry punch himself repeatedly is the best. It reminds me of the site, which David Horowitz had set up. Very cathartic and downright funny. It’s no longer there; instead, someone has co-opted the domain name and is using it as a lending site … or something.
STANDING O: Okay, so maybe Rod Paige didn’t verbalize it quite the same way. ‘U.S. Education Secretary Rod Paige - in hot water for calling the National Education Association a "terrorist" organization last month - received a standing ovation yesterday from nearly 1,000 members of the Black Alliance for Education Options in Milwaukee. The Black Alliance - which supports charter schools, home schooling and other educational reforms aimed at helping black youth - remained on its feet for five minutes after Paige was introduced, one participant told Post State Editor Fredric U. Dicker, adding, "Everyone I talked to agreed with him that the NEA is an obstacle to education reform. So when a man tells the truth, he needs to be supported."’
RACE FOR TEXAS: Kinky Friedman is serious about the 2006 governor’s race in Texas.
Q. Why?
A. Because,"I want to fight the wussification of the state of Texas. I want to rise and shine and bring back the glory of Texas."’
Q. What’s your stand on gun control?
A. "I do not carry a gun myself, so if someone is going to shoot me, they better remember to bring their own weapon."
Q. And your campaign style is?
A. "I just want to be as honest and as open as I can be. I will not kiss babies. I'll kiss their mothers,"
Q. Got a slogan?
A. Two! “Kinky For Governor 2006 How Hard Could It Be” and “Kinky For Governor 2006 Why The Hell Not?”
He smokes cigars, wears a cowboy hat (along with Hawaiian shirts) and has invited some of his friends along to help: Willie Nelson, Dwight Yoakam, Robert Duval, Billy Bob Thornton, Penn & Teller and Johnny Depp. Could be interesting.
MAGAZINE ‘SISTER’ BITES BACK: From Page Six today: ‘FORMER Ladies' Home Journal editor Myrna Blyth isn't making many friends with her new book, "Spin Sisters," which trashes the industry in which she prospered for 30 years. Blyth claims women's magazines push a liberal political agenda and perpetuate the notion that women are victims. But the juiciest parts are when she names names.
One passage is devoted to the step-by-step revelation that Rosie O'Donnell is a lesbian. Blyth writes:
"Her 'coming out' was a carefully orchestrated 2-month-long media campaign, overseen by Cindi Berger, a top PMK publicist . . . [Cindi] oversees a whole stable of 'problem kid' clients including Sharon Stone and Mariah Carey and those insightful foreign policy analysts, the Dixie Chicks, whose headline-making behavior makes them all media favorites . . ."’
And there’s more, MUCH MUCH more.
According to U.S. Attorney David Kelley, her case was all about lies. "When we first indicted this case, we said it was about lies, all about lies - as you saw in the evidence, that's what it was."
Okay, if it was all about lies … specifically lying to the feds, no less … why isn’t the F’n Bill Clinton behind bars? And why is Her Royal C now the junior senator from NY and aiming her broomstick for the White House?
Friday, March 05, 2004
A Palm Beach County Judge -- who operated in the same jurisdiction that is currently hearing the Rush Limbaugh pill case -- was hooked on OxyContin and forced from the bench, but was never fully investigated if he obtained the pills legally, the DRUDGE REPORT can reveal.
Within the last 18 months, Palm Beach County Judge Robert Schwartz was "involuntarily retired" and removed after he checked himself into a treatment center for dependency of the painkiller OxyContin -- the same drug at the center of the Limbaugh probe.
"He was severely addicted to prescription pain killers," an insider tells the DRUDGE REPORT. "He probably got them from a variety of sources. But unlike Rush Limbaugh, he was never prosecuted! His records do not appear to have been seized nor were his doctors’ offices raided. Talk about friend of the court!"
News of the Palm Beach judge's ordeal appears to give credence to Limbaugh's claim that he is being selectively targeted.
Palm Beach County State Attorney Barry Krischer refused to comment Friday on the Judge Schwartz/Limbaugh confusion.
Judge Schwartz was hooked on OxyContin for eight years, says a source. He was removed from the bench in October 2002 only after he was unable to hold court, staying in his chambers for several hours a day!
Schwartz suffered from numerous psychological and emotional disorders, including drug dependency, anxiety, panic disorder and sleeping disorder.
Last fall, Limbaugh publicly acknowledged that he's addicted to pain medication and has completed a drug rehabilitation program.
He remains under investigation by Palm Beach County prosecutors for alleged doctor-shopping.
[Now if only Palm Beach County Judge Robert Schwartz was available to hear the case.]
Filed By Matt Drudge
Reports are moved when circumstances warrant for updates
Not for reproduction without permission of the author
From Scott Ott, whose is the funniest blog going:
Edwards Drops Out, Now It's Kerry vs. Kerry
(2004-03-03) -- With John Edwards expected to announce his withdrawal from the presidential race today, the contest for the Democrat nomination narrows to two men — Sen. John Forbes Kerry, D-MA, and Sen. John Forbes Kerry, D-MA.
"I think we're going to see them go at it hammer and tong until the convention," said Terry McAuliffe, chairman of the Democrat National Committee. "We couldn't hope for two men who offer more contrast; the war hero vs. the peace protestor, the wealthy husband of an heiress vs. the assailant of the privileged class. One backed the attack on Iraq, the other opposed it. One voted for the USA Patriot Act, the other denounces it. One supported the president's 'No Child Left Behind' education plan, the other is harshly critical of it."
Mr. McAuliffe said his main job as party chairman over the next six months is to "keep the two John Kerrys focused on attacking President Bush, rather than sniping at each other over character issues."
It’s Friday and I’m not in a hardcore political mood this A of M. If I were a Liberal, I’d say I’m in my happy place. But as we all know, Liberals rarely find happiness outside of their chauffeured limos and their gated manses, while the hired help keep us, the hoi polloi, at bay. I mean, really, that’s what they are paid for, right? So, what put me in such a good mood (besides it being Friday, that is)?
DING DONG, THE BITCH WAS FIRED! I don’t know if any of the rest of you watch “The Apprentice” like LoanCat and I do, but last night The Donald got to utter those two dreaded words to that most pretentiously lazy bitch, Omarosa (whom LoanCat nicknamed OsamaRosa): “YOU’RE FIRED!” All the other contestants partied hardy afterwards, while the Bitch was left muttering in the back of her cab about how wonderful she was and is and will be, so there! Begrudgingly, I will say that she is the only who has been fired (that I know of) who has thanked The Donald and his cohorts. And even though she literally BURST! into The Donald’s boardroom blubbering away about how she is so worthy, she did say (rather sourly), “Thank you.” Okay, so she’s a bitch with manners. Interestingly, she’s a political consultant in real life. MUST be a Liberal. (Blue does not watch the show ... says she hates everything Trump since Ivana.)
HUSH RUSH: Okay, so here’s a dollop of politics from Rush. ‘Tina Brown, who I've not met, has a column in the Washington Post about Mel Gibson's movie, and it's her attempt to explain why Hollywood is really upset about it. She writes, "The Gibson phenomenon makes Hollywood denizens nervous because it brings home the scary power of what they fear most, Bush country. It's not the supposed anti-Semitism of the movie that they're worried about now…No, it's Mad Mel's vaunted alliance with the alien armies of the right that are determined to return their mortal foe George W. Bush to the White House this November. Maybe that's what all the good behavior at the Oscars was really about. Hollywood Democrats think that John Kerry's candidacy is going really well and they don't want to screw it up by being boorish or nasty and giving Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh a lot of new material for their next flattening 'Eventoid.' In that sense, the boredom of the Oscars this year was a function not so much of repression or despair as of cautious political hope.”’
Rush ends with this: ‘Folks, they're on the run. You need to be positive about all this. You have to learn to be able to accept being identified by who your enemies are, and not be worried about it, but rather take a measure of honor from it.’
NATURE KNICKERS: As in biodegradable underwear? I kid you not. ‘ENVIRONMENTALLY conscious celebs have a new ridiculous indulgence — biodegradable underwear. The company 2(x)ist has introduced a line of unmentionables made from Tencel, a biodegradable material. The stars who showed up to the Oscars in the eco-friendly Organic Style hybrid limos, including the Hobbits — Elijah Wood, Sean Astin, Billy Boyd and Dominic Monaghan — all received their share of underwear, and now rapper Missy Elliot has reportedly requested items from the line to wear on her upcoming tour.’
DogMan replied, “You’d expect it from those Hobbits because they’re from down under.”
GOODIE BAGS: Hollywood goes out of its way to preach to the rest of us how we should live our lives. Drive electric cars (forget about the power required to recharge the batteries). Car pool (like they’re going to give up their private jets). Wear nature knickers (as if LaPerla and Guivenchy make the stuff). I’ve been trolling the web for weeks trying to locate a complete list of those infamous GOODIE BAGS’ goodies, which all the Oscar presenters receive. I’ve learned that there isn’t a complete goodie list anywhere. At best, it’s a partial list. The one I’ve listed here is worth $31,862! I’ve heard delicious rumors about stars swiping numerous bags, too.
Packed with pricey merchandise, Oscar gift bags ensure celebrities won't go home empty-handed
By Barbara De Witt
Staff Writer
Oscar nominees might have a shot at glory, but it's the presenters who have it "in the bag."
We're talking about the coveted Oscar goodie bag, which is actually a Longaberger wicker basket with a specially made gold plaque -- a relatively new tradition in the 75-year-old history of the Academy Awards.
Originally created as a small token of appreciation by the Academy Award producers to about 40 presenters, it has grown to a Hefty bag-size basket that's filled with so many pricey gifts that some are presented separately by designers to both presenters and nominees. The reason? If a celebrity uses or wears a product, it's got instant status.
According to Hollywood buzz, the gift basket, which was valued at $8,000 back in 1999, is now worth $20,000. Actually it's more like $30,000 when you count the overflow gifts given separately. So, what's in the goodie bag for 2003? The Academy is hush-hush about the contents, but we got some insiders to spill. Below is a partial listing with the manufacturers' estimated retail value:
• Estee Lauder Oscar Spa package (a custom-made Goyard travel case stuffed with Manolo Blahnik sandals, Hermes beach towel, La Grande Dame Veuve Clicquot champagne, gift certificate for spa services, Estee Lauder cosmetics), $15,000
• Sports Club bi-coastal membership, $4,000
• Valerie Beverly Hills silver vanity makeup kit, $3,000
• Morton's Steakhouse gift certificate, $1,500
• Rosewood's Badrutt's Palace Hotel gift certificate, $1,500
• Revlon Red Carpet Bag filled with Revlon cosmetics, $1,000
• Fendi stainless steel wristwatch, $995
• Timmy Woods of Beverly Hills evening bag, $500
• Stuart Weitzman shoes, $500 (presented separately)
• Beamer Phone Video Station, $499
• Gaiam sheets, $475
• Nicole Miller cashmere halter top, $350
• Waterford crystal vase with Givere chocolate truffles, $350
• Kata Eyewear sunglasses, $350
• Oliveri Fashion custom shirt, $300
• Motorola Oscar phones for acting and directing nominees (presented separately), $200
• Bloomsbury crystal-covered compact, $275
• Omas 360 Rolling Ball blue resin pen, $250
• Sjal's holistic skin-care products, $230
• Kiehl's Academy Collection of skin-care products, $200
• World According to Jess handbag, $190
• Enjoy perfume by Jean Patou, $85
• Amy Reiley's Pocket Vineyard and Pocket Gourmet software, $50
• Ion roller ball pen, $35
• Danier leather flask, $28
Grand total: $31,862
Thursday, March 04, 2004
The dailies are no longer the JOHN F***ING KERRY files; it is now the JOHN F***ING KERRY & CO. files. That’s because he must now contend with The Clintons (ta-DA!), full and frontal.
The Woman in Kerry’s Future: Will she or won’t she? Does she or doesn’t she? Is she is or is she ain’t your VP? Who knows what lurks in her mechanical heart? The shadow knows! ‘Whatever transpires, the Clintons are active again.’
Kerry’s mouth: This article is but a partial list of that which oozes from Frenchie's potty mouth. Such as: ‘Mr. Kerry has cracked numerous times, "We all saw George Bush play dress-up on an aircraft carrier." Campaigning in New Hampshire, he added, "I left some blood on a battlefield that President Bush never left anywhere." Two weeks ago, in a shot at "the president and his henchmen," Mr. Kerry denigrated Mr. Bush's service in the National Guard when he said, "I don't know what it is that all of these Republicans who didn't serve in Vietnam are fighting a war against those of us who did."’
It’s possible, too, that these ad hominem attacks could backfire on him: ‘Americans hold the office of the presidency in high esteem. While voters appreciate a good debate on policies, they are offended by relentless expressions of contempt for the man who sits in the Oval Office.’
Make the Case: John Podhoretz has written yet another “take heart” piece today. ‘It just so happens that advertising is a perfect vehicle to remind people about how every single person in the United States who pays taxes has benefited from the tax cuts. So the impatient Republicans need to chill out. These ads are a good idea.’
Click here to view the ads.
JC & E went to see it and here is their critique:
E and I saw it last Friday. E cried all the way thru it, he was so totally moved that Jesus had to suffer so much for his (E's) sins. I did not cry. But I was riveted! I admit, I did close my eyes some of the time, tho E did not! I listened to all the critiques and discussions and criticisms before I saw it. But now that I have seen it for myself, I will listen to no more. I thought it was a masterpiece. Mel Gibson put visuals to the words I have heard in church and in personal devotions every Lenten season every Sunday and Wednesday since I was an infant. I will never again feel quite the same when I hear those words spoken during Lent. I KNEW Jesus suffered and died for MY sins. But seeing it portrayed on a very large screen gave it a whole new feeling!
One weekend when my Granddaughter who's at college doesn't have to study for tests, she's coming to Houston and I'm going to take her so I'll see it again.
Both my kids took their kids. It was not too overwhelming for their kids. None of them had to close their eyes either! Their kids grew up knowing Jesus had to die for them. So it deepened all of their faiths.
Thank you JC & E.
If anyone else has seen it, I’d like to hear what you thought. Just e-mail me.
Wednesday, March 03, 2004
Yeah yeah yeah. The Night of the Living Dead has faded into history with John F***ing Kerry having been declared the Living Dead winner. Oooo, feel the excitement. I can’t imagine the Dems are all that thrilled with him. Reminds me of a hooker with her last john of the night. “yeah baby ah-ha just like that you’re the best, baby.”
Nice win … now let’s rumble: Always the gentleman, President Bush called Kerry last night to congratulate him on his win. In essence, he was extending his hand across the aisle, unprecedented in the history of primaries. It was also a shrewd move, what with John F***ing Kerry blathering on for weeks now about what a meanie Bush has been. ‘Although Kerry spoke to reporters about Bush's phone call, he didn't mention it to the Democratic crowd.’ Wouldn't want to alter their image of Bush now, would we?
Democrats’ Mistake: Dick Morris thinks: ‘The Democratic Party slit its throat last night, abandoning 12 years of pragmatism to indulge in a nominee who's very unlikely to win.’
John Kerry’s N.Y. Times link: It’s an heire$$ thing with Kerry. ‘JOHN Kerry's ex-girlfriend Emma Gilbey is now married to Bill Keller, the executive editor of the New York Times - and some wags are wondering whether Gilbey's romantic past will influence her husband's coverage of the candidate.’
Bill Clinton could be just the ticket for Kerry: Forget about that niggling 22nd Amendment; ‘True, if Clinton were vice president he would be in line for the presidency. But Clinton would succeed Kerry not by election, which the amendment forbids, but through Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution, which provides that if a president dies, resigns or is removed from office, his powers "shall devolve on the vice president." The 22nd Amendment would not prevent this succession.’
Businessman Pardoned by Clinton Pleads Guilty to Tax Evasion: It’s ALWAYS legacy time with the Clintons. Something to consider should John F***ing Kerry ask the Bubba One to be his veep.
Speaking of that infamous LEGACY: This great point to ponder comes from a L.dotter “ex-Wyomingite”: ‘Imagine your grandchildren, now themselves parents, struggling with the issue of at what point will their children be old enough to be allowed to read a biography of President Clinton? How's that for a legacy?’
Outsourcing may be the buzz word du jour, but have you ever heard of insourcing? Lawrence Kudlow will explain.
Nurse G tells me that a friend of her, JS, has joined the Litter ranks. He said I should be on Oprah, which is a HOOT because my latest treadmill fantasy is me on Oprah promoting my book, that is if it is ever completed. (My treadmill fantasies are those which keep me righteously pumping away, with the musical thumpings of Bonnie Rait, James Brown, After 7 and Eric Clapton, to name a few, in my ears.) I picture myself in blue jeans and Western boots striding onto her stage, thus making it MY stage.
GM from Ohio recommends the following with this explantion: ‘The website of a dear friend of mine: which is run by one Fred Reed. Fred is an expatriate living in Mexico, Vietnam veteran and good 'ole boy. He wrote a column in D.C. on the "cop beat" for many years and is a brilliant and unusual fellow, to say the least. I don't always agree with what he writes, but nonetheless, I find what he write interesting always.’THANKS!
JC sent an Aesop-like explanation of the differences between the two major parties:
A young woman was about to finish her first year of college. Like so many others her age she considered herself to be a very liberal Democrat and had grown to be in strong favor of redistributing all the wealth in America. She felt deeply ashamed that her father was a rather staunch conservative, which she expressed openly.
One day she was challenging her father on his beliefs and his opposition to higher taxes on the rich and more welfare programs. In the middle of her heart felt diatribe based upon the lectures she had from her far left professors at her school, he stopped her and asked her point blank, how she was doing in school. She answered rather haughtily that she had a 4.0 GPA, and let him know that it was tough to maintain. That she had to study all the time, never had time to go out and party like other people she knew. She didn't even have timefor a boyfriend and didn't really have many college friends because of spending all her time studying. That she was taking a more difficult curriculum.
Her father listened and then asked. "How is your friend Mary." She replied, "Mary is barely getting by", she continued, "all she had is barely a 2.0 GPA" adding, "and all she takes are easy classes and she never studies." But to explain further she continued emotionally, "But Mary is so very popular on campus, college for her is a blast, she goes to all the parties all the time and very often doesn't even show up for class because she is too hung over."
Her father then asked his daughter, " Why don't you go to the Dean's office and ask him to deduct 1.0 off your 4.0 GPA and give it to her friend who only had a 2.0" He continued, " That way you will both have a 3.0 GPA and certainly that would be a fair equal distribution of GPA."
The daughter visibly shocked by the father's suggestion angrily fired back, "That wouldn't be fair! I worked really hard for mine, I did without and Mary has done little or nothing, she played while I worked real hard!"
The father slowly smiled and said, "Welcome to the Republican party."
ANYONE? ANYONE? Has anyone seen “Passion” yet? If you have, I’d love to read your evaluation, and I’d love to post it here.
Tuesday, March 02, 2004
I never know what I’ll post until I log on first thing in the A of M to see what’s what. John F***ing Kerry is ALWAYS in the news, which is why nowadays Litter contains a section known as JOHN F***ING KERRY files. Some days that’s about all I find. But today … WOW! I was trolling the Net for 133 minutes, and the stuff I’ve culled for today’s dose of Litter is endless.
Much to DogMan’s dismay, I tuned in for the end of the awards, just in time to see “Lord Of The Rings” pick up the last few statues. I love to see the fashions. Better still, I love to read the snarky comments about the fashion faux pas.
DRESSED TO DISTRESS: ‘TRUE to form, there was a pileup of fashion train wrecks on Sunday night's red carpet . "I celebrate the eccentricities," says Barneys' Simon Doonan.’
POUF! GOES UMA: ‘A GIANT doily." "The victim of an exploding kimono." "She looked like she was mugged by a Russian peasant." And those were some of the kinder things critics had to say about Uma Thurman's Heidi-gone-samurai Oscar ensemble.’
Ben Stein writes in The American Spectator: ‘But the real stunner came right afterwards when the Motion Picture Academy had a brief memorial to Leni Riefenstahl, Hitler's favorite film maker, maker of the most vicious racist propaganda for Der Führer, including Triumph of the Will, the ultimate Nazi apologia, an ardent Nazi, and an unrepentant fan of Hitler until the end. The confusion is compounded by the fact that many, if not most, of the personalities on display at the Oscars are Jewish, at least by birth if not by practice.’
I had seen Sean Aston (“Lord of the Rings”) on Oprah last week and heard him say that he was conservative. He was referring to getting a tattoo and realized that he may be misunderstood, so he quickly and vociferously explained that he WAS A LIBERAL POLITICALLY!, just rather conservative about displaying a tattoo. So, given this, I must admit that I was shocked, SHOCKED!, that all those ripe camera opportunities were passed over. Okay, so some nobody tossed in that remark about America “going down a rabbit hole” with our Iraq policy. Even DogMan braced himself for a stream vitriolic political garbage from Sarandon & Robbins, and yet even they minded their manners. Now I think I know why:
SAY NO EVIL: ‘WHILE most of the stars on stage at the Oscars would have liked to do some Bush-bashing, à la Michael Moore, they were expected to hold their tongues. With the exception of Sean Penn and Erroll Morris, most winners and presenters complied, but Charlize Theron, Marcia Gay Har-den, Tim Robbins, Keisha Castle-Hughes, Sting, Will Ferrell, Robin Williams, Susan Sarandon and Jack Black were all involved in a silent protest against President Bush's environmental policies. The stars all arrived at the Academy Awards in fuel-efficient Toyota Prius hybrids instead of gas-guzzling limos as part of Global Green USA's 2nd Annual "Red Carpet - Green Stars" event.’
Silent protest is golden:)
‘Breakthrough in Baghdad: A paradox of post-Saddam Iraq is that American elites keep asserting that it's a quagmire even as progress keeps being made in Baghdad. The latest example is the unanimous weekend agreement by the 25 members of Iraq's Governing Council on the draft of an interim constitution.’
I dunno, I wasn’t there, but it hardly sounds like the toadie Al Franken was fuming. Apparently some Hollywood bigwigs were “glad-handing” Mel Gibson at a pre-Oscar party over his $ucce$$ with “Passion,” and Franken wanted face-time with him but couldn’t get through the throngs. ‘Just because some of the thought police who run Hollywood studios want to destroy Mel Gibson's career doesn't mean other big cheeses in Tinseltown aren't dazzled by the director-writer-producer-actor's golden touch with "The Passion of the Christ."’ Still ... just thinking about the schlubby one being on the outside looking it :)
‘Not showing the severity of that beating would have diminished the struggle Jesus had to endure and deprived viewers of a real sense of his sacrifice. … Judging by the applause that erupted in the Brooklyn theater where I saw the film with a mixed crowd of Saturday night moviegoers, it's getting a good reception from a much wider audience than anyone predicted. Which of course is exactly the outcome the cultural elite feared … And since nothing moves Hollywood like money, Mr. Gibson's gamble may now pay off for the rest of us. This will likely have a greater impact on movie content in coming years than any government regulation ever could.’
“PASSION” IN FRANCE‘The last major piece in the international distribution puzzle for Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ" has fallen into place. Gibson's Icon Prods. banner has sold the French rights to Quinta Communications, the Paris-based holding company for French-Tunisian movie mogul Tarak Ben Ammar.’
‘Kerry’a Dirty Diplomacy: With typical gall, Kerry now blames a crisis he helped create with his pro-Aristide advocacy on Bush. Did Bush call for the restoration of a known inciter of necklacing to power in Haiti? No, Kerry did.’
‘The Trouble With Kerry: As a Democrat, I have two big fears about John Kerry. The first is that he'll lose. The second is that he'll win.’
Kerry on God: ‘… look, I think - I believe in God, but I don't believe the way President Bush does in -- in -- in invoking it all the time in that way. I think it is - we pray that God is on our side and we pray hard, and God has been on our side through most of our existence.’
Chris Muir on Kerry: HEE HEE HEE!
Just don’t put too much stock in what they say. It's called GROUP THINK and John Podhoretz explains: ‘WARNING: Most of the analysis and reporting you are now reading, watching and hearing about the presidential race is wrong - and it will continue to be wrong.’
Monday, March 01, 2004
The Democratic Party's presidential front-runner, Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.), has pledged that if elected he will abandon the president's war on terror, begin a dialogue with terrorist regimes and apologize for three-and-one-half years of mistakes by the Bush administration.
In a sweeping foreign-policy address to the Council on Foreign Relations in December, Kerry called the U.S. war on terror as conceived and led by President George W. Bush "the most arrogant, inept, reckless and ideological foreign policy in modern history." Kerry's remarks were widely praised by journalists. The Associated Press headlined its report on his speech, "Kerry Vows to Repair Foreign Relations." The Knight Ridder news service noted that the new focus on foreign policy "plays to Kerry's strength." None of the major U.S. dailies found Kerry's unusually strident language at all inappropriate. "Kerry Vows to Change U.S. Foreign Policy; Senator Describes Steps He Would Take as President," the Washington Post headlined ponderously.
Reason enough to donate to re-elect President Bush and then to VOTE for him!
For all those people who think a "living wage" must be passed, consider this: 'It is no coincidence that the states with the highest minimums — Washington, Oregon ($7.05) and Alaska ($7.15) — have recently had some of the highest unemployment rates.'
Read and/or listen to Rush's conversation with Jim Caviezel, who surprised Rush by calling the show. He talked about how he was accidently hit twice during the floggings and how utterly painful it was. Now, movie critics can piss'n'moan over the number of times Jesus was actually flogged/hit/whatever, but according to Caviezel, getting hit once was too much for him. So, consider what Christ endured ... for us.
Caviezel: 'There was a board on my back about, I don't know, about an inch thick, and the Roman soldiers would hit my back as they struck. They would hit that board, and I could see through a mirror when it was coming, but I had no idea how bad it was going to hurt me. So one of the soldiers missed the board and hit me flush on the back and it ripped the skin right off my back. But my reaction was I couldn't scream; I couldn't breathe; I lost my wind. Anyway, so I fell over. I played football and had the wind knocked out of me before but it was nothing like this. And it was like "Jim, get up. Get up." He didn't realize I had been hit, and so I put my hands back in the chains and got back up on the pillar, and then a couple swings later the guy just ripped into me again. This time it was about a 14-inch gash, and I couldn't breathe and was suffocating. Ripped my hands out of the chains, and collapsed.'
Laura Bartholomew Armstrong: ‘I'm the daughter of Lt. Col. Roger J. "Black Bart" Bartholomew, a First Air Cavalry rocket artillery helicopter pilot who was killed in Vietnam on Thanksgiving Day 1968, when I was eight years old.’ Hopefully, this impassioned piece in the Wall Street Journal will be the first of many written by and/or about Vietnam vets and their loved ones. They need to raise hell over the idea of someone like John F***ing Kerry as Commander-in-Chief.
John Edwards, who has little chance of winning the nomination, isn’t the only stumbling block Kerry faces. There’s the matter of the nomination process and “super delegates,” which differ from the regular “bound delegates.” And then, of course, there’s Her Royal C, a.k.a. “the 800-pound gorilla in the room.” C’mon, she doesn’t weigh that much!
Remember when Her Royal C trekked to Baghdad? When Dubya was there he was mobbed by the military wanting to shake his hand and have their picture taken with his arm around their shoulders. Her Royal C’s reception was just the opposite, cordial yet cool. Everyone seems to have kept their distance with her. But she needed those Kodak moments for campaigning, so soldiers had to respond. Notice this Kodak moment … specifically, the left hand of the soldier. He's crossed his fingers as though conveying "this doesn't count," or "I don't mean it." The caption above reads: “Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.”
In today’s Page Six was this interesting tidbit: ‘DAVID Chase, creator of "The Sopranos," was honored at a hush-hush private dinner last week at the Four Seasons Grill Room after a special advance screening of the first episode of the upcoming season.’ Among the “lucky invitees” was MAUREEN DOWD.
Interesting, because in one of her recent columns, Mo bashed Mel Gibson and his “Passion.” No, not bashed, as that verb is too weak. Excoriated is a better term. She flogged and flayed Gibson with the following: ‘"The Passion" has the cartoonish violence of a Sergio Leone Western. You might even call it a spaghetti crucifixion, "A Fistful of Nails." … So presumably you should come out of the theater suffused with charity toward your fellow man. But this is a Mel Gibson film, so you come out wanting to kick somebody's teeth in. In "Braveheart" and "The Patriot," his other emotionally manipulative historical epics, you came out wanting to swing an ax into the skull of the nearest Englishman. Here, you want to kick in some Jewish and Roman teeth. And since the Romans have melted into history . . .’
So, Mo, did’ja walk out of that hush-hush private dinner, after rubbing elbows (and other parts) with the Sopranos, wanting to pistol whip anyone? or bash anyone’s face to a pulp? or maybe turn anyone into fish food? Why not? (she asks rhetorically)
I love the Sopranos, and I can’t wait until this season’s premiere this Sunday, March 7th. In you don’t want to know anything about it, READ NO FURTHER! Instead, skip to the next article. This won’t spoil any surprise, believe me, but Janice will already be married to Bobby Baccilieri when this season begins.
From Page Six: ‘A CERTAIN patent-dispute case recently appeared to be getting under Katie Couric's skin. Literally. Women's Wear Daily reported that Couric was scheduled to receive an endoscopic brow-lift from Craig Foster, the plastic surgeon best known for reconstructing the face of the Central Park jogger. Couric's spokeswoman says the WWD item was "complete nonsense. We didn't even know what a brow-lift was." (WWD stands by its story.) The controversy concerns the tiny, biodegradable "hooks" Foster would have been inserting into Couric's forehead, which fellow celebrity surgeon Z. Paul Lorenc insists he invented, reports New York magazine. Lorenc says he owns a patent on the hooks, which hold the brow in place, and is suing the company that is selling his hooks to doctors like Foster. Let's hope for the patient's sake that the hooks don't have to be repossessed should Lorenc win the suit.’
Meeeeeooooooow :)
Sunday, February 29, 2004
It’s understandable that there are Vietnam veterans who, like John F***ing Kerry, oppose wars, if for no other reason than the draft. It was an unmitigated disaster, according to DogMan. But the military, being voluntary, has been a fairly united group since those “draft wars.” I’ve been wondering when they will begin to speak out against Kerry and his band’o’bros. Well, guess what? ‘With only three days to go before Tuesday's Democratic primary, Vietnam veterans rallied Saturday outside Sen. John Kerry's campaign headquarters in Manhattan — but a Band of Brothers they were not. Side by side with a coalition of Vietnamese-Americans from across the country, members of the Vietnam Veterans Against John Kerry chanted "Commander-in-Chief Kerry? No Way!" under banners and signs decrying the Democratic front-runner as a traitor.’
If you haven’t before, check out VIETNAM VETERANS AGAINST JOHN KERRY. It’s loaded with facts, such as the following:
‘Kerry commanded his first swift boat, No. 44, from December 1968 through January 1969. He received no medals while serving on this craft.
While in command of Swift Boat 44, Kerry and crew operated without prudence in a Free Fire Zone, carelessly firing at targets of opportunity racking up a number of enemy kills and some civilians. His body count included-- a woman, her baby, a 12 year-old boy, an elderly man and several South Vietnamese soldiers.’
Wondering about his Purple Hearts? I’ve listed them for you (from VVAJK):
) Kerry experienced his first intense combat action on Dec. 2, 1968. He was slightly wounded on his arm, earning his first Purple Heart.
2) Kerry earned his second Purple Heart after sustaining a minor shrapnel wound in his left thigh on Feb. 20, 1969.
3) On March 13, 1969, a mine detonated near Kerry's boat, slighting wounding Kerry in the right arm. He was awarded his third Purple Heart.
After his third Purple Heart Kerry requested to be sent home. Navy rules, he pointed out, allowed a thrice-wounded soldier to return to the United States immediately.
Commodore Charles F. Horne, an administrative official and commander of the coastal squadron in which Kerry served, filled out a document on March 17, 1969, that said Kerry had "been thrice wounded in action while on duty incountry Vietnam. Reassignment is requested ... as a personal aide in Boston, New York, or Wash., D.C. area.’
And VIETNAM VETERANS AGAINST JOHN KERRY is not the only organization. Google produced a long list of such references. I was particularly interested in the VIETNAM SPECIAL FORCES AGAINST KERRY. Log on and you’ll read “(If you can read this, thank a TEACHER; If you can read it in ENGLISH, thank a VETERAN).”
If you think this is a pro-Bush and/or anti-Democrat site, think again. ‘This site is not against the Democrats, it is against John Kerry, it does not look at any other issue other than his military service, the anti-war movement and how he has dealt with Vietnam's Human Rights’
They went online with their site at 11:00PM on February 11, 2004, and already their site has been sabotaged. Maybe due to quotes like this: ‘JOHN KERRY AN INDISCRIMINATE KILLER: 30 years ago when he was still CNO —that during his own command of U.S. naval forces in Vietnam ,just prior to his anointment as CNO, young Kerry had created great problems for him and the other top brass, by killing so many non-combatant civilians and going after other non-military targets. ‘We had virtually to straitjacket him to keep him under control,’ the admiral Zumwalt said.’
Well, let them! I keep tellin’ ya that Bush does not mind … encourages even … his opponents (enemies) to misunderestimate him. To once again drive home this point, read Tony Snow’s review of Bush Country: How Dubya Became a Great President While Driving Liberals Insane by John Podhoretz. You’ll feel better.