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Boston's Big Dig is the largest urban construction project in modern history. It's taken nearly 30 years so far, not to mention the cost, which has turned into an even bigger dig. All for a few miles of road. And some complain about the cost of our nation's safety?
Even More Big Dig Problems
The Big Dig is 7.8 miles of road under Boston. Originally projected to cost $2.6 billion, cost overruns and years of delays caused the eventual price tag to be closer to $14.6 billion (a mere 562% over budget). In November of 2004, hundreds of leaks that were pouring millions of gallons of water into the tunnels were discovered. And now, things just got worse.

I've recently discoverd a fun blog written by a 20-something female private investigator: P.I. Files: Day to day life of Polly the P.I. Polly warns her readers of graphic content, usually a murder scene. However, for CSI fans, it's fairly tame reading. Here at Kitty Litter Central, we eat our dinner while watching CSI reruns, and I usually serve something apropos. So when the CSI camera takes the plunge into that stabbing victim's heart, we're savoring spaghetti. Or when Grissom eyes those maggots in that poor woman's skull, we're slurping gumbo with rice. I think the best one was the night night we were eating goulash while Catherine Willows and Sarah Sidle were dealing with that bloated, slimy decomposing body in the bathtub.

The walls and ceiling are covered in blood spatter. The floor has drip patterns. I see a steak knife with the blade broken off lying on the floor near the closet. It had been discarded in favor of a pair of scissors, which are also near the closet. Over against the wall by the bathroom I see a full length mirror. Up about 6 feet on that wall is a bloody hand print. I examine it. Detective Blue says, "Yeah. I'm hoping that was made by the perp and not our guy in the closet." Don't count on it, I think.

First, Miller is in jail not because she refused to divulge the name of a Deep Throat, who saw the constitutional order of the nation imperiled and so became a confidential source to Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein in their Watergate reporting.
Miller is in jail because she promised confidentiality to a rat--someone who was trying to get back at a political critic of the current administration by revealing to the world that the critic's wife was a secret agent of the United States government. In other words, the source chose to play politics by playing with the life of an American spy, not to mention all of her contacts.

Ithaca College, where Serling once taught, is planning a scholarly conference on Serling's contributions to narrative television, which officials hope will get under way later this year.
Serling was born in Syracuse on Christmas Day 1924 and grew up in Binghamton. References to area communities, such as Ithaca and Binghamton, showed up in several episodes of "The Twilight Zone."
He quickly tired of "the scene" in New York City and Los Angeles and decided to move back to central New York, Novac said. In the late 1960s he moved to a property in Interlaken, on Cayuga Lake, north of Ithaca. Novac said Serling appreciated the fact that around town he was treated like "a regular Ithacan."
Serling, who suffered a heart attack while mowing his lawn on a summer day 30 years ago, died in a Rochester hospital and is buried in Interlaken.
From 1967 to 1975, he taught communications courses and gave lectures at Ithaca College. Today, the college maintains a Rod Serling archive among its special collections and archives. That collection is mostly made up of scripts from "The Twilight Zone," including film of about 80 percent of the show's episodes.

That's Nurse G with one of her guns, hamming it up for the camera. Not that it has anything to do with our road trip. Just wanted to post it.
Soanyways ...
Nurse G, Little H, Barbie Doll and I will be visiting my mother on Thursday, so I won't be blogging.
Okay, except for this great piece of advice from Eric Fettmann:

Gonzales is different: He and George W. Bush have forged the closest of relationships that has stood the test of time for a decade. You've got to figure that, over the years, Bush and Gonzales have had a private talk or two about judicial philosophy and the state of the judiciary — and that Bush obviously likes what he has heard.
If Gonzales gets the nod for the Supreme Court (and it's altogether possible that he won't) it will be because President Bush is convinced that he does indeed fit the mold of an Antonin Scalia or a Clarence Thomas — as Bush in 2000 promised his court picks would. Certainly in philosophy, even if not in temperament.
Thus far, conservatives have done pretty well by George W. Bush. It's time to cut him some slack on this one. Sure, the stakes are high — but this president has earned the right to a little faith and trust from his ostensible supporters.
Boy who nearly crashed the world
The virus is called a worm because it searches out machines to infect by itself without any help from users. Jaschan regularly upgraded the virus so it was able to sneak around firewalls that Micro-soft threw up with increasing desperation.
The teenager's decision to target the United States brought the FBI in on the hunt and they were instrumental in narrowing down Sasser's source before the youngster was pinpointed by an informer.
He discussed the Netsky worms he was creating - the forerunners to Sasser - in early 2004 with his brothers, sisters and many of his classmates.
As the various versions of the Netsky worm bombarded businesses worldwide with millions of nuisance e-mails, Jaschan finally felt he was earning the respect of his classmates. "It was just great how Netsky began to spread, and I was the hero of my class," he said.
At the end of April 2004 Jaschan released the Sasser worm, which spread quickly via the internet without using e-mail.

"It's not for the faint of heart."
Make no mistake: If subsequent episodes are as intense as the first, "Over There" is going to upset people. It does not shy away from the horrors of war. Some will insist that it is inappropriate, because so many Americans have loved ones currently involved in military action in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the daily news from Iraq serves as a real-life reminder of the atrocities of war. But the quality of the production speaks to the integrity of everyone involved, and it is likely that soldiers themselves will praise the show for approaching its subject matter in so bold and unflinching a manner.
In the premiere episode:
Less than five minutes into the pilot episode of FX’s Iraq war drama Over There, it’s apparent that the network is sticking to its guns, as far as its original programming initiative is concerned.
In the opening montage of Steven Bochco’s latest project, which will debut in July, a young man engages in coitus in every room of his house, a soldier takes a healthy draw off of a joint and an arguing couple let loose a barrage of “goddamns.”
Click to view promo.
DogMan made an honest woman of me. Well, actually, I was more of a girl than a woman as I was barely 18, less than two weeks out of high school. DogMan was 32, divorced, no longer in the military and a confirmed bachelor until he met me. Three months later to the hour we were married.
For all intents and purposes, we met on Friday, April 5th, 1968. DogMan didn’t realize I was still a senior in high school when he saw me in the Novelty Bar with my girlfriend around 5 o’clock that afternoon. She and I were celebrating the beginning of our 2-week spring break and the fact that we had handed in our senior term papers without a second to spare. (Back then 18 was the legal drinking age.) DogMan, who had just finished two years in Vietnam (9+ years total in the Army), used to sit in that bar every day after work and stare at the Army recruiting office across the street and think about re-enlisting. On that particular afternoon I happened to be in his line of vision.
We met there every night for the next two weeks. We’d make the rounds of bars and then end up at his father’s house, where DogMan was staying. I didn’t tell my mother too much about him, just his name and the fact that he worked in an office for Corning Glass Works … years later it became Corning, Inc. … which was a huge selling point with her. After two weeks of this, she demanded to meet him. He actually showed up wearing a suit and tie. She wore her bathrobe and slippers.
“How long have you worked for Corning?”
“About a year.”
“And you were in the Army before that?”
“For how long?”
“Nearly 10 years.”
We knew what she was up to; you could hear those wheels in her head doing the math, trying to calculate his age. The fact that DogMan looked very young for his age was in his favor at that point, because let’s face it, who in their right mind would allow their 18-year-old wild-child daughter, who was still in school, to date a 32-year-old divorced man? Except my mother didn’t know he was divorced then. I didn’t mention that until right before the wedding. “Oh, yeah, Mom? DogMan’s divorced. See ya!” And then I ran out the door before she could respond.
My parents were divorced. My father lived in Albany and was dying from cancer at the time. For some reason, it was very important to me that I was married before he died. We were married on July 5th and my father died July 7th. July 9th I was going to my father’s funeral. To this day, I think of how much my father would have loved his grandchildren. He never got to walk me down the aisle or bounce his grandchildren on his knee.
Fifteen months after we married, “Zappa” was born, and fifteen months later, “Nurse G” was our surprise package. Zappa looks very much like the grandfather he never knew.
On our 15th anniversary, I had had 15 helium-filled HUGE balloons sent to DogMan’s office. He could only fit 6 into the car to bring home, so he gave away 9. He said he was never as popular as he was that day. Everybody stopped by in hopes of scoring a balloon. That was also the day that Zappa was riding his bike with his cousin when his chain came off. As he was trying to put the chain back on, it nearly severed off the tip of his finger.
Zappa is now an electrician, married with three children, ages 2 to 13-going-on-God-knows-how-old. Nurse G is a nurse, married with one child, Little H.
I’ve been very blessed married to DogMan. No one, not a single person, thought it would last. I don’t even think my mother thought it would last as I walked down the aisle. She was just relieved that I was marrying someone with a job. Hell, there have been moments when we didn’t think we would last. When I told a psychic that I, an Aries, was married to a Cancer, she replied, “It’s a small miracle you two haven’t killed each other.” Apparently, it’s like the worst astrological pairing possible. Now they tell us! When we attended my 10 year high school reunion, we were the only couple who weren’t in, out, or headed for divorce.
We’re going out for supper tonight. Probably Applebee’s. It’s close, and it has good food and AC. We don’t bother with cards anymore. Hallmark is rich enough.
Oh, yeah, I’m still a natural brunette; DogMan isn’t :-)


Kitty: I read that beginning of your book, THE HALO EFFECT, and I was sold. Being a painfully slow reader myself, I was amazed that I read it in two days' time. The erotic parts were a nice surprise. How would you classify your book?
MJ Rose: I call it a psychological thriller. And it's the easiest book of mine to classify. Since the main character is a sex therapist, and all the crimes are psychologically motivated and solved through a lot of psychological deduction, I think the description is apt. It’s an odd thing, this need to classify a book. It comes from a marketplace where there are over 280 novels published a week. You need a shorthand for readers. Sometimes I don't think it does a book justice.
K: Your book was nominated for an Anthony Award. Congratulations! For those who don’t know, what is the award and were you surprised?
MJR: The Anthony Awards, along with the Edgar Awards are like the Oscars for the mystery/suspense genres. So getting a nomination is a huge honor, a nod, if you will, that the reading community and the writing community acknowledges your book and has singled it out. I'm actually over the moon about it.
K: What is THE HALO EFFECT about?
MJR: THE HALO EFFECT is a psychological, erotic thriller. As one of New York's top sex therapists, Dr. Morgan Snow sees everything from the abused to the depraved, from couples grappling with sexual boredom to twisted sociopaths with dark, erotic fetishes. And the Butterfield Institute is the sanctuary where she helps soothe and heal these battered souls.
Cleo Thane is one of those special patients Morgan connects to immediately. A high-priced prostitute, Cleo is remarkably sensitive and unscathed, a woman desperate to reconcile her successful professional life with her neglected personal one. And when she asks Morgan to read her unpublished tell-all book about her exclusive clientele, Morgan realizes that what she has in her hands could be explosive. Then Cleo disappears.
K: What does the title, THE HALO EFFECT, mean?
MJR: Here's the definition of the halo effect that fits how I use it in the book:
Halo Effect - Psychol., the favorable bias in interviews, intelligence tests, and the like generated. by an atmosphere of approbation. A common error in rating intelligence tests is known as the ‘halo effect.’ If an individual creates a favorable impression by his excellence in one trait, you are apt to rate him near the top in every trait. And if I told you anymore, I'd give too much of the book away:)
K: Is the therapist, Dr. Morgan Snow, based on an actual person (or people), or is she a total fabrication?
MJR: She is a total fabrication although I do have a very good friend who is a therapist and have done research with several therapists over the last ten years.
For more on this subject, read MJ Rose’s backstory:
"I lied in order to get recommendations for a sex therapist concocting a story that I needed to meet one because I was doing research for a novel in which the main character was sex therapist. I kept up the charade with Dr. M for the quite a few sessions. Instead of talking about T or myself, I make up a fictional character who was a sex therapist caught between wanting to help the police and at the same time honoring her commitment to her client's confidentiality. Was I working on that book? No. I hadn't even thought about doing a book like that."
K: Did you do any research for the call girl, Cleo Thane?
MJR: I found out about the club in THE HALO EFFECT from a man who frequented a similar club in NYC. I talked to him several times over a few weeks, and he introduced me to two other members and then I did interview one of the women who worked there. Over the years, I've interviewed several other women who got paid for having sex.
K: Suppose THE HALO EFFECT is going to be made into a movie. Whom would you cast as the three main characters, Dr. Morgan Snow, Detective Noah Jordain, and Cleo Thane? And by the way, is there any talk of a movie?
MJR: There actually is talk of a movie. But I'm abysmal at casting. Sorry. Besides, I don't want to suggest people and then put those actors in readers’ minds before they read the book. I will say who they are not. Jordain is not Tom Hanks. Morgan is not Lisa Kudrow. And Cleo is not J-Lo.
K: I understand you have two more books coming out featuring Morgan Snow: DELILAH COMPLEX and THE VENUS FIX. When are they coming out, and what are they about?
MJR: THE DELILAH COMPLEX will be out in Jan 2006 and THE VENUS FIX will be out in July 2006. They follow Dr. Morgan Snow as she deals with more deviant and depraved, complex and complicated patients.
K: Will they include Detective Noah Jordain?
MJR: Yes, they will. I like him too much to not include him. At least for now. In fact I think I have a serious crush on him:)
I'd like to thank you for this interview, and a big thank you in advance for any readers out there who pick up THE HALO EFFECT. If you like it and would like a signed bookplate for it, just drop me a line at I'd be happy to send one along. And happy reading!
Thank you, MJ Rose, for the interview!
Watch a neat 90-second video clip of THE HALO EFFECT ... Yes! Video!
You'll also be able to read the first chapter.

The daughter of the British actor Laurence Harvey and his third wife, the Vogue model Pauline Stone, she famously abandoned her life as a leading teenage model to become a gun-toting bounty-hunter in downtown Los Angeles. Her adventures captured the imagination of Hollywood, and a film based on her life, directed by Tony Scott and starring Keira Knightley, opens later this year.
But the real story of Domino Harvey's mixed-up life and tragic death would have been too prosaic, and pathetic, to interest any Hollywood studio.
To feed her thirst for dangerous thrills and what had now become a full-blown heroin addiction, she drifted into the seedy world of bounty-hunting for a bail bonds agency, tracking down criminals who abscond while free on bail awaiting trial.
[H]er quarry consisted mainly of small-time drug dealers and hopeless drug addicts, a category into which she herself was steadily descending. When she checked into a Hawaiian rehabilitation clinic in 1997, after selling the rights to her life story, she weighed less than seven stone.
After two years' treatment, it was said that Domino Harvey had managed to kick her addiction. But last month she was arrested and charged with conspiracy to distribute drugs, possession, trafficking and racketeering.
Domino Harvey was said to disapprove of the Hollywood version of her story because it depicted her as heterosexual, when she was in reality a proud lesbian.

"EVEN elephants get drunk," Nick Nolte says in a profile in WWD, discussing his belief that the need to get high is universal. The actor, who says he conquered his alcoholism at 48 but last had a drink "a couple days ago," is still taking human growth hormone and testosterone as a form of anti-aging therapy. He injects the hormone into his stomach and the testosterone into his butt. Nolte shrugs off medical research that links increased testosterone levels to prostate cancer in men in their 60s. "That's a farce," he says. "That's fake. I've talked to Italy, I've talked to Sweden, I've talked to Germany, almost all the European countries and some Asian countries as well. Do you know there are places in the world where there is no prostate cancer? Here they just want to rip 'em out as fast as possible."
More beauty secrets:
Nick Nolte drools.
Nick Nolte gets high on GHB.

SINCE Katie Holmes hooked up with Tom Cruise and the Scientologists, she's not allowed to be alone - ever. When Holmes accompanied Cruise to a recent taping of "The View," eyebrows were raised when she wasn't allowed to go to the bathroom alone. At one point, Cruise asked where the bathroom was and "took Katie with him into the men's room," an insider says. Later, when Holmes needed to go, "three Scientologists followed her in." A rep for "The View" said, "We don't follow guests to the bathroom." Some were also concerned because Holmes "looks like she hasn't slept in weeks."

Question: Is George Clooney gay (not that there's anything wrong with that)?