imkittymyers at hotmail dot com
Saturday, April 10, 2004
Twice in the past month the font size (size of the words) has decreased. The first time was several weeks ago. I asked a couple of my readers who said it looked the same to them, and I received no complaints, so I figured it was just on my end only. Yesterday afternoon, I noticed it had decreased again, this time considerably. It’s so tiny I can barely read it myself. I checked out a couple of other blogs and noticed some have the same problem. Even’s font size is much smaller. There was no change this morning.
First of all, I just want you all to know that I have not made these changes. I’ve contacted Blogger, who hosts this site, to inform them of the problem.
Second, how many of you have noticed it? Is the font too small? Please let me know in the comments or contact me at That is, of course, if you’ve been able to read this :)
The media never seem to highlight the good news out there; it’s always the bad news, partly due to the fact that bad news sells. Y’know the old adage: If it bleeds it leads. The “bleeds” are plastered throughout the papers and on TV, all laid out for us in neat packages. But the good news requires work on our part. Thank God for the Internet!
Yesterday, Rush did an on-air interview, via phone from Baghdad, with Dan Senor, who is the coalition authority spokesman. Here’s a sample of what he had to say:
‘… I'm struck by this. If you in March or April of 2003 had told most people that one year from that point, Iraqis would have an interim constitution, a constitution that protects freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, protect minority rights, introduces principles that we know like federalism and basic government accountability, they would have said, "You're crazy, no way in one year would you have a country as purportedly divisive as Iraq, where Kurds and Sunnis and Shi'a and Christians, men and women, would come together in a democratic fashion and reach compromise and draft an interim constitution and make progress in the economy." One of the most progressive and liberal economic programs in this country is in place right now, economic, most progressive not only for this part of the world, but for the entire world. You know, cap of 15% personal income tax, corporate income tax, no limits on foreign investment, free trade, sorts of things unheard of in this part of world. It's truly historic, what a difference one year makes.’
Friday, April 09, 2004
Not so good here. My body has been toying with a cold … sneezing, coughing, that general blah feeling I felt all through the Carter years. Poor Little H has a cold and must sleep sitting up. Nurse G is having to endure this term’s finals with bronchitis. But considering what happened to Jesus on this day, we don’t have it so bad.
Gibson and the Neo-Gnostics: ‘And far from overdoing the torture, I believe he has only scratched the surface of conveying the true horrors Christ endured.’
“The Passion of the Christ” has earned (in the US) $335,525,803 in 43 days, which averages $7.8 Million/day.
Why GOOD Friday?: Here’s one explanation.
Superstitious?: The tiny town of Canneto di Carona in Sicily has been plagued with spontaneous combustions everywhere. The residents had to evacuate, and no one can figure out why this is happening. ‘"Every time some new scientist comes to town, they arrive thinking the whole thing has been invented or that they're going to solve the mystery in two minutes. They've all been wrong."’
The Prowler, in The American Spectator, has ferreted out how the anti-Bush and John Façade Kerry are now inextricably linked. ‘John Kerry apparently has given up the pretense that there is no linkage between the George Soros-financed anti-Bush group and his campaign. He has just hired MoveOn's special projects and research director Jack Exley to oversee his campaign's website.’
In the same column, in Steeling Clarke’s Thunder, the Prowler asks” ‘So did former Bush national security staffer Richard Clarke get a little help for his testimony before the 9/11 Commission? He denies it, but some staffers who are part of a Democratic interest group are saying that he did.’
Condi and the Louts: Ben Ven-Nasty and crew did their damnedest to put that uppity black woman in her place, but the fine and mannered Dr. Rice deflected their accusations very well. ‘Laxity was the central cause of America's sloppy security prior to 9/11. Yet lax liberals, the ones who typically view heightened security as an attack on civil liberties, are the loudest critics of Condoleezza Rice and the Bush administration.’
Dr. Dittohead: In an amazingly vile yet illuminating column (which Rush linked on his website), Margot Mifflin writes that she had been treated by her therapist … a female, no less … for an entire year before learning that the therapist is a dittohead. ‘I thought my therapist was brilliant -- until I discovered her love for Rush Limbaugh. … Yet she considered Rush Limbaugh to be an acceptable human being?’
With all the recent bad news about the war, here are some GOOD pictures of the war from that entirely acceptable human being and all round great guy, Rush Limbaugh. Thank you, Rush!
Thursday, April 08, 2004
Here is a gallery of pictures from Iraq and the war and all things military. Like this link about Bush.
This link has several pictures of Saddam during his capture. 'The cash Saddam had with him ($750,000 in US currency carried in a metal box.)'
This link in particular shows where our tax dollars have been.
Thanks LoanCat!
‘Pit bull’ Kennedy goes step too far: ‘On Monday Sen. Ted Kennedy, designated pit bull for the Kerry campaign, said, ``Iraq is George Bush's Vietnam, and this country needs a new president.''
By Wednesday the theme had been picked up by none other than radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, who issued a statement saying, ``I call upon the American people to stand beside their brethren, the Iraqi people, who are suffering an injustice by your rulers and the occupying army, to help them in the transfer of power to honest Iraqis. Otherwise, Iraq will be another Vietnam for America and the occupiers.''’
The real JFK: (Thanks Gayle!) ‘Does anyone remember these historic words?
"Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty."’
Kerry in E-storm: ‘John Kerry's campaign has hired a top strategist from, the supposedly independent Bush-bashing group that the president's team has accused of illegally helping the Democrat. Zach Exley - who once called Bush a "crackerhead" on CNN and created a 2000 political parody site that portrayed Bush as a crack user - will run Kerry's Internet operations.
Asked if Team Kerry believes a Bush-Hitler comparison is valid, [Kerry spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter] replied, "No, we do not."’
Pathetic Kerry Condemns "Rude" GOP Protestors: 'Kerry's playbook is so old and he is so dishonest, it can be infuriating. But there's a simple way to listen to liberals without tearing your hair out, and that is this: everything liberals accuse Bush of, is what they do themselves. So when Kerry talks about the politics of lying, he's telling us what Democrats do. He's identifying his own tactics. As an example, consider Kerry's freak-out at a group of protestors waving flip-flop sandals at Kerry's Cincinnati speech.’
WARNING!: The following Kerry joke contains a “naughty word.” I’d like to compile a Kerry joke list, so if you have any, please send them to me at . Put “Kerry joke” in the subject line. I’ll post them if they’re relatively decent. This one passes the test:)
You may know that John Hinkley has been released from St. Elizabeth's Hospital's mental facility for unsupervised visits to his parent's home on weekends. For those of you who may be too young, or too old, to remember, John Hinckley shot President Reagan to impress actress Jodie Foster.
This is such a nice letter from the president:
Mr. John Hinckley
St Elizabeth's Hospital
Washington D.C.
Dear John,
Laura and I hope that you are continuing your excellent progress in recovering from your mental problems. We were pleased to hear that you are now able to have unsupervised visits with your parents. The staff at the hospital reports that you are doing fine.
I have decided to seek a second term in office as your president an d I would appreciate your support and the support of your fine parents. I would hope that if there is anything you need at the hospital you would let us know.
By the way, are you aware that John Kerry is screwing Jodie Foster? Just thought you would like to know.
George W. Bush
Suddenly the Net is quiet. It’s 9:00 a.m., of course, and Condi Rice is at this very moment giving her testimony, under oath, before that bloviating 9/11 panel. I have no doubt she’ll wow the country, quite possibly in much the same way Ollie North mesmerized the nation.
Just an aside: If Condi were a Democrat, the cacophony of racist outrage would be deafening; the fact that Republicans would dare ask a poor, black woman to answer questions would be the story. But Condi works for Bush, a much despised Republican, so her credibility is questioned. Somehow her skin color has escaped the coverage -- as it should be.
By the way, if it was so damned important that the entire panel hear Condi Rice, why didn’t the entire panel attend her private testimony? I heard only 4 bothered to show up!
Rice, Clarke, and September 11: ‘A sincere effort to gain lessons learned could have been done methodically and quietly rather than on a partisan public timetable geared to sensationalism. (Thank goodness that FDR and his senior advisers didn't have to waste precious weeks and months being grilled by former isolationists.)’
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
Lucianne's quote du jour (she kids you NOT!):
"The fact is, President Clinton approved every snatch that he was ever asked to review."
--Against All Enemies: Inside America's War on Terror by Richard A. Clarke
(Page 145)
The ULTIMATE March Madness: Boss e-mailed the final scores of everyone who participated in the March Madness pool. Out of a total of 58 who participated, here are the final standings in our little group:
#11 Kitty, who knows NOTHING about sports!
#14 Boss, who knows sports & watches.
#44 Slappy, who studied the sport & hid his answers!
#52 Nurse G, who, like yours truly, knows nada about basketball.
In the list at the right is "Healing Iraq." Check it out for up-to-date news on the war in Iraq from someone who knows because he's there.
Why am I not surprised: The following is a newsletter from It is also an ad selling a book, but nonetheless, it is a topic many of us have questioned.
Burkett: Navy Commanders to Cast Doubt on Kerry's War Record
Several Navy officers who supervised Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry when he commanded a swift boat in Vietnam are preparing to publicly question his war record - including the circumstances under which he was awarded three Purple Hearts - a noted Vietnam War historian revealed this past weekend.
Burkett, whose book, "Stolen Valor," is considered to be the definitive history of of falsified Vietnam War claims, told WABC Radio's Steve Malzberg that Kerry's former commanders would allege that the top Democrat's Purple Hearts were awarded for "self-reported injuries that were virtually nonexistent."
Burkett's book was among the first to expose many of the phony claims made by John Kerry about U.S. war atrocities. In "Stolen Valor" Burkett also revealed that Kerry did not discard his war medals, as he claimed in the 1970s.
"He never got a day of treatment, he never spent a day in a medical facility," Burkett said, commenting on Kerry's "wounds."
"These were all self-reported wounds, which you're going to hear from some swift boat guys in the future as to the nature of those wounds."
Burkett said he had personally spoken to the Navy commanders who were preparing to go public about Kerry's decorations.
"You're going to get quite a showing [of those speaking out]," Burkett told Malzberg. "I don't know [the number] yet. They're trying to get it to be unanimous of every swift boat guy who ever served."
As to the timetable for the upcoming revelations, Burkett said that Kerry's superior officers "were still discussing that."
"You've got some major rallys being planned against John Kerry by Vietnam veterans on the mall, at the convention - this type of thing," he said. "And we're going to make America aware of John Kerry's military record."
To get "Stolen Valor" FREE, Link Here.
Leftovers: The Façade’s plan to reduce our dependency on foreign oil smacks of Jimmah Carter. Been there, tried that, HATED IT! If the Façade gets his way, you can kiss good-bye everything larger than a Yugo, including your SUV’s and your pick-ups. What is it with these Liberals? They don’t want us drilling for oil in our country, and they don’t want us to depend on foreign oil, either.
Dipsomaniacal: Thanks to conservative radio host, Monica Crowley, ‘Don’t be surprised to see T-shirts soon blaring, "Free Teresa!"’ Does the name Martha Mitchell ring any bells? :) HA HA HA !!!
Check this out: The Façade’s Iraqi policy.
No, Steve Emerson dug deep and then connected the dots. ‘Steve Emerson is to the media what Richard Clarke was to the government. A former CNN correspondent and senior editor at U.S. News & World Report, he became fanatically concerned about terrorist infiltration after stumbling into a 1992 convention of radical Muslim jihadists in Oklahoma City, of all places. …
‘SO SOME PEOPLE DID SEE September 11 coming. They were generally regarded as nuts and fanatics -- and sometimes remain so today. (Alexander Cockburn recently referred to Emerson as a "terror slut.")’
The article does not imply that Bush is at fault, or anybody for that matter. In fact it explains why terrorists attacking the US seemed such a remote idea: ‘Face it, we hadn't been attacked on our own soil since the War of 1812. There are 5,000 miles of ocean between America and the nearest hostile power. Terrorists were people who set off bombs in cafes in Tel Aviv or poorly guarded embassies in Nairobi. Even the most prescient imaginings only had terrorists hijacking airplanes in Europe and loading them with explosives to head for America or holding passengers hostage to free political prisoners. We got blindsided. As even Richard Clarke is willing to admit, nobody could have seen it coming.’
To "see it coming" and then to pinpoint the specifics -- date and place at least -- are worlds apart.
‘Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton doesn't appreciate the generous tax cut provided to her and former President Bill Clinton by the "compassionate" President Bush, which isn't to say she's returning the money.
"I know what my compassionate mother thinks about a budget that gives her daughter and son-in-law tax cuts while kicking 300,000 poor kids out of after-school programs," Mrs. Clinton writes in the new afterword of the paperback version of her recent best seller, "Living History."’
‘Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ" crossed the $100 million milestone outside North America Tuesday after Icon reported its offshore total through last weekend at $99.3 million.
Icon revised its international cume from the $80.3 million it reported Monday with more up-to-date numbers from various territories. The worldwide total is $431 million.
The biblical epic has been released in 43 markets. Latin America has generated $36.2 million, Australasia has contributed $10.8 million and Poland has clocked $9.4 million.
Western Europe (including last weekend's bows in France, Spain, Holland and Scandinavia as well as holdovers in the U.K. and Germany) has chipped in with $21.8 million.
The religious drama opens today in Italy and on the weekend in India and several small Eastern Euro markets.
It's tracking to do around $200 million abroad, depending partly on how it's received in Japan, where it debuts next month,’
Has anyone else here seen the movie? I’ve had one reader who has and recommended it to others. REMEMBER: You can comment anonymously!
Tuesday, April 06, 2004
Her Royal C's memoirs are coming out in paperback, and she's written a new blurb for it:
'Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton says that she's still not quite sure why her memoirs, "Living History," sold so well. ... She accuses the Bush administration of hostility to the middle class, and says that efforts to get along with her opponents, "including a few who led the charge for my husband's impeachment," have often been defeated by "ideology and partisanship." '
Boy, I certainly hope some of you have some comments. So puhleeeeeze, let'r rip!
Good news today about the military. The first one was on morning TV: Katie Couric interviewed the father of a young Marine who was recently killed in action in Iraq. The second one was a piece written by a soldier in Baghdad.
And then there's BS from Hollywood:
The Left Coast Report
By James Hirsen
Barbra Streisand's Call to Inaction
After a post on her Web site urged folks not to accept the "myth that 9/11 turned President Bush into a 'hero,'" die-hard Democrat Barbra Streisand pleaded with fans to change the attitudes of Americans.
Babs is in a diva-sized dither because people aren't buying Dick Clarke's bizarre statements. She blogged, "Can you believe that some polls now show that more people believe Bush/Rice/Cheney's take on their handling of intelligence pre- and post-9/11 than the many people inside the administration who have come out to tell us the facts about what really went on..."
She then issued a call. "Ask anyone and everyone you know who still trusts Bush why they have such faith in him. Get to understand their psyches ... let them know the truth ... do whatever you can! There is so much at stake," she implored.
The Left Coast Report suspects that when you ask people "why they have such faith" in President Bush, their answer might go something like this: He's a man who is willing to take resolute action to protect our country and our people, despite the loudmouths on the left, the partisans in the media and the power-grubbers in Congress.
A friend sent me pictures of John Facade Kerry's homes along with their locations and assessed values. I can't post them here, but I can e-mail them to you. I've composed them into a one-page text document, and I can e-mail it to you as an attachment. I've scanned it (with Norton) and it's virus-free. So, if you'd like to see his homes, just e-mail me at
Word count: 45,000.
Number of times Osama bin Laden mentioned by name: 4.
Number of times al Qaeda mentioned: 0.
That’s the tally from Clinton’s final report.
‘The Clinton document, titled "A National Security Strategy for a Global Age," is dated December 2000 and is the final official assessment of national security policy and strategy by the Clinton team.
‘The scarce references to bin Laden and his terror network undercut claims by former White House terrorism analyst Richard A. Clarke that the Clinton administration considered al Qaeda an "urgent" threat, while President Bush's national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, "ignored" it.’
Read the report here.
What happened to Clarke’s “evidence”? :)
Cindy Adams, of the NY Post, may be “just a gossip columnist,” but people talk to her … a lot! She hears things, secrets, plans, conspiracies in the making. And she’s almost always right. A little birdie told her:
‘THE prevailing opinion is Bush gets re- elected. People don't change leaders mid-war. Thus, certain Dem brains are plotting a crafty assault on the GOP. Having worked out what they consider is a creative attack based on the soaring petrol prices, they'll lay its blame on this administration.
The scenario is to wait for Cheney to be officially locked in as VP. Feeling he's the most vulnerable in this area because of Halliburton, because our military didn't sufficiently protect Iraqui oil fields, etc., they do not want him blitzed uselessly. After the convention, when for sure he's on the ticket, is when they'll unleash this artillery.
Sitting in their own little neat safe offices, the way they've strategized it, they anticipate getting not only the doves but also the hawks.’
They say Halliburton like it was a bad thing. Personally, I think this is another bone-headed idea. I mean, suggesting that our military didn’t do a good enough job? Remember the fiasco of those reports about the military supposedly looting the museums? How they didn’t sufficiently protect them? It was eventually proven one massive lie. Something tells me that this hatching strategy is not news to Team Bush.
Dick Morris writes an update on the Façade’s slide. ‘THE latest daily tracking polls by Scott Rasmussen show that President Bush has moved up six points in the past week to take a three-point lead over Sen. John Kerry. … The conventional wisdom has been that the contest between Bush and Kerry will be very close. But the evidence is mounting that it may not be.’
A Litter reader named erp (see yesterday’s comment section) thinks Kerry won’t be the nominee. 'Kerry should watch his back. He'll be more than rankled when this is over. Hillary will be in charge at the convention and Kerry won't be the nominee. By convention time, he'll have been derailed, figuratively or literally.'
What do the rest of you think: Who will be the nominee?; who will be the running mate?
A note on commenting: IT’S EASY! Just click on the word “comments” and type away in the comment section. You don’t have to leave your name or e-mail or anything else.
Monday, April 05, 2004
John Façade Kerry is an old money Boston Brahmin, an exclusive position of privilege. He comes from wealth and married even greater wealth, which is fortunate because he’s very accustomed to all the accouterments which wealth provides: his own private jets; his many multi-million dollar homes; the power to have fire hydrants moved from in front of his Boston home. Yet, he’s a mere political apparition, with all the campaigning finesse of Inspector Clouseau. The Façade excites no one in his party or his base. In fact, his nomination will be won by default.
Bill Clinton, on the other hand, is a god in his party. (Why, I don’t know, but he is.) Clinton comes from nothing, a veritable Horatio Alger of Hot Springs. In fact his origins are so humble that one of his childhood homes, recently listed on eBay, could not generate a single bid, most likely due to its terminal shabbiness. And still, Clinton has risen to become the power of the Democratic Party. He and his shrew of a wife, Her Royal C, control the power and the money of the party which means, in essence, they control Kerry as well.
‘Ex-president plays big role in Kerry's race against Bush. If there is a shadow behind the "shadow campaign" of independent Democratic groups opposing the re-election of President Bush this fall, it is former President Bill Clinton. Add Clinton's prodigious fund-raising talents to the mix, his keen strategic insights and his ability to inspire large segments of the Democratic faithful, and it becomes clear that the former president is going to be Kerry's not-so-silent partner, whether Kerry wants him or not.’
How the Façade must secretly detest the Clintons. How he must chafe at their tawdry tales and cringe at their common touch. Deep down John Façade Kerry, feeling entitled to be president, must be embittered by the Clintons’ success. The fact that he needs the Clintons must rankle him; the fact that this is public knowledge must be humiliating. This is not a partnership made in heaven.
READERS TURN: Newsletter:
Vietnam War historian Gerald Nicosia said Friday that burglars who broke into his house a week ago Thursday and removed thousands of documents from Sen. John Kerry's FBI files were most likely Republican operatives.
"I would say that the Republicans had the largest motivation because there definitely is... a heck of a lot of explosive stuff about Kerry in there," Nicosia told MSNBC's "Scarborough Country."
The author, who has unabashedly proclaimed his support for Kerry's presidential bid, obtained the FBI files while working on his 1999 book "Home to War," filing a Freedom of Information Act request that took eleven years to yield results.
Nicosia said he didn't think the top Democrat or his staff were worried about the 20,000 page stash of surveillance material he had on him.
"The Kerry camp had no reason to believe I would not cooperate with them," Nicosia insisted, explaining that he shared portions of the files with Kerry operatives a few days before their theft.
Still, after Nicosia used the files two weeks ago to disprove Kerry's denials that he attended a 1971 meeting of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War where a plot to assassinate pro-war politicians was discussed - some see the motivations of the file thieves differently.
"This almost sounds like a West Coast version of Watergate 2004," host Joe Scarborough told Nicosia and fellow guest Pat Buchanan. "Maybe it was an inside job by somebody in the Kerry campaign."
Indeed, if the Kerry camp was involved in the FBI file break-in, it wouldn't be the first time it had engaged in Watergate-style political sabotage.
As the New York Post reported just last month, during Kerry's 1972 bid for Congress, his younger brother, Cameron Kerry, was arrested for "breaking into... the headquarters of a Kerry opponent" in Lowell, Mass.
Kerry's brother and another campaign worker pleaded not guilty to charges of "breaking and entering with the intent to commit grand larceny."
After the arrests, candidate Kerry told the New York Times that the break-in was a preemptive strike in response to threats that phone lines to his campaign headquarters were about to be sabotaged.
Cameron Kerry is now a partner in a Boston-based law firm and has been a key financial backer of all of his brother's campaigns.
Sunday, April 04, 2004
That little sweetie, Nurse G, arranged a get-together last night at Applebee’s to celebrate my recent birthday. Boss & Slappy brought birthday cards crammed full of scratch-off lottery tickets. Nurse G brought the entertainment in the form of Little H, who periodically took off and did laps around the restaurant. DogMan, of course, was there. Even Zappa showed up! Unfortunately, C.O. had to work :( otherwise our soiree would have been complete. We had a great time. Y’know guys, we really should do this more often. And THANKS, I loved it!
I doubt it, but Little H and I shared one last night at Applebee’s, along with ice cream and chocolate sauce. Just in time to put a crimp in your Easter baskets next week, a new diet book comes along called “The Maker’s Diet.” Man, is nothing sacred anymore?
‘THE latest indication that religion is on the upswing is "The Maker's Diet." The brainchild of Dr. Jordan Rubin, it is "the original diet intended by our Creator," says Rubin, 28, a survivor of Crohn's disease who supposedly cured himself with dietary supplements he now markets as Garden of Life products. Rubin, who has 100 employees, eliminates "overprocessed, bioengineered 'convenience' foods and fad diets." Just in time to hitch a ride on "The Passion of the Christ" bandwagon, Rubin's book has already hit No. 1 in presales.’
Uh-oh. Air America Radio is off to a baaaaaaaaad start. They bumped NY City’s black talk radio station off the dial, forcing its regularly scheduled programs (for 22 years!) into the dead zone of midnight to 5 a.m. This is how you treat your targeted audience?
The Black Community is not taking this lightly. After all, Air America Radio is all white, which I call really bad planning. Do they think America looks like Al Franken? So …
‘On Thursday evening, the basement of Harlem's Abyssinian Baptist Church rang with passionate denunciations of institutional racism. Community leaders called for a boycott, spoke of arrogance toward blacks, and threatened a class-action lawsuit. Their unlikely targets? Institutions that the causal observer might think would be bedfellows of the black community: The Democratic Party and Air America, the country's first full-scale attempt at a commercially viable liberal talk-radio network. … "The Democrats have greatly offended us with their insensitivity," he said. "We should use our vote like a weapon." If they choose to pick up that weapon when it's offered them in November, they may accidentally shoot themselves in the head.’
Let’s consider this for a moment: Air America Radio is heard on a handful of stations … I heard the number was 5 … and they p-off the Black Community on day one! Yee-gads, they can’t get run a radio station backed by billion$, and this is the same group that wants to run the country? I like to think of it as the O’Frankenstein Factor.
A great little piece about the two totally different campaign styles of Team Bush and the Façade Follies. ‘For Bush, a Harvard MBA holder, there's no confusion about the chain of command. There also is no confusion about the handful of key issues that his campaign believes it must highlight in order to win in November.”
Kerry’s style, on the other hand, reminds me of an Abbott and Costello routine. ‘In comparison, the Kerry campaign has more overlap at the top. At times, his Boston advisers have had disagreements with the D.C. advisers, and there's more confusion about who's calling the shots in mid-level management.’