imkittymyers at hotmail dot com
Friday, February 03, 2006
This is probably one of the scariest pictures of Her Royal C to date. (Thanks to Lucianne for posting it yesterday!) It's a nightmare for anyone, but especially for a pol who's desperate to become president in '08. Pity the photographer who snapped it. The picture is an instant classic, so it should be no surprise that it's making interblogatory rounds. Of all places, it popped up at the gossip blog Dlisted:
Hilary [sic] Clinton Should've Been a Supermodel: Check out the no-holds-barred comments
What is it with celebrities who are obsessed with baring their pregnant bellies in public? What, like they can't afford clothes? There has been lots of naughty gossiping about Katie Holmes: Is she really pregnant or is she faking it with a pillow? Not to mention all those speculative rumors about how exactly she became pregnant. Btw, I hope that's decaf she's drinking.
And now there is this story circulating that Twitney Spears is pregnant again. Oh, Lord, I hope not. (That picture is from her 1st pregnancy.) Maybe she thinks she can keep that idiot husband of hers home with another kid. Yeah, right. I'm thinking she got tired of trying to lose the baby fat and decided to get pregnant again, instead. Whatever. Just cover up already!!!
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Paul left this comment:
Gore in Eight, it's not too late!
YES ! YES! YES! And his little Kerry, too!
Or would that be Kerry and his little Algore, too?
No matter; Elvira Gulch will handle anyone who gets in her way, which will only add to the fun.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
There has been quite a bite of talk lately about literary frauds, James Frey and J T LeRoy, and now Harriet Ziefert has been added to the list.
'Snake' Bit: Publisher Turns 'Tail' on Next Literary Scandal Before It Bites
After discovering that renowned children’s-book author and publisher Harriet Ziefert’s latest book, A Snake Is Totally Tail, is strikingly similar to Judi Barrett’s 1983 book of the same name, publisher Blue Apple has announced that it will not be releasing the version authored by Ziefert, originally set for release in April.
Nothing new. Ms. Ziefert joins Alex “Roots” Haley, and HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON who ripped off Jane Cowen-Fletcher's book. I have not read either of those two books, so I'm not certain if they're all that similar. On the other hand, Her Royal Clydesdale didn't actually write the book; Barbara Feinman Todd was the ghost writer and Her Royal C didn't even give her credit.
Check out this Annie Liebovitz poster of this seanson's SOPRANOS.
I've been busy writing, trying to turn an idea for a commercial fiction story into a literary one for this contest. I wrote a decent story, but I seriously doubt that it could be termed "literary." I'm still considering entering my story. Hey, y'never know!
One of my favorite shows will be returning next month, and it's about time!
The latest addition to "The Sopranos" family album, an HBO poster that was shot by celebrity shutterbug Annie Leibovitz promotes the sixth season of the mob smash, which returns March 12.
In it, mob boss Tony is seated in a dark, comfortable-looking room looking alone, rumpled and angry.
The photo may suggest story lines for the upcoming season — believed to be the show's last — which will feature 12 episodes this spring and then another eight next January.
In other news ...
8 This must have hurt a lot of Dems: 'Commander in Chief' Pulled from ABC Lineup
8 Thanks to Lorie and Rush [blogger won't let me link them >:O], I've become a diehard "24" fan. And now thanks to Rachel, I’ve discovered the funniest recap of the show’s episodes:
So, when the show opens in the CTU we got Jack, Chiggy Killer, Sam Gamgee, and Audrey (a.k.a. S4GF) discussing strategy, and the delicate situation of dealing with President Weasel and Sid Blumenthal. "Jack, when Sid Blumenthal finds out you're alive, he's going to be coming for you," They warn him. Jack isn't worried. "So long as I have a knife and he has an eyeball, I'm not worried." Sweet Potato Face and Truffle Shuffle exchange glances. The CTU/Jack Bauer Dead Pool begins taking bets.
8 Btw, Dave has figured out how Algore could be president, “because by then it just won't matter anymore.”
8 Algore’s Doomsday Countdown (not to be confused with how Algore can become president)
8 And three bloggers worth checking out:
1) Figure skating aficionados should check out Gayle’s blog.
2) Scott has finally ventured into photoblogging!
3) Mr. & Mrs. Media Matters, who are expecting a little MM, took a cruise.
Sunday, January 29, 2006
8 Check out why Lucianne posted this picture.
8 For those who missed it, here is Janet Reno murdering Aretha Franklin's signature song. Seriously sad. And by the way, who let her out of the home?
8 The Bunnies in their latest 30-seconds feature, STAR WARS!
8 It's Sunday, so go ahead, SLAP HILLARY ;~)