imkittymyers at hotmail dot com
Friday, December 23, 2005

During Christmas a long time ago, my mother took me to eat at Luchow's, an old world German restaurant in New York City. (The restaurant has since been demolished.) Their tree was magnificent, reaching to the ceiling loaded with hand blown glass ornaments. Ever since I've collected ornaments, primarily Santa ornaments, in hopes of re-creating Luchow's Christmas tree. I had two large boxes filled with ornaments, including a few Christopher Radko's from his earlier collections. When DogMan got the dogs, I stopped having a tree. Our home is small and the dogs have TAILS which WAG a LOT. Instead of spending the holidays in a hypertensive state, I decided to decorate without a tree, and I always try to add a few ornaments. Sometimes I garnish a doorway, sometimes a window; this year I decorated the mantel.
Interblogatory mood boosters ...
8 Hat/tip to Dave for this great site!
8 From Brian, an engineer, the hilarious Christmas Specifications
8 What would Christmas be without Bob Rivers' Walking Around In Women's Underwear
8 Hat/tip to Mr. Snitch for this animated song. (Takes a while to load.)
If I'm not able to post anything beforehand, I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Hanukkah!
Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Click picture to enlarge.
This is just one of the things I've been busy doing instead of blogging. It's a book of my stories from my short story blog, Briefs And Other Unmentionables. No, it wasn't published; I printed it myself.
It all started when I wanted to give my mother, who has everything and lacks for nothing, a book of my stories. She has no interest in computers; just mention the word and her eyes glaze over. So I decided that I'd print them and put them into book form. I decided against the 8.5"x11" paper as it's too big and floppy. I searched in all the local stores for paper in a smaller size and finally found plain paper note pads measuring 5"x8". Perfect!

I printed two copies and had them spiral bound. I wrote a nice little note inside one and mailed it to my mother as part of her Christmas. I inscribed the second copy to my very good friend, Sue Watkins. She's been a tremendous source of encouragement to me, the nicest friend and a great writer, too. She's gifted me with several of her books; I wanted to give her one of mine. But before I mailed it to her, I thought how great the book would look if it had a perfect binding. A perfect binding would cost $30 per, whereas the spiral was about $3, so it was out of the question. That's when I wondered if I could do it. So I took a blank note pad and, using a toothbrush and some tacky glue, I gave it a perfect binding. It worked very well, so I printed another copy of my book.
And that's when I noticed that the very first story was missing TWO PAGES!! Correcting this mistake required re-formatting the whole book, including the table of contents.
Printing a book takes over an hour (it originally took two!). Assembling it takes very little time; it's the drying that takes time. After I slather on one coat of glue, I place it between two books wrapped in wax paper. Then I put it on a radiator and weigh it down with a 14-lb. box of kitty litter :-) When I add the 2nd coat of glue an hour later, I also add the "title spine." Then I leave it pressed between the books on the radiator over night. I finish it off with a piece of wide, clear tape over the binding.
I re-printed three books. Sue loved hers, and I can't wait to see my mother's face when she opens hers.
Are any of you making things for Christmas?
Monday, December 19, 2005

Why [BulldogPundit] Won't See "Brokeback Mountain": I don't want to see 2 guys making out or getting it on. … I don't like heterosexual "love stories", so why would I watch one about homosexuals?).
But would he watch two women "getting it on"? I'll watch the movie when it comes to cable.
Don't assume that gays will automatically like it either.
'Brokeback' a horse laugh for Nathan: [O]penly gay stage and screen star Nathan Lane went on the "Today" show Friday and, instead of treating the Ang Lee movie with customary reverence, had a satirical field day at "Brokeback's" expense.

No dude, independent films are those black and white hippie movies. They're always about gay cowboys eating pudding.
By the way, for you Cartman aficionados, you can buy this cell phone cover here. Click on “3310 covers - TV & Film >” and scroll down (using the arrow at the right) to “Nokia 3310 mobile phone covers Tv – Cartoons”
Can this be far behind (no pun intended)?
Gay Dentist Movie a Critical Success: Proving that homosexuality comes in all professions, the new gay dentistry film Broke Back Molar is transgressing all boundaries.
(Yes yes yes, I know it's satire.)

The cable channel has decided that three seasons of self-centered carping and copious partying is enough, and has declined to go forward with a fourth round of "Growing Up Gotti."
The show launched in July 2004 with 3.2 million viewers. Three weeks later, it had fallen to just 1.5 million. Recent episodes averaged just under 800,000.
More entertainment news ...
8 'RESCUE' REVELERS BARE IT ALL (link only good today):
"There were no make-out sessions." Instead, the "Rescue Me' revelers were merely "baring their breasts or their [male private parts] — or they'd moon someone. It went on for an hour and a half. Callie lifted her shirt and put her breasts on the bar.
"Denis slid down a banister completely naked. He did it lickety split," continues our tattletale. "Where they were sitting was facing the hotel's courtyard on Ninth Avenue. They were flashing the incoming traffic. Everyone was blowing their horns at them.
8 Strip club Santas “(male and female)” siiiiiiiigh