Today is Veterans Day, " A celebration to honor America's veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good. "
The Other Side of Paradise
Soldiers are notoriously silent about their political views. By law they are committed to supporting the Commander and Chief. Yet this election has brought about deep feelings of distrust and uncertainty within their ranks. The perception of Obama for these soldiers is grounded in some simple realities that for them draws into question the President-elect's intentions and core beliefs in the United States .
Another soldier continued, "You know what really sucks is that none of our votes count. Sure, we voted, but they are absentee ballots. They only are counted in the event of a tie. What type of statement is that towards democracy. You fight, you die, but your vote while deployed doesn't count."
The group discussion continued, " As a military officer I will serve whoever is Commander and Chief. But this is the wrong guy for the job, and the wrong time for our country. He's weak."
"This is a war. Karzai wants it both ways. He wants to point the finger at us whenever he thinks he can gain favor with the Afghan people. But he wants our money and our soldiers to fight for him. I expect Obama to support him, cut our budgets and hang us out to dry for the sake of his vision of change. He is all about negotiating and compromise."
If you're wondering what you can do, please support the wonderful efforts of Operation Graititude. They need your help.
May God bless our military and their loved ones.