This image of Edwards appeared before the '04 election and earned him the nickname of The Breck Girl. I posted on this at the time and said Edwards was prissy but not gay: I'M TALKIN' BOUT MEN John Edwards is not gay; he’s prissy, like George Constanza on Seinfeld, maybe, but without the sense of humor. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
And that's the whole point, that being gay is not wrong. Right? So why am I discussing this? Because Ann Coulter said the more-than-four-letters "F" word, that's why. Call the Bush twins drunken sluts, the Administration thieves/liars/warmongers/insane/corrupt/evil. Call the President a Hitler. Use Condi Rice in despicable cartoons. Forget that Mrs. Bill Clinton uses racist slurs with an ease only gotten with practice. Just don’t mention the f_ _ _ _ _ word.
Look, I'm not condoning what Ann said, because if she meant it as a slur, than she deserves all the backlash she's getting. But did she mean it as a slur?
Aaron, who's openly gay, had this response: She was making a reference to Greys Anatomy and how the black guy went to therapy for calling his fellow castmate a fag. Watch the clip again.
It was tongue in cheek. And as far as I can tell, only straight people are the ones falling all over themselves to complain (oh, and the left wing HRC).
It was a joke. She has a huge gay following ("diva" comes to mind) and she made a joke.
The problem is that you fall into the trap of the baseless assumption that the people in attendance use such language or hate gays.
Hillary and Biden can make all kinds of RACIST comments and not even be joking and get a pass.
think of what happened to Rush at ESPN.
And, Gay Patriot says, I have no doubt that Ann’s remarks will make all of the national news networks and will be endlessly repeated. Fine. They should be assailed. But why the complete silence by the same networks on the Leftist Bloggers cheering the attempted assassination of the Vice President of the United States?
Bull Dog Pundit, who's not gay, thinks Ann Coulter Makes An Ass Of Herself At CPAC: [S]he proves the caricterature of herself is true, and what’s worse, sullies an entire political ideology (at least in the eyes of the MSM and others who don’t pay attention) because of her stupid remarks.
And now there’s An Open Letter to CPAC Organizers. siiiiiiigh
Moving on to more important issues ...
As to CPAC –- y’know, where Ann said the f_ _ _ _ _ word? -- AJ Strata discusses “the drive for mythical purity” in Republicans Are Wandering In The Political Desert: There is no perfection or purity, and those who believe in this fantasy end up throwing out realistic opportunities for a mirage. And their anger at not being able to obtain these fantasies is always laid at the feet of those who are ‘pragmatic’ (i.e., realistic). … We saw purity work its magic in 2006 and all it got us was Liberal garbage.
'Nuff said.
Labels: Ann Coulter, Breck Girl, gays, racist Mrs. Clinton, that "F" word
Bless you, Mark Steyn, for writing this particular column, because it gives me yet another reason to post this picture.
How Gore's massive energy consumption saves the world: Stop me if you've heard this before, but the other day the Rev. Al Gore declared that "climate change" was "the most important moral, ethical, spiritual and political issue humankind has ever faced.'' Ever.
[I]n fact, in the Reverend Al's case it's even better than that. Al buys his carbon offsets from Generation Investment Management LLP, which is "an independent, private, owner-managed partnership established in 2004 and with offices in London and Washington, D.C.," that, for a fee, will invest your money in "high-quality companies at attractive prices that will deliver superior long-term investment returns." Generation is a tax-exempt U.S. 501(c)3. And who's the chairman and founding partner? Al Gore.
If Brother Algore and Sister Tipper believe in global warming, why are they still preparing for hibernation -- in March! (Btw, you'd think with all of his MILLION$ he could afford a tailor to let out those seams.)
Labels: Algore, global warming snake oil baloney, Mark Steyn
Labels: Cheney, Halliburton, Soros