imkittymyers at hotmail dot com
Saturday, September 11, 2004

That's just half of the gun line. Click here for larger view.
Today convinced me that I need to get out more often. Nurse G and C.O. invited me to go to a Class 3 Machine Gun Shoot in Pennsylvania today, so I did. It was an absolutely gorgeous day. The shoot took place up in the hills near a lake in a farmer’s field. In the distance was a hillside littered with old cars, rigged with all sorts of explosives, for target practice. C.O. donated his dead Saab, loaded with an old propane tank, for the occasion. They had also set up stuffed animals on poles, which had to be for the sharp shooters as I could barely see them.

C.O.’s Saab in lower left.
Before the shoot commenced, they took a moment to remember 9/11 and the victims, they reaffirmed their love of America, and they rejoiced very loudly that the assault-gun ban died last night at midnight. Needless to say, at this Pennsylvania shoot, there wasn’t a Kerry-lover in the crowd. In fact, someone brought along more than a dozen bottles of Heinz ketchup for target practice. When the guy bought the ketchup he said the clerk at the store asked, “Do you know who you’re supporting by buying all these?”

Even with earplugs, the noise was deafening at first, and the big boomers jolted right up through my body. I thought about what it must be like to live in a war zone with such noise. How do you raise children in such an environment? I thought about the Russian children packed into their school gymnasium and the noise of the weapons, the utter terror. I can’t tell you how thankful I felt knowing that Bush is our president, a real man who will not back down.
And I had a lot of fun today, too.
Friday, September 10, 2004
Remember September 10th? Remember what it was like before 9/11? It was the summer of Gary Condit and Chandra Levy. Michael Jackson was in the news, too. Lucianne, bless her heart, has archived her Short Cuts, which she now calls Must Reads, all the way back to that time. This is how Lucianne began her Short Cuts for that Monday (not in its entirety):
The Monday Buzz: At some point this week we will all be up to our ears in the Florida election again. The Big Big Big, Final Final Final, Granddaddy Report Of Them All on the whole grim month of November 2000 is due out shortly sponsored by our most powerful media outlets. Newsweek gets this ball rolling with excerpts from Newsweek writer David Kaplan's upcoming book that says that Justice Kennedy picked the next President.....or was it Justice Souter? No, no wait....we thought Katherine Harris did that....or was it Monica Lewinsky? We are so confused
And this is how she ended:
We Know Who We Are: New stats on who uses the Internet are out and it's us. With all the whining (see Maureen Dowd yesterday) about Mega-Mono-Media, the big players are forgetting that the alternative press is right here on the web and the age group that has been screwed most severely by big media controls it. Let's keep that our little secret, okay? Not only do we know who we are, we know where to go for news.
-Your Untanned, Rested and Ready LcomStaff
Read everything in-between as well. It’s amazing how innocent it all seems now. It was all so “September 10th.”
Published originally 9-11-01 @7:06AM EDT, before the towers were attacked, Lucianne’s Short Cuts begin ominously (not in its entirety).
Troubled Skies: We begin the morning with one of our spy planes shot down over Iraq and Russian war planes buzzing our planes over the Pacific. Watch for calls today for no more Mr. Nice Guy. It's time already.

Lucianne lives right down in Manhattan; she lived through the disaster. Her daily Short Cuts during those days were some of the best woman-on-the-street reporting of what it was like.
(This is the entire piece.)
AN HOUR BEFORE DAWN and this gigantic engine of a city that never sleeps is trying to. It has never been so quiet here. There is no traffic. We are sealed off from the world. The tunnels and bridges are closed. People streamed out of the city yesterday and today will not be permitted back in while workers try to determined the enormity of what has happened. The death and suffering has just begun. Whole floors of the twin towers have been blown to kingdom come. There were people there. The sky rained bodies and paper, plaster and steel and burning jet fuel. Inside the towering apartment buildings and brownstones and tenements hearts are seized with horror and apprehension. We know not what the light will bring. We are a six-degrees-of-separation city. Everyone knows someone who knows someone else. They have not told us yet whom we have lost. They don't even know who is gone.
And in the stillness, there are tiny signs that life goes on. The New York Post lands with a soft and reassuring plop outside the door. The other papers are struggling to find a way into the city from their outlying printing plants. An E mail says that a long sought handle to an '89 frig has been located and is on the way. The noisy vent fan on the roof of the Chinese restaurant across the street grinds on. The cat knows nothing, simply wants to be fed.
The television runs the continuous loop of the horror of yesterday on mute. The Mayor is on a local channel, red eyed and broken hearted at the initial loss of 200 fireman and 78 police. On other channels, reruns of ordinarily meticulously groomed talking blondes standing in the street, covered with grime, repeating what they think has happened.
The stalled papers are being held up on TV. Their front pages say "War." We will never be the same again. We have just begun to weep.
Pray for us. God Bless America.
Lucianne Goldberg

Steel heroes hardened by fire. 200 may be dead. Our entire
elite NYPD Bomb Squad is dead. God help us all.
(Not in its entirety.)
"We're gonna rebuild," vowed Mayor Rudy Giuliani. "We're gonna come out of this stronger than we were before. ... You can't stop us."
I watch Peter Jennings get snippy about Attorney General John Ashcroft "apparently he has something more to say." No one seems to have told him producers have set up a one on one interview with Ashcroft. Jennings apologizes but not before he has made an idiot of himself.
At l0 o'clock, [Lucianne's older son] Josh calls to say he is "standing in front of the hole" at ground zero and will be going in shortly. He has been asked to help search for bodies. He's phoning to say we won't see him until sometime today. This does not ease the heart. Two more buildings are creaking and ready to collapse. Late, they report there are asbestos particles in the smoke.
I finally shut things down. I am afraid to turn off the phone as I usually do. The last thing I hear is that Al Gore is "stranded in Austria" and Bill Clinton is "under protective guard in a resort in Australia." For the first time in a long, long day there is some good news.

Read 9/14/01 for one of the best quotes about Clinton I’ve ever read. It’s become my favorite. I’d print it, but in deference to his recent surgery … blah blah blah blah.

The terrified 10-year-old boy videotaped by his terrorist captors during the Russian school seize is miraculously alive — thanks, he said, to being quiet as a mouse and because "God was with me."
"I saw things that give me nightmares, and my body has been wounded," fourth-grader Georgy Farniyev said yesterday from his hospital bed.
"But I am alive. I am alive!"
A mother and her daughter, shown on the videotape made by the terrorists seated next to Georgy on the gym floor, weren't as lucky. Sima Alikova and daughter Irina, 9, were killed in the attack.
A 6-year-old girl behind him became hysterical, screaming for her mother.
"I wanted to turn around to tell her to calm down. But I was too scared to turn my head," he said.
The girl kept wailing until she was silenced by gunfire.
Thursday, September 09, 2004

Heaven only knows if he'll survive the emotional trauma. Read the entire article.
Russian Boy Survived Seige With Luck
In a terrifying videotape, 10-year-old Georgy Farniyev sat near a bomb, his hands behind his head and his face a mask of misery. He looked certain to die, but survived through luck, self-possession beyond his years and enough grit to pull shrapnel out of his own arm.
On Thursday, Georgy told The Associated Press of his ordeal from the back of an ambulance in the North Ossetian capital before taking a flight to Moscow, where he will be treated for his wounds.

‘I THINK he is a bully, and like all bullies, he’s a coward when confronted with a force that he’s fearful of. His reactions to the extravagant and unbelievably selfish wish list of the wealthy interest groups that put him in the White House are obsequious. The degree of obsequiousness that is involved in saying ‘yes, yes, yes, yes,’ to whatever these people want, no matter the damage and harm done to the nation as a whole — that can come only from genuine moral cowardice.” So speaks former Vice President Al Gore of President George W. Bush in his interview with David Remnick of The New Yorker.
CLINTON's Sept. 27 Learning Annex one-hour appearance is so far not canceled. They're hoping he makes it even in a wheelchair.
A Wake-up Call for Muslims
It is a certain fact that not all Muslims are terrorists, but it is equally certain, and exceptionally painful, that almost all terrorists are Muslims.
The hostage-takers of children in Beslan, North Ossetia, were Muslims. The other hostage-takers and subsequent murderers of the Nepalese chefs and workers in Iraq were also Muslims. Those involved in rape and murder in Darfur, Sudan, are Muslims, with other Muslims chosen to be their victims.
Those responsible for the attacks on residential towers in Riyadh and Khobar were Muslims. The two women who crashed two airliners last week were also Muslims.
Osama bin Laden is a Muslim. The majority of those who manned the suicide bombings against buses, vehicles, schools, houses and buildings, all over the world, were Muslim.
What a pathetic record. What an abominable "achievement." Does all this tell us anything about ourselves, our societies and our culture?
We cannot clear our names unless we own up to the shameful fact that terrorism has become an Islamic enterprise; an almost exclusive monopoly, implemented by Muslim men and women.
We cannot redeem our extremist youths, who commit all these heinous crimes, without confronting the sheikhs who thought it ennobling to reinvent themselves as revolutionary ideologues, sending other people's sons and daughters to certain death, while sending their own children to European and American schools and colleges.
Abdel Rahman al-Rashed is general manager of Al-Arabiya news channel. This article first appeared in the London-based pan-Arabic newspaper Al-Sharq Al-Awsat.
PRESIDENT Bush enters September with a remarkable double-digit lead as a result of one of the most successful conventions in recent years.
The decision to bring in Carville and Begala also begs a more fundamental question: Do they want Kerry to win?
Both men are primarily loyal to the Clintons — Bill and Hillary. Clearly, the former president would like the former first lady to be president in 2008. And a Kerry victory would stand in the way.
An axiom of politics is that generally you want your campaign advisers to hope that you win — and Carville and Begala may not pass that standard.
So look for September to be a good Bush month. But, in October, Kerry will close at least part of the gap. Democrats always do.
MARIO Cuomo butted heads with political consultant Dick Morris at Michael Jordan's Steakhouse yesterday, where The Week magazine hosted "Who Will Be Our Next President?" … Cuomo bashed President Bush for shifting focus from Afghanistan to Iraq against the advice of Gen. Tommy Franks and waging a misguided war on terror. Morris got up off his stool and bellowed, "It does not become a former governor of New York State to attack the president who saved the Brooklyn Bridge and the Garment District from being bombed because of the Patriot Act."
Kamp Kerry is desperately clinging to the hope that Kitty Kelley, armed with her Bush-bashing book, will somehow cause people to vote for their Frenchurian Candidate instead of Bush. How delusional is that? Whatever Kelley can do to Bush’s reputation, the Left is still stuck with Kerry, a candidate who inspires no one. As to Kelley … She swore up hill and down that Nancy Reagan carried on with Frank Sinatra in the White House. Don’t worry about this book.
Sharon Bush Denies Kitty Kelley Account
By Howard Kurtz
Sharon Bush, who is divorced from the president's brother Neil, said in a statement: "I categorically deny that I ever told Kitty Kelley that George W. Bush used cocaine at Camp David or that I ever saw him use cocaine at Camp David. When Kitty Kelley raised drug use at Camp David, I responded by saying something along the lines of, 'Who would say such a thing?'
"Although there have been tensions between me and various members of the Bush family, I cannot allow this falsehood to go unchallenged."
Sharon Bush's attorney, David Berg, said from Texas yesterday that his client had never given Kelley a formal interview. He said the two women spoke when Bush, who was in financial difficulty during the divorce, asked Kelley to put her in touch with a speakers' bureau, though in the end Bush never made any speeches.
"She talked to Kitty Kelley and there was an agreement that she would not be quoted or used as a source," Berg said. "This was totally off the record." Bush was "surprised and shocked" when Kelley raised the drug question, he said.

When They’re 64
By R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr.
Word that Bill Clinton was headed to the hospital for bypass surgery must have caught a lot of 1960s youth -- as the phrase had it -- off guard. Many of the aging 1960s youth had no idea that they were aging. They still dress like youth, at least during leisure hours. They listen to the same 1960s music -- for four decades! And, alas, they act like youths, at least socially. Now comes word that one of the 1960s' most famous arrested adolescents had four arteries almost completely blocked by fatty materials. What about all that jogging he did? What about his superior knowledge of healthcare? What about the "all-nighters" he famously "pulled" at the White House and in finishing his memoirs, memoirs that have all the defects of youth and none of the attributes of maturity?
No one is likely to call Bill Clinton a wise old man. No one will note his dignity or sage advice.
Clinton's two terms may not be remembered for thwarting terrorism or making any geopolitical leaps, but they will be remembered for transforming the White House into Animal House, just the kind of achievement one would expect from 1960s youth.
[T]he left-wing students of the 1960s who rebelled against authority and promised to "reform" all the hoary institutions of their parents. In politics they thrived from campus politics to national politics. They came to dominate the Democratic Party, and as we can see in watching the megalomania of the Kerry campaign they have proved to be political incompetents when faced with the real challenges of history.

Buy here.
French connection armed Saddam
By Bill Gertz
The United States stood by for years as supposed allies helped its enemies obtain the world's most dangerous weapons, reveals Bill Gertz, defense and national security reporter for The Washington Times, in the new book "Treachery" (Crown Forum). In this excerpt, he details France's persistence in arming Saddam Hussein.
First of three excerpts
The pipeline
French aid to Iraq goes back decades and includes transfers of advanced conventional arms and components for weapons of mass destruction.
The central figure in these weapons ties is French President Jacques Chirac. His relationship with Saddam dates to 1975, when, as prime minister, the French politician rolled out the red carpet when the Iraqi strongman visited Paris.
"I welcome you as my personal friend," Chirac told Saddam, then vice president of Iraq.
Made in France
The war in Iraq, which began March 19, 2003, provided disturbing evidence that France's treacherous dealings come at a steep cost to the United States.
On April 8 came the downing of Air Force Maj. Jim Ewald's A-10 Thunderbolt fighter over Baghdad and the discovery that it was a French-made Roland missile that brought down the American pilot and destroyed a $13 million aircraft. Ewald, one of the first U.S. pilots shot down in the war, was rescued by members of the Army's 54th Engineer Battalion who saw him parachute to earth not far from the wreckage.
Army intelligence concluded that the French had sold the missile to the Iraqis within the past year, despite French denials.
A week after Ewald's A-10 was downed, an Army team searching Iraqi weapons depots at the Baghdad airport discovered caches of French-made missiles. One anti-aircraft missile, among a cache of 51 Roland-2s from a French-German manufacturing partnership, bore a label indicating that the batch was produced just months earlier.
Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Last week's school seizure in Beslan, in the rolling fields that rise toward the Caucasus, had layers of intent. First, the Chechen killers and their Arab allies intended to punish Russia as brutally as they could for Moscow's refusal to allow Chechnya to become an independent terrorist state.
As a Russia-hand pal reminded me over the weekend, the Chechens know their enemies: In Russia, the cult of the child is far more pronounced than it is in the most competitive American suburb.
For generations, Russian adults have coped with their dreary lot by placing all of their hopes and dreams in their children. The Chechens attacked every Russian family's cherished fantasy, responding to their aspirations for better lives for their children by killing the children outright.
But another aspect of the massacre binds it to the terrorist strategy for the Muslim world and neighboring lands where Islam once prevailed: the fundamentalist assault on education.
Islamist hardliners would rather see millions live in squalor than have a child learn enough math to survey the site for a sewer line.
The Islamists truly believe that ignorance is bliss — that any "education" beyond memorizing the Koran and studying the countless volumes of commentaries upon it is not only unnecessary, but evil.
The world got its first look inside the horrifying terror attack on a Russian school with the release yesterday of a video showing scores of terrified kids cowering in the sweltering gym as masked attackers walk around with bombs and guns.
Blood is streaked across the floor, as if a body had been dragged by.
In another shot, a masked terrorist is seen working on a bomb, while children sit near him, abject terror etched on their faces.
One image shows a frightened boy with black hair, hands behind his head, as he looks at the camera, his eyes shot through with fear
Speaking to Western reporters, Putin rejected calls for negotiations with terrorists, who have hit Russia three times in rapid succession in the past month — first by downing two aircraft, then with a suicide bombing at a subway station and finally with the school seizure.
She could walk out of the school with her 2-year-old son, Alan, provided she left her 6-year-old daughter, Alana. Or she could stay behind with both.
"They said that if I didn't go right then, I couldn't go at all. There was no time to think. How could any woman make such a choice?" the 27-year-old mother said yesterday.
After a few seconds, she walked out of the school with Alan in her arms and Alana's screams ringing in her ears.
And there, by a miracle, they found her.
She told her mother how she had grabbed on to a 15-year-old boy who helped her out of the gymnasium.

No place like home for the Bush vote
AS SOON as the wheels touched the tarmac at Dallas airport, the previously shy stewardess grabbed the microphone and made horse noises while the plane braked.
"Woaaah boy. Woaaah," she said, and made clip-clop sounds while the aircraft taxied to the gate. The man beside me said it was a regular stunt. "Welcome to Texas," he said. "You’ll find things different here."
Politically, I had entered a parallel universe. The airport bookshops were transformed: instead of the usual Bush- hating tomes, it was selling The French Betrayal of America and the intriguingly titled Why the United Nations is Worse than You Think.
I stopped for lunch at a diner and saw a bottle of ‘W’ ketchup, a condiment taking Republican tables by storm since Teresa Heinz Kerry became a fixture of her husband’s run for the presidency.
My first port of call was an electronics shop called Radio Shack on the outskirts of Dallas where David Jackson, a 52-year-old black shop attendant, described himself as a Democrat - voting for Mr Bush.
"That man’s got balls," he said, in a deep Texas accent. "He knew what had to be done in Iraq, and he went straight in there. You have to admire that kind of courage in a man."
She adds: "[If Mr Kerry is elected] we will be loosening our grip on freedom. If we stop fighting for the oppressed overseas, we’ll stop doing it here as well. That’s why President Bush has got to win."
And she traces the Bush mission to John F Kennedy, Democratic Party icon, reciting his inaugural address by heart: "Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden... to assure the survival and the success of liberty."

8 Check out Lorie’s latest at PoliPundit:
My most recent post is about Kerry's comments on the 1000th death in Iraq including this quote which gives Bush all the ammunition he needs to combat his critics' claims that Iraq is not part of the war on terror:
"Today marks a tragic milestone in the war in Iraq; more than 1,000 of America's sons and daughters have now given their lives on behalf of their country, on behalf of freedom, the war on terror," Kerry said as he arrived in Cincinnati on a campaign stop.
In my post on the subject, I include a look at how I came across the quote, showing why the blogosphere is doing a much better job than the Big Medi.
8 Pat, at KerryHaters, has teamed up with Paul, at Bush-Haters, for an interesting collaboration called Bush or Kerry?
8 Going to NYC? Check out Tyler's list of do's & don't's first:
Scott's Advice from Slant Point was kind enough to provide me with some friendly advice for my trip to NYC. While I didn't receive it until I got back (I was effectively cut off from the internet for most of the week -- yep, it was tough), I thought I'd go back through it and see how I fared...
8 Just for good ol' snarky fun :)
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
A heart-felt message from Gayle:
I wrote this this morning. It's my best friend's son who died. And we have all had our hearts ripped out of our bodies! She called me from the delivery room the day he was born and I've been his "aunt" ever since and he was the love of my life - since I am childless, he was the son I never had.
Saturday night, my bright and beautiful, deeply loved David, age 20 (son of my longest term friend in the world) was partying with his friends at home. He had had about 10-11 beers but when his mother came home from work at a little after 11 p.m. Sunday night, she was grateful that he wasn't out on the road endangering others. He came and gave her a big hug and told her he loved her. About 20 minutes later, his friends began to wonder why he had been in the bathroom so long and getting no response, they forced open the bathroom door. David was on the floor, not breathing and blue! His friends immediately began (a) calling 911 and (b) performing CPR and mouth-to-mouth. Eventually (unforgivably tardy) EMS arrived (some 25 minutes and 5 calls later - another issue which I will deal with) and transported David to the best Trauma Center in the area. We stood vigil throughout the night but yesterday morning at 7:32 a.m., our beautiful and beloved boy left us forever.
His mother is completely devastated and we have deep concern for her ability to survive this most crushing loss of her only child. As for me, this is the most agonizing pain I have ever experienced. He was a shining light in all our lives.
The tox screen showed that, in addition to the 10 or 11 beers he had consumed, he also had Xanax, Oxycontin (a synthetic pain killer in the heroin family) and cocaine in his system. Since his friends swear he did nothing but drink the beers in their presence, we can only assume that he did all this other insanity when he went into his bathroom. Regardless of whether he did this in front of his friends or alone in his bathroom, this is a stupid and completely preventable tragedy and one I intend to dedicate the rest of my life to preventing insofar as I am able.
David was beautiful in his soul and in his presence. He was sweet, he was funny and he was intelligent and, unfortunately, possessed of the sense of indestructibility that afflicts a young man of that age.
Please talk to your children if you have kids moving into their teens or already there. Don't let them "blow you off" - beat this knowledge into their heads. THEY CAN DIE from this crap, just as David did. They can break a mother's heart to the point that those of us who love her fear for her sanity and her survival. They can devastate their friends. Is it really worth it. And if they won't listen to you, let me know and I will find a way to come see them and at least force them to listen to me and see the face of a broken heart that was completely unnecessary.
Thanks to Lori, at PoliPundit, for directing me to this:
Bush Guard Service, The True Story
This is the only place that you will get the full and true story of President Bush’s Air National Guard service. There are no UNANSWERED questions. There are no missing records. He did not miss any meetings. The truth is known. You can find everything in this article, in other publications but none of the others are complete. You have to put them all together to get the full story. It is a shame that our national "objective" media refuse to do their job and put the whole story together.
First, in answer to the charge that Bush was AWOL or missed meetings, George Bush was NEVER assigned to the Alabama Guard. This is a myth promoted by the "objective" media. Here is what really happened. Here is what the head of the Alabama Guard said …
Here is some information that the "objective" media avoids telling you. John Kerry joined the Navy Reserve, he did not JOIN the Navy. The Reserve was just like the National Guard. Kerry did NOT know he would be sent to Vietnam.
In conclusion, there is no evidence Bush got special treatment to join the Guard. He did NOT miss any meetings, he was not assigned to the Alabama Guard. The reason the so called "objective" media holds on to this myth is that it lets them keep asking, where was Bush? The issue of his being grounded is also answered because he would no longer be flying since his plane was obsolete and he did not have enough Guard time left to train in a new jet. You don’t need to report for a physical if you are not flying. Duh!
Kerry joined the Navy Reserve and did not expect to go to Vietnam. When Kerry did go to Vietnam the swift boats were not during river patrols. They were doing coastal patrols and were not in much danger. That is when he volunteered to join the Swiftee’s. The assignment of those boats was changed after he was accepted for the duty. Surprise, he got action and the rest is disputed history.
The information in this article was published in "George Magazine", "New York Times", "Washington Times", "Chicago Sun-Times", "Washington Post" and
1988 REDUX?

Brendan Miniter discusses each topic ... taxes, voter turnout, McCain-Feingold, unions, economy, and national security ... and explains why he believes this election won't even be close. As to the latest Kamp Kerry spin, that he's a "good closer," Miniter explains that as well. However, let's not get cocky right yet.
Bush Will Bury Kerry
I will make a prediction here: Mr. Kerry will be lucky to top the 45.7% of the popular vote Michael Dukakis got in 1988.
[Kerry’s] cultivated a reputation as a fighter, a good "closer," because of his last-minute surge passed William Weld to win re-election in 1996. But that was in Massachusetts. Why was a two-term Democratic senator having trouble beating a Republican challenger in the only state George McGovern carried? One reason is that unlike Ted Kennedy, Mr. Kerry is not seen as a man who can get things done. No significant legislation bears his name.
Sunday, September 05, 2004

C.O. & Nurse G. headin’ on out for the afternoon.
8 Tyler’s Excellent RNC Adventures:
As we entered I asked aloud, "Isn't this the chain store of the bourgeois?" Then I looked up and noticed that the place was packed with protestors.
Ah, the grandest irony of all. Thousands march against capitalism, globalization, etc., etc. -- and yet they have no problem walking into a chain store and enjoying the low prices and professional atmosphere. I guess it's true that the dollar is all-powerful. (::cue awe-inspiring music::)
8 From Chris:
Good title for it would be Heinz Kerry and the Big Tobacco Trust Fund Babies. Kerrywaffles even snagged MSNBC's Chris Mathews in this one. Long read, but very interesting. Nailed some more limo leftist Kerry supporters.
8 A boy not allowed to root for his dad? Bitch.
PATRICK Schwarzenegger, named for great-grandfather Joseph Patrick Kennedy, wanted to applaud his dad. Barbara Bush said it's OK. Mama Maria said her mom, Eunice Kennedy Shriver, always believed: "Never applaud when they attack us Democrats." He did not.
8 Aaron has posted a "Sophie's Choice" piece.