As LoanCat said, we tend forget that we’re involved in another war. She lives near the Mexican border, so she knows.
FBI warns of plot to kidnap, kill border agents
A plot to kidnap and kill two FBI agents on the Texas-Mexico border was announced Friday in a bulletin issued by the agency’s San Antonio office.
According to a copy of the FBI bulletin obtained by The Brownsville Herald, officials said they had received credible information that members of the Gulf Cartel plan to kidnap two agents, take them into Mexico and murder them.
The cartel allegedly has 250 armed men posted near Matamoros, across from Brownsville, according to the bulletin.
And, it further states that several members of the group have valid visas and passports that would allow them to enter the United States quietly and legally.

Blogho needs help.
Yeah, I know all the jokes about the incorrigible Ho. But this time he needs help finding a new job. It’s a fulfillment thing, very existential.
So it's not good enough anymore to be the eighth best heterosexual programmer in my company, no. I need to find a new job that is creative, fun, self-actualizing, self-fulfilling, self-fucking-fan-tastic Business software is many things but it's not cool. Nor is it sexy. But it does pay well.
J-Lo, sweetie, it will take more than praying to get pregnant. Call Blogho for details.
JENNIFER Lopez (here) is turning to God in her quest to have a baby. The booty-licious one has created a shrine at her Long Island home featuring a 17-inch Our Lady of Guadalupe — a Mexican rendering of the Virgin Mary. In Touch Weekly reports that J.Lo routinely lights a candle and prays to the statue, asking to be blessed with pregnancy. "Praying to the saint was her mom's idea," says a family source. "A year ago, Jen would have said, 'No way.' She's desperate and is praying for a miracle." Reps for Lopez did not return calls.

I’ve reached my limit with NY State. I’ve lived here my entire life in that nether region known as Upstate, so as to distinguish it from The City, and now I’m more than ready to leave. I hate the politics, the taxes and the humidity here. Yeah, I know it’s nothing like the humidity of (fill in your favorite sweat pit of the US), but it’s still too humid for me. We visited Colorado in ’82 … drove out in 2 days’ time. We got a few hours of sleep in Missouri motel the first night ... saw the most wretched display of bigotry on tv there ... and then we slept in the car at a rest stop somewhere near Limon, CO, the second night. We started out early enough to see the sunrise illuminated against the Rockies in the distance, a majestic sight which I’ll never forget. Our destination was actually Colorado Springs, yet we stayed in Green Mountain Falls at the Outlook Lodge, 7,800’ above sea level and west of the city. During our week’s stay, we toured the Garden of the Gods, Cave of the Winds and the Manitou Cliff Dwellings. Best of all, it wasn’t humid, it was semi-arid. Yee-haw! And the air! Everyone should have the opportunity to experience clean, mountain air at least once in their lifetime. None of us cared if we ever left again.
Colorado was beautiful, but in the intervening years it’s become too crowded for my tastes, invaded by Hollywood and the usual assortment of yuppie scum and their evil spawn. I think I found my destination when I read Bill Croke’s “Rocky Mountain Bohemia”:
For the last decade I have survived on roughly $8,000 per year, sometimes less sometimes more, and far below the official U.S. poverty level for a single person ($9,000). I don't take welfare, food stamps, or any other kind of public assistance. A much beloved sister in New York does my income taxes for me annually, and every year she poses the same question: "How do you do it?" While a freelancer has many deductions related to the profession (I may be the only freelance contributor to the conservative press who qualifies for the Earned Income Tax Credit), the short answer to her question is: I live in Wyoming.Did you know that Wyoming’s population is a fraction of that of New York City’s? People think I’m nuts to even consider such a God-forsaken wilderness, 90% of which is “useless sagebrush.”
I live in paradise, a Rocky Mountain Bohemia of want and destitution with million dollar views from the backyard.
“Nobody lives in Wyoming!”
“Yeah, ain’t it great?”
Since Bill Croke lives in Cody, and since Cody is wired with a downtown webcam, that’s where I’ve concentrated my sights. I check in on the town and its weather. It rarely rains in Cody, and it rarely snows there, either. Whenever I thought of the Rocky Mountain winters, I envisioned harsh temperatures and never-ending snow storms, which was another plus in my mind. But Cody’s winters have been about as mild as ours have been in years past (excluding this year in NY).
According to Drew Munro, of the Cody Enterprise:
'Real' winters seem to be from another era
Meteorologists are attributing the recent warm spell to a phenomenon they call the Pineapple Express.
Ski areas from the Cascades to the Rockies are watching helplessly as the snowpack melts away. Some have even had to close because too much snow is gone or what's left has so much moisture in it that it's too heavy for grooming equipment.
To top it off, in many areas it's too warm to make snow. There are even flood watches in the Cascades.
In Cody, for instance, after a leisurely motorcycle ride Sunday I was on my patio when a mosquito flew by. No kidding. A real, live mosquito in Cody on Jan. 23. It was about then that a phrase in a news story caught my eye. "Back when the West had winters," it said.
So Cody’s warm weather spell is a phenomenon; that means there’s hope for real winters in the future. Either that or I’ll have to consider the west side of the mountains where they still get snow. (I should note here that it was -15* this morning here in the Corning area, which eventually warmed up to 8*, while in Cody it was in the 40s.)
As we drove back home from our Colorado vacation, we took a more northern route. We drove north to Denver and took in a Willie Nelson concert at Red Rock. A relative unknown at the time by the name of Ricky Scaggs opened for Willie. Throughout our trip, we listened to local radio stations playing regional music. Once out of NYS, C&W played exclusively. It was more C in the South and more W in the West. As we passed through Wyoming on our way home, the music took on that doleful twang of the lonesome cowboy guitar. I remember thinking I could live there.
No way, eh? This is so Strange Brew and I choose to believe it, so please don’t anyone tell me it’s an urban legend. I prefer to be gullible this time thinking of the guy pissing his way to safety.
Man peed way out of avalanche
A Slovak man trapped in his car under an avalanche freed himself by drinking 60 bottles of beer and urinating on the snow to melt it.
He had 60 half-litre bottles of beer in his car as he was going on holiday, and after cracking one open to think about the problem he realised he could urinate on the snow to melt it, local media reported.
He said: "I was scooping the snow from above me and packing it down below the window, and then I peed on it to melt it. It was hard and now my kidneys and liver hurt. But I'm glad the beer I took on holiday turned out to be useful and I managed to get out of there."
At LifelikePundits, that is. Aaron, Pat, ProfessorShade and I also blog at LifelikePundits, which is a different blogging host than our other blogs. I've got to learn the process, so today I'm posting over there exclusively. Lifelike is an eclectic site: part politics, entertainment, and social commentary with helpings of outrage and humor thrown in. Surf over and, please, don't be shy to leave your comments!
KEANU Reeves — concerned about the deteriorating health of his be loved sister, Kim — is keeping a low-key presence at Sundance while promoting his upcoming flick, "Thumbsucker." A spy tells us: "His sister is very sick. Her leukemia is not getting any better." Reeves, a Buddhist who has funneled millions into cancer research over the years, has also been channeling his positive energy in other ways. "He has taken a little 7-year-old boy under his wing and has become a father figure to him," says our source. The child is the son of one of Reeves' friends who has not been able to care for the kid. While Reeves is one of the few celebs who hasn't gone on a graft-grabbing spree at the "swaghouses," he did allow AG Jeans to drop off a pair.
Will Carson’s loved ones file a law suit against Big Tobaaco?
Carson, a heavy smoker, died from emphysema — and his brother, TV producer Dick Carson, told People that Johnny always regretted his chain-smoking habit.
"In our last conversation he kept saying, 'Those damn cigarettes, those damn cigarettes,' " said Dick Carson.
Who is responsible for Carson’s addiction?
Carson often had a cigarette in hand in the early years of "Tonight," eventually dropping the on-air habit when smoking on TV became frowned on. But he remained a heavy smoker for some years afterward, said a former associate who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Bush Among the Morans
Important matters of state aside, yesterday's presidential press conference was noteworthy for the easy contempt Mr. Bush displayed for the Washington press corps. I'd hate to be a mule on his ranch! Bush no longer feels the need even to pretend to be courting any of these critters. If looks could maim, there'd not be a single Washington pressy walking steadily these days.

I love this definition of the blogosphere by Hewitt. Great read, btw.
Big Media's 40 Days and 40 Nights
I have stopped trying to define what a blog is, but rather now default to describe what bloggers do: We are cyber sherpas, leading anyone who wants to follow through the mountains of information that accumulate every day to the stuff we think is most important. We give advice. We warn.
We edit.
To order Hugh's book, go to and click on the link provided.
Turner compared Fox's popularity to when Hitler "got the most votes when he was elected to run Germany prior to WWII."
Only problem is, Hitler was never voted in by the Germans:
In the presidential election held on March 13, 1932, Hitler got over eleven million votes (11,339,446) or 30% of the total. Hindenburg got 18,651,497 votes or 49%.
Instead, Hitler was appointed Chancellor by President Hindenburg:
An old comrade of Hitler's sent a telegram to President Hindenburg regarding his new chancellor. Former General Erich Ludendorff had once supported Hitler and had even participated in the failed Beer Hall Putsch in 1923. "By appointing Hitler Chancellor of the Reich you have handed over our sacred German Fatherland to one of the greatest demagogues of all time. I prophesy to you this evil man will plunge our Reich into the abyss and will inflict immeasurable woe on our nation. Future generations will curse you in your grave for this action." - the telegram to Hindenburg from Ludendorff stated.
Within weeks, Hitler would be absolute dictator of Germany and would set in motion a chain of events resulting in the second World War and the eventual deaths of nearly 50 million humans through that war and through deliberate extermination.
To begin, Hitler would see the German democratic republic go down in flames, literally. In February, 1933, the Nazis hatched a plan to burn the Reichstag building and end democracy once and for all.
Hat tip Rush!
'FAHRENHEIT' FAILS AS CLUB SNUBS SCHLUB Michael Moore has been busting his rather sizable hump for two months on a campaign to get his anti-Bush polemic, "Fahrenheit 9/11," nominated for an Oscar.
But when the nominees were announced yesterday, his incendiary movie was nowhere to be seen — despite the liberal bent of many Academy Awards voters, who two years ago gave Moore the Best Documentary prize for "Bowling for Columbine."
"Last December, Michael went door to door, pitching the movie," recalls David Poland, editor of the showbiz-industry Web site
HO-HUM: MICHAEL MOORE GETS NO OSCAR NOMINATION; LEFTY BLOGGERS YAWN I still strongly believe that no blogger is obligated to write about any topic, but I just find it interesting that web personalities who one would think would be big Michael Moore fans are collectively shrugging their shoulders over this.
And to make matters worse Passion gets four nods.
AnkleBitingPundits say it’s Sour grapes over Bush win.
Is it just Professor Shade, or “did Michael Moore strongly resemble Elmer Fudd before his makeover?”
Y’don’t s’pose that heroin bust he had long ago had anything to do with his decision, do ya? Naaa.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. decided against running for attorney general as a whispering campaign alleging serious skeletons in his closet was already well under way.
Emmy- winning "West Wing" star Stockard Channing was arrested for drunk driving after she drove around a roadblock in Hollywood last month, authorities confirmed yesterday.
Channing, 60, who plays the first lady on the NBC show, was stopped by the California Highway Patrol Dec. 14.
A CHP spokesman said her blood-alcohol was over the legal limit.
I have never watched a single episode of West Wing.
Hey man, what you be sayin’? A clean-cut guy like this smokes dope? I doobie-leeve he does.
SNOOP Dogg won't step onstage before smoking some premium pot. Before his concert Monday night at Harry O's in Park City, the reefer-loving rap superstar's contract rider demanded high-grade marijuana in addition to other backstage goodies: a Sony PlayStation, cases of Hennessy cognac and Moet champagne, a case of Corona beer, donuts, cashews, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and Starburst and Skittles candies. "There were large amounts of pot flown in for Snoop and his friends because they didn't trust the quality of bud in Utah," says our source.
“If I only had a little humility, I'd be perfect.”
Drudge has posted TED TURNER COMPARES FOXNEWS TO HITLER, but I remember back in the 80s when he was a conservative and sang the praises of Ronald Reagan. Was that in his pre-Lithium days? All of which reminded me of an article by Bill Croke two years ago in The American Spectator.
Ted's Terrible Troubles
By Bill Croke
Published 2/10/2003 12:02:00 AM
Ted Turner has been in the news lately. The legendary media titan resigned his seat on the board of AOL-Time-Warner, where the value of a share of its stock decreased 70 percent in the last two years. Consequently, Turner's personal net worth shrunk from roughly $7 billion to $2 billion in that time. It's gotten so bad that his financial advisers finally got him to switch his legal residence from Georgia to Florida to take advantage of the Sunshine State's absence of a state income tax. And Turner recently dumped 450,000 shares of AOL-Time-Warner stock, a portion of which went to the United Nations as part of his well-known pledge of $1 billion to be paid over ten years.
MORNING AFTER UPDATE: As it turns out, Crazy Teddy merely played the straight man for those fun-sters at FOX, and I'll bet Rove put him up to it, too :)
TED Turner is at it again. The Mouth of the South — who had to apologize in 1996 when he compared News Corp. chairman Rupert Murdoch to Adolf Hitler — yesterday compared Fox News Channel to the Fuhrer. Addressing the National Assn. for Television Programming Executives in Las Vegas, Turner acknowledged that Fox News had overtaken CNN to become the top-rated cable news network, but noted that Hitler got the most votes when he was elected to run Germany. A Fox News spokesperson responded: "Ted is understandably bitter having lost his ratings, his network and now his mind — we wish him well."
Warning: Spoiler Alert! Don’t read linked article if you plan to see ...
“Million Dollar Baby’s” Multi-Million Dollar Rip-Off
It features legendary Dirty Harry, Clint Eastwood, as its director and star. For roughly the first half, viewers are tricked – thinking they are watching a movie about a champion boxer in the making, who just happens to be female.
Even those who find women’s sports to be freakish sideshows of little interest, are rooting for Maggie Fitzgerald (Hillary Swank) to overcome her trailer-trash background and become women’s Welterweight champion of the world.
But they’ve been defrauded, manipulated into what appears to be “The Champ” with estrogen, but is really a promotional ad for …

8 Crush(ed)Kerry has finally morphed into AnkleBitingPundits, and like CK, they’re loaded with razor sharp insights and humor. I’m linking to their home page because I don’t want you to miss anything. Scroll down and check out:
I'm What's Wrong With America
More Dem BS to Bog Down Senate
Blogging Can Get You Arrested
We Welcome Your Feedback
8 Likewise at LifelikePundits
8 In the please-stop-yer-killing-me department:
Hillary Clinton to Corcoran Group's Pam Liebman: "I spent the Christmas holiday cleaning my closets and organizing my kitchen."
8 The Global Warming Blog Smackdown! Definitely check out the hilarious comments. Then read Global Warming Part II.
8 Viktor Yushchenko: “I can't get used to my face.” It is improving, however.

When the non-practicing Catholic “Princess P” fell in love and wanted to marry a certain successful Jewish pathologist, “Dr.J,” she suddenly decided that that was the time to convert to Judaism. As it just so happened, I had recently purchased “Jewish Humor” by Rabbi Joseph Telushkin. I copied several of my favorite jokes/anecdotes from the book and sent them to her with the explanation, “Welcome to your new world!” (or something to that effect). Here is what I sent Princess P:
8 As a “personal” in a Jewish newspaper announced:
“Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Rosenbloom are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Dr. Jonathan Rosenbloom.”
8 How do we know Jesus was Jewish? Four reasons:
1. He was thirthy, unmarried, and still living with his mother
2. He went into his father’s business.
3. He thought his mother was a virgin.
4. And his mother thought he was God.
8 A Jewish mother is walking down the street with her two young sons. A passerby asks her how old the boys are. “The doctor is three,” the mother answers. “And the lawyer is two.”
8 Moses comes down from Mount Sinai. “I have good news and bad news,” he tells the crowds gathered below. “The good news is I got them down to ten. The bad news is, adultery is still in.”
I didn't hear from Princess P for quite a while, so I finally called.
“So, what did you think of the jokes?”
“They were funny.”
“I'll bet Dr.J liked them, right?”
“Oh, I didn’t show him! He’s Jewish!”
I reminded her that the jokes came from a book of Jewish humor written by a Rabbi. It didn’t make a difference with her. To such a shikseh the mere mention of the word Jew/Jewish is a slur.
TO promote his seventh one-man show, "Jackie Mason Freshly Squeezed," starting previews March 8 at the Helen Hayes, the producers rented a huge billboard at Seventh Avenue and 49th Street. The slogan — "Just One Jew Talking" — was aimed at reassuring his audience it was the stand-up genius performing alone after last year's flop using singers and dancers. Signmaker Artkraft Straus checked with the owner of the space, who objected to the word "Jew" being displayed so prominently because it might offend tenants in the building. The ad was redesigned to put the slogan at the bottom of the billboard. The irony? The tenants are Jewish themselves. Said producer Jyll Rosenfeld, "It's always the Jews who think Jackie is too Jewish."

Gold’s Fools
By Jeremy Lott
What Liberals Say and What They Really Mean
by Victor Gold
(WND Books, 210 pages, $15.99)
The point, [Gold] explains, is that words "like ideas—even empty calorie words that pass for ideas— have consequences," and that liberals have been very good at molding the language to their own propaganda ends. Gold aims to draw out the assumptions behind word usage and thus do his own little bit to ruin some poor Democratic Party hack's day.
Here's is Gold's definition of gender gap: "Liberal media conundrum first posed by a bored desk editor at the Sacramento Bee, circa 1980, viz. (1) the inability of the Republican Party to get wives to vote like their husbands; (2) the inability of the Democratic Party to get husbands to vote like their wives."
And here's why it matters: Reporters often thrust microphones and tape recorders at members of the GOP running for office and pepper them with questions about why, according to polls, the Republican is trailing Democrat candidate X in a race for the women's vote. But I've never heard a reporter pull the opposite trick: ask the Democrat why he is doing so lousy with the men.
Liberwocky really gets interesting when Gold departs from the well-trod trail of conservative media criticism and hike his skepticism up to altitudes where the air gets thin. In a five-page essay titled "SPIN-DOCTORING HISTORY," the author expounds on his theory that the "Judgment of History" is, in fact, a "factitious verdict handed down by a stacked jury of Liberal revisionists bent on redeeming the reputation of failed Democratic presidents."
I'm getting married in the morning!
Ding dong the bells are gonna shine!
Yaddaa yadda yadda
Yadda yadda yadda
Just get me to the church on time.
Well, kinda:
- It's a marriage ceremony as opposed to an actual meet-ya-at-the-altar-in-a-tux wedding.
- I'm not the one getting married, Zappa is, and
- he's getting married later today
- at the Town Hall.
Stay tuned.
(For those of you who aren't glued to sports today:)

8 RJ requests that you Sign the F. Scott Fitzgerald Petition
8 The ad which has everyone talking. Aaron wants to know, Is it tasteful or not?
8 Pat wants to know, “Is there anybody out there who finds this witty?”
8 John Cole’s first night of sweet sleep. Great to hear it, John!
8 LifelikePundits is the new kid on the block. Several of us post our inner-mind workings. Check out Professor Shade’s account of teaching a college writing course: “about as exciting as changing motor oil on a lawn mower most days.”
It’s been so long since Upstate NY has experienced an old fashioned winter that even the prediction of snow … we’re talking just a few inches … can clear grocery store shelves of the necessities: beer, chips and videos. Snow, in almost any amount, has become news in our 24/7 Weather Channel mentality. Sad. I don’t deny that today is extremely cold and blustery and that some places are contending with a great deal of snow, but it is WINTER for crissakes!
The last true winter we had here was in ’96-’97. It started snowing on Halloween of ’96 … 3” of slush … and didn’t stop for several months. The weatherman began numbering the storms; I seem to recall at least 16 of them by spring. Not only did you have to clear your driveway, but you had to periodically shovel your roof as well, for fear that the weight of the snow would cause it to collapse. I live across the road from a nursery. The main building is a metal structure with plastic-covered domed extensions on either side. I took pictures of the domes buried by the accumulation of snow. My neighbor’s house’s had icicles which, once formed, continued developing until the roof and the ground were connected by ice columns that measured several feet in diameter. That was the norm that winter, not the exception.
Since that winter we’ve had spells of winter weather … a storm here, a storm there … but mostly the winter months have been relatively mild. Jackets can be worn unzipped and boots are worn primarily as a fashion accessory, not as a necessity. For someone who grew up knowing only white winters, this can be downright depressing. I’m genetically wired for some seasonal downtime; my body needs a few months of honest-to-goodness winter.
I remember the winter of ’72-’73 vividly. We had just moved into a quaint cottage of a home outside of town. DogMan was transferred three hours away. While we were trying to sell our home, he was away during the week and came home for the weekends. It was the kind of winter when I would have normally had to set the alarm to periodically start the car during the night to keep the engine from freezing (which actually happened once that winter within a matter of 2 hours). DogMan, however, had taken our only car, yet I was still setting the alarm at night, not to start the car but to keep our water source from freezing. We lived in the country, and our spring water was a gravity-fed pipe from the hill near our house to a cistern in the basement. When the cistern was filled the water stopped flowing. The problem was, however, that the water pipe from the spring was buried only a few inches underground. If the water didn’t flow continuously, it would freeze, usually within an hour. So, we rigged up a garden hose running from the cistern to the front lawn so the water would keep running. I had to go out every hour during the night to stomp on it in order to break up the ice forming inside the hose. The good ol’ days.
Most people have heard of the Buffalo Blizzard of ’77. We live about 3 hours from Buffalo and we got walloped, too. Everyday it snowed for weeks, months. It snowed so much one night that our Ford Pinto was buried by the next morning. Every single day we had to shovel snow. The highway plows were so overwhelmed that they stopped plowing the shoulders of the road and just concentrated on the lanes, which meant that in order to get your mail and papers, you had to keep the area around your mailbox cleared yourself. The delivery vehicles had to be able to sidle right up to your mailbox and be able to drive out again. When you think about it, that’s a helluva stretch of road. Our driveway was a tunnel with walls of snow averaging 6’ high, so high that you just couldn't drive out because you couldn't see oncoming traffic. Instead, you had to stand at the edge of the tunnel and count the cars coming from either direction. Then you jumped back into the car and counted them as they passed by and hoped your way was clear as you skidded out onto the highway. Interestingly enough, our local schools were rarely closed that year.
We still had it easy compared to Buffalo. They received a record 199.4” of snow (over 16 FEET) that year. The book WHITE DEATH: The Blizzard of ‘77 is a fascinating compilation of first-hand accounts of that storm. You can read several excerpts online by clicking on the link, and you’ve got to see the most amazing picture of a snow filled living room (about 6 “pages” in). The winter “hurricane” blew in the window and filled the living room with snow while there were children in the house. Absolutely harrowing! Now that was a winter.

Everyone who is anyone, dah-ling, was there and enjoyed the uber-glitz of Palm Beach, except for poor-poor Heidi Klum as detailed in this snarky mention:
Heidi Klum waited too long to score a suite at one of the Palm Beach's posher places — like the Breakers or the Ritz-Carlton, a spy told us.
So the new mom settled on a junior suite and adjoining rooms at the Hilton Palm Beach, said our mole. Don't let the name Hilton fool you — like Paris, it's run-down and cheap. The travel Web site rates it the 14th out of 14 Palm Beach hotels rated.
There’s nothing like a greedy-bastard holiday story to warm the cockles of yer’heart. I have no idea how the entertainment industry doles out bonuses to their honchos … are they written into contracts? … but this Page Six morsel got me burning. Hey, I’ll take that $500 you just ripped up, and I won’t complain! I have nothing against filthy rich people … hope to be one myself some day … but the sheer greed of these bastards is galling.
THE grinchiest grinches this past Christmas might have been the partners at the Gersh talent agency. Three weeks after being handed their holiday "bonuses," agents at the Hollywood ten-percentery - whose clients include Dave Chappelle, Tommy Chong and Jamie Foxx - complained about their pittances. According to one insider: "Some seasoned, respected and successful agents at the agency got as little as $500. One agent opened his check, saw it was for only $500, ripped it up and handed it back to his boss. When some went to complain, they found that all the partners were conveniently out of town and unreachable." A rep for Gersh said, "The miscommunication has been resolved, and the person was taken care of."

Algore [was spotted] lunching at the Regency about the same time President Bush was giving his inauguration speech
They say a leopard can't change its spots. Can a one-time Klansman change his, umm, sheets?
Byrd is the only former Ku Klux Klan member in the United States Senate. Yes, he resigned from that organization long before he became a senator — and has often denounced it.
Still, certain behavior pops up that makes one wonder exactly how far the man has moved from his roots.
Byrd is the only senator to vote against both black Supreme Court justice nominees — Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas. That's something that couldn't even be said about his former colleague, one-time segregationist Strom Thurmond.
Now, Byrd might not be a racist today.
But adding this unseemly tactic with Condoleezza Rice to his unique track record — well, exactly what would the mainstream press do if a black female Democrat were blocked from taking a high Cabinet post by, say, Trent Lott?