Yesterday as I was hanging the laundry on the line, Little H, who's not quite 4, heard the machinery rumbling hard at work across the road. He turned and noticed them for the first time. His eyes bugged out and he yelled I WANT THAT! His daytime interests have matured to the "Tim Allen more-power" phase of big engines, motorcycles, Humvees, trucks and guns, while his nightime interests are still his blankie and Mom and Dad.
I watched Little H yesterday while his dad (C.O.) had to take his truck in for repairs and while his mom (Nurse G) was busy at the Corning LPGA Classic serving wine. This is the 26th year of the Corning Classic, always held on the Memorial Day weekend. Half the time it rains. Yesterday storms played a factor in shortening the playing time. A lot of pyrotechnics on display with some hail in some areas.
Check out AnkleBitingPundits' Memorial Day: A comparison of how the two parties see fit to honor this day.
And, in case any of you feel like cutting the Runaway Bride some slack, you might want to read the police report on Jennifer Wilbanks, including her graphic description of what her alleged kidnappers supposedly did. h/t ThirdWave
Have a safe and wonderful Memorial Day weekend!

Have fun surfing through celebrity photos. There's a maternity section as well. Seems that all of Hollywood is preggers.
Which is a nice segue into: Guess which actor tried to score Cialis while standing at the urinal in a NYC restaurant men's room?
Rachel has posted some questions that will either test your thinking or make you feel incredibly stoopid.
![]() | Greta Van Susteren is reporting: Update, 5:04 p.m. ET: A few minutes ago I spoke to someone who is close to John Mason the fiancé of the "runaway bride." John was flown to New York City last weekend by a book publisher who is offering a book deal to John and Jennifer. John is "very interested" in the book deal and likely to sign a contract. The book would be about forgiveness and redemption. |
h/t Blue
Don't tell Kevin, but Britney gets Lucky on the side. |
Rude Reese Witherspoon: "She's a dick, I was at a party and my friend Joey said, 'Hey Reese- I just wanted to say congratulations, I think you'll do really great with the part', and Reese just gave her this dead-eyed look and was like 'Whatever...' What a douche-bag!" |

I think my emotions ran the typical gymnastic swings as this story played out in the news. At first concern thinking she might have been kidnapped. Then suspicion thinking that possibly her fiance was somehow involved ... and admit it, we all entertained those thoughts because we've been dutifully conditioned to do so. When the idea of cold feet entered the story, empathy followed. I was appalled at the vulgar size and cost of her wedding. Who wouldn't get scared, right? News that she was alive brought relief. I suffered brief pangs of horror as the tale of kidnapping and assault were reported. However, as the facts slowly seeped out, anger took root. She didn't just bolt on a whim, she planned this charade right down to warning her boss in advance of why she wasn't going to be at work the day she took off. She could have left a note, better yet called, explaining that she needed some time. At least it would have allowed her loved ones a chance to get some sleep. And let's not forget that detailed description of her alleged kidnapper who also supposedly raped her. How many Hispanic men were questioned for that? For the time being, she is in private care for "physical and mental issues." Yeah. Right. I want to see her behind bars, and not in some county lockup on weekends, either. Forget cushy community service; those sentences are a bust in a case like this. Yes, she should absolutely repay every single penny which the taxpayers had to foot. However, the best therapy for this bitch is to lock her up.
Runaway bride Jennifer Wilbanks could get up to six years in jail if convicted for spinning her wild tale of abduction and sexual assault.
The jittery jilter from Duluth, Ga. — who fled town four days before her planned April wedding to John Mason — was indicted yesterday for telling police she had been sexually abused, kidnapped and driven to Albuquerque, N.M.
She faces up to six years in prison if convicted of making a false statement and filing a false police report.
Wilbanks, 32, also could be fined up to $11,000 and ordered to reimburse the city of Duluth the $43,000 it spent searching for her.
In a detailed, wildly graphic account, she told police her abductors were a Hispanic man and a white woman, both of whom forced her to have sex with them.
But after being pressed about inconsistencies in her story, she admitted she fled Georgia by bus and fabricated the abduction story.
The criminal charges against her aren't the first. She's been arrested three times in the past for shoplifting. Among the reasons friends have given for her dodgy behavior is her fiancé's insistence on abstinence before marriage.
![]() | The reclusive author: A novel appearance A celebrated author comes to Hollywood, receives an award and has her picture.... [W]hen the author in question is Harper Lee, it's an event of jaw-dropping rarity. The 79-year-old Alabama native shot to fame in 1960 with her first book, To Kill A Mockingbird, but has not published another since. She has not granted an interview for 41 years, and has made only a handful of public appearances over the years. |
h/t Blue

This is amazing considering the Rochester area is a diehard union/Democrat stronghold. Even the write-up was fairly nice.
Bush wows upstate crowd
President Bush made his pitch to revamp Social Security on Tuesday in Greece, N.Y., making a two-hour whirlwind trip through Monroe County that drew thousands of spectators and hundreds of protesters.
"No matter what your opinions are, he's the president and you're excited to see him," said Alexa Schwartzbeck, 29, as she waited outside Greece Athena before his speech.
Except for the arrest of two protesters outside the school, Bush came and went without incident.
![]() | 'POSTER' BOYS FOR STUPIDITY A Brooklyn suspect in two livery-cab stickups redefined stupid yesterday when he walked into a police station to check on his arrested partner-in-crime and found himself standing in front of his own wanted poster. Got anything that can top this? Post it here if you do. |
WHOOPI'S BITTER: "My party abandoned me. There's no other way to say it: they put their tails between their legs and they ran. I've closed my eyes to the party. I haven't turned my back on them, but I no longer feel comfortable saying that I feel like I'm represented by them. |

Lazio-Clinton debate in 2000.
Problems? Maybe. At the very least, this may give her cause for concern.
While cross-examining defendant David Rosen, Peter Zeidenberg noted that Republican Rick Lazio had made "soft money" a key issue against [Hillary]Clinton during the 2000 race.
Zeidenberg recalled that Lazio even "challenged her not to use soft money during a debate."
With Rosen testifying in his own defense for the first time, Zeidenberg said that if Clinton's campaign reported to the Federal Election Commission the $1.1 million the feds say the gala cost — rather than the $400,000 reported — then "Mrs. Clinton's political opponent would have seen that."
"That's correct," said Rosen, who is on trial on two counts related to the underreporting of the gala's cost.
The massive expense to put on the fund-raiser was considered a "soft money" donation to the campaign.
Lazio created an uproar during his first televised debate with Clinton when he suddenly approached her lectern on the stage and demanded she sign a written pledge against the use of soft money — large unregulated donations.
It's the first time during the trial that the prosecution has raised the issue of soft money as a possible motive for why Rosen would have lied about the event's cost.
While this could prove very interesting ...
![]() | Cindy Adams: I don't believe this, you won't believe this, but believe this. ...Rev. Pat Robertson, whose religion is conservatism, whose politics is conservatism, whose middle name is conservatism, and whose constituency has veto power over a presidential nomination, is saying he will not block it if Rudy Giuliani makes a grab for the Oval Office. |

Normally I couldn't care less about a Michael Jackson story, but Lee Goldberg posted on this, and I must admit that it got my attention. And notice that HE doesn't like to be "touched too much"!
Splendor in the court
For nearly 20 years, L.A.-based costume designers Michael Bush and Dennis Tompkins have quietly designed most of Michael Jackson's personal and concert tour wardrobes, tens of thousands of pieces.
Perhaps what they are most proud of is that Jackson has never worn the same thing twice.
"We have two or three tailors around town making jackets because we can't make them fast enough," Bush says, sitting in his workroom next to a pair of Jackson's crystal-covered ankle boots.
Though Jackson's clothes appear extravagant, price is an issue, Bush says. "He's a businessman. A lot of people assume money means nothing to him, but that's not true." Over the years, the designers have used wool, silk, canvas, ripstop nylon, silver, gold, British regalia, police badges, even car parts from the Pomona Swap Meet. They made a jacket with closures crafted from V-8 hood ornaments and another festooned with badges from European race car clubs. "He kept us so busy that every time we touched something, we wondered if we needed it, if it could be turned into something," Bush says.
As the pair bring out Jackson's tour books for show-and-tell, ticking off his likes (corduroy) and dislikes (being touched too much), they lament being known only for working with the music legend.

Even us card-carrying vast right-wingers like our scenery pristine, our vistas uncluttered. High tech may offer the solution to these eyesores. Don't have a cow when you realize this article is in a leftie rag. After all, even a broken clock is right twice each day.
Good Riddance to Bad Billboards
By Bill Croke
No matter how a visitor enters Cody -- even on the scenic highway to Yellowstone -- they will run a gantlet of as many as 30 billboards. They proselytize the virtues of our motels, fast-food restaurants and rubber tomahawk and T-shirt emporiums, not to mention the pleasures to be enjoyed in touring the Buffalo Bill Historical Center, or in attending the summertime Cody Rodeo. To me, billboards are the bane of all of Yellowstone Park's "Gateway communities."
One would think that the average tourist finds all this commercial stimuli garish and ugly. One wonders if these folks -- after a day spent admiring the splendors of Yellowstone -- really want to be reminded of their lives in sprawling strip-mall suburbia.
The Cody boostocracy seems to think so.
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Normally I don't drink soda, but I've got to admit that this catchy jingle hooked me. I not only drink it, I go around all day singing it. I know, I'm hopeless. |
![]() | Last night on TWO & A HALF MEN was the episode. The website exists and is active. Question: How long can you expect to date Charlie after you have sex with him? Answer: It depends how late you sleep the next morning. |
Crime Lab Project: [L]et's talk about reality, and not television: the truth is, most American crime labs are under-funded, are in aging facilities, do not have the latest computers and other equipment, and are not fully staffed. More than one out of four labs do not have basic computers for processing evidence. h/t SW |
![]() | This is a Popener; it can only be purchased in the Vatican. Rik, our nomadic American in Italy, visited Rome and this Popener was just about the highlight of his trip. He suffered maximum feet blister-age, tiny portions of food, high-priced beer, closed pubs, a pitiful sports game, and was once again almost "ass-raped" by the law but was saved by the Popener. ROME RECAP explains every hilarious detail. GREAT PHOTOS! |
I've heard Dr. Laura on the radio. I've agreed with her sometimes, but she could be so abrasive and sometimes unreasonable. I haven't heard her in years, but I am familiar with her book (pictured below). It's great advice, btw. In the problem referenced here, Dr. Laura tells a man to turn in his brother-in-law to the INS because he was an illegal immigrant. At first I thought that was cold; the guy is family after all. But what if the guy was from a terrorist nation? Read the comments.
When the Doctor Needs RX: Dr. Laura, as it turns out, has strong opinons about illegal immigrants. I found that out a while back when I listened as she advised a distraught caller, a man whose wife's sister was engaged(or married--I can't recall) to an illegal immigrant. |
Sound of a New Generation: [T]hey are sitting in the lap of luxury, making money hand over fist by creating music ... and they're "uncomfortable" with it. Give me a break! If they were that dedicated to their code of ethics, they wouldn't have signed a contract in the first place. |
![]() | Cingular Sucks!: I hate the lawsuit-crazed culture we live in, but I wasn't joking. I hate Cingular so much, I would pay more than the amount I could get back, just to waste their time like they've wasted mine. ... So bring on the Cingular complaints! |
![]() | NASCAR fans, this site is for you. Plus watch Dawg's Nuclear Option. |
![]() | Go To Jail, Please: You're going to be shocked shocked to read this, but when you buy a prisoner a bus ticket and tell him to transfer himself to another prison, sometimes he'll decide to run. |
Ozzy Osbourne to sell Los Angeles mansion: The asking price for what Ozzy describes as "Beverly Hills most expensive sewer" is £6.5million. The 56-year-old rocker and wife Sharon are selling the famous mansion because their children, Jack, Kelly and Aimee have all left home. Tired of the Bat Cave? |
HA HA HA !!! Love that Bucky! |
Johnny Depp as Hunter S. Thompson?:
Bruce Robinson is set to direct, with Johnny Depp taking a role. Begun in 1959, but not published until 1998, The Rum Diary is a tangled love story of jealousy, treachery and alcoholic lust in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Happy Birthday, Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle:
born on this day in 1859 in Edinburgh. ... creator of the world-famous detective Sherlock Holmes. [H]is method of deductive reasoning, is said to be based on one of his medical teachers at Edinburgh University, Dr Joseph Bell.
If you haven't checked out PostSecret, you should. Every Sunday they post postcards people have sent in which reveal their deep dark secrets. Fascinating, funny, poignant, and a bit addictive, too. I think this one is the only political one to date.
Britney Spears new show: This show could be called ''Stars: They're Just Like You, Except Nowhere Near As Smart, But They've Got So Much Money It Doesn't Matter, So Just Sit There and Hate Your Hard-Working Life As They Spend Twice Your Weekly Paycheck on a Solid-Gold Key Chain That They'll Leave in a Bathroom the Next Day and Forget They Ever Bought.'' Funniest review ever, and no doubt the Federlines will think it's classy, kinda like Britney puking in the hotel pool.
FAMILY AFFAIR: Rod Stewart's ex wife Alana Stewart thinks his fiancée Penny Lancaster is the right woman for the rocker - because she knows how to deal with him. ... Alana revealed she used to cook Sunday lunch for the rocker's exes, which included Rachel Hunter and Kelly Emberg.