imkittymyers at hotmail dot com
Saturday, October 29, 2005

Click to view all the October pictures.

Like a hell broth boil and bubble."
Click picture to enlarge :)
h/t LoanCat
I'll post today's October picture later.
Friday, October 28, 2005

On a time schedule here, so check back later.
Click to view all of the October pictures.
Thursday, October 27, 2005

Click to view all the October pictures.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Click here to view all the October pictures.

PISTOL-packing Joe Mantegna is blasting a chink in the politically correct armor of some Hollywood heavyweights — he says they love to own and shoot guns.
The "Joan of Arcadia" star says that such left-leaning showbiz types as Steven Spielberg, Leonardo DiCaprio and playwright David Mamet are all avid shooters.
"Lots of guys in Hollywood love to shoot," Mantegna, a longtime gun sportsman, tells Fade In magazine. "But they ain't gonna talk to you."
"Apocalypse Now" screenwriter John Milius agrees. "It's fascinating that Hollywood is so hypocritical," he says. "Many people own [guns], but consistently vote against them and never talk about them. I used to shoot with Spielberg and [Robert] Zemeckis and Robert Stack. But no one else would admit they had any."
Producer/manager Jay Bernstein, who shepherded Farrah Fawcett and Linda Evans to fame, carries a gun in public and is prone to flashing it at Hollywood parties. But even he won't confirm that he has a Carry Concealed Weapons permit.
"It's one of the most uncomfortable subjects," Bernstein says, "because 'anti-gun' is more popular than 'gun' in Los Angeles."
As if to illustrate Bernstein's point, well-known gun enthusiasts Ben Affleck, Charlie Sheen, Tom Selleck and Steven Seagal wanted nothing to do with Fade In's story.
Even gung-ho action director Richard Donner ("Lethal Weapon"), who has a concealed weapon permit, was reluctant to talk. "I am anything but a gun enthusiast," he said in a terse statement. "The only reason I would ever own a gun is for the protection of my home, my environment or my family under the circumstances in which I am forced to live."
Fade In says Seagal, Sylvester Stallone, music mogul Tommy Mottola and billionaire Kirk Kerkorian are among a mere 500 people licensed to carry a gun in public in Los Angeles County (pop. 9.8 million).
Meanwhile, those who can legally pack heat in New York include Donald Trump, Robert De Niro, Harvey Keitel, Seagram owner Edgar Bronfman, Howard Stern, Don Imus, State Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno, Bronx Supreme court judge Richard L. Price and defense lawyer Barry Slotnick.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Lorie wants to know, what are your favorite horror flicks?: I am a huge fan of horror films --mostly the non-gory ones, but I did like the Scream movies. I am asking readers to list their favorite horror movies and to let me know why they like them.

The Exorcist runs a close second.

UPDATE: I thought of another ... The Sixth Sense. Major chills. Scared the crap outta me!
UPDATE II: Okay, this has gotta be the scariest thing ever!

Click to view all the October pictures.
Monday, October 24, 2005

Onto a more pleasant subject ...
Chris left this message: Mind if I stick around even though I'm a lefty (I am actually left handed)? I do realize it's only about 100 or so days till xmas and I certainly don't want to be on anyones naughty list.
Everyone is welcome here, regardless of politics (or ambidextrism). Many may recall that ol' lefty Ghost Dansing who used to leave dozens of lengthy diatribes. It wasn't his politics that bothered me -- and others. No, it was the ton of comments he'd dump. In time he actually improved and left only a couple of comments per post. Haven't seen him in quite a while now. I wonder what he's doing? But anyway, the point is that your politics are welcome here. However, I must draw the line at reminding me how close we're getting to Christmas!
And, Chris, if you really are from this area, you may be interested in a story I wrote called Spud Shelanski Lives On At The Alabaster Bar & Grill. It's the first story listed in a book of short stories I'm blogging entitled Briefs and Other Unmentionables. The bar in the story is based on the McClintock Bar on Market St. in Corning.
Click to view all the October pictures.
Sunday, October 23, 2005

Click to view all the October pictures.
Elsewhere ...
8 CLOSE ONE: The first time I've ever been, well, glad to pay taxes.
8 Frank Warren has published a book, based on his blog, entitled PostSecret: Extraordinary Confessions from Ordinary Lives: The book contains many favorite images that have appeared on PostSecret and many postcards that have never been seen before.
8 Please note: The following link will be timed out by tomorrow.
HOLLYWOOD SWEATS P.I. CASE: TWO Hollywood lawyers have copped pleas and are singing like canaries now that the FBI is wrapping up its three-year wire-tapping probe of private eye Anthony Pellicano, sources say. The tough-talking detective - who's been in jail since 2003 after he pleaded guilty to possession of guns, grenades and explosives - is expected to be indicted again next month on charges of illegally tapping phone lines. … "There are a lot of lawyers who hired Pellicano over the years. They are all nervous," said one insider. Another said, "Why do you think people hire a guy like Pellicano? Because he's a wiretapper." The feds reportedly seized computer files in Pellicano's office with nearly 2M pages of notes and transcripts of conversations. "What has people in Hollywood really worried is that Pellicano, besides the wiretaps, also illegally recorded his own clients and their lawyers."
Pellicano Tapes Could Spell Trouble for Bill and Hillary: (Wednesday, Nov.12, 2003 10:58 a.m. EST) Though the American press insists on not reporting this inconvenient detail, Anthony Pellicano was first hired by Bill and Hillary Clinton in 1992 in a bid to discredit Gennifer Flowers' steamy tape recordings of conversations with Mr. Clinton.
As noted in Ron Kessler's 1995 best seller, "Inside the White House," "The Clinton camp made much of the fact that Anthony J. Pellicano, an expert on audio recording analysis, had told the press that a twelve-minute portion of the tape of conversations between Flowers and Clinton had been 'selectively edited' at two points."
To counter Pellicano's claims, Flowers submitted her recordings to Truth Verification Labs, which found them to be 100 percent authentic.