imkittymyers at hotmail dot com
Friday, February 10, 2006

However, before I even touch the paper, I log onto it first thing each morning. Imagine my surprise when I logged on today and it was yellow! It's an ad promo for whatever-I-forget, but there's a neat game you can play called Stalk Car Race. (I plowed the entire field, but I finished!)
8 Speaking of cars, Chris has posted a NASCAR crash video.

February 10, 2006 -- KIDDIES, mother wants you to pay attention. Verso, radical publisher of political satire, is poised to publish "George & Martha." Written by Karen Finley, it is positioned as a "satire about a love affair between George W. Bush and Martha Stewart." OK?
The scenario: George and Martha meet in a seedy hotel room the eve of the Republican National Convention. Their togetherness goes back way before George's election, way before Martha's jail time. Drugs, sex, humiliation, whatever, everything's thrown into what's billed as "a nasty, hysterical, weirdly plausible bitch-slap of a book."
Out April 13, this thing will set you back $15.

Paging Mr. Satan!
It’s a time-honored tradition for celebrities to sign hotel registers under fake names. However, it would seem that most stars choose their aliases with such random abandon that it’s as much a game for them as it is a genuine diversion for the paparazzi trying to pinpoint their hideouts. For instance, Elton John is all over the Yellow Brick Road with "Sir Galahad," "Bobo Latrine" and "Brian Bigbun." Brad Pitt? "Carl Con Carne" and "Bryce Pilaf." And our favorite prankster, Johnny Depp, checks in as "Mr. Satan" and "Mr. Donkey Penis." Here’s a collection of faux-moniker-ing celebs. See if you can pick the accurate alias for each one in our multiple-choice quiz.
The Post scored a gem when they hired Sean Delonas as their cartoonist. Here's today's cartoon about those other cartoons in the news.
He does not aim to please. [Sean] Delonas' cartoons - incisive, perverse, gleefully vicious - are never boring. And no one is safe from his arrows. Repeat offenders he has skewered include Michael Jackson, the Clintons, Al Sharpton, the French, Donald Trump and Ted Kennedy.
Recalls Delonas: "This enraged woman once said to me, 'You are the biggest sleazebag,' and I just started laughing, and the more I laughed, the madder she got. I can't believe anybody gets upset at what I do."
It's doubtful, though, that anyone would find his Italian-Renaissance-style mural - which encompasses a wall of Midtown's St. Agnes Church - sleazy.
Thursday, February 09, 2006

Happy Birthday, Nurse G!
8 First Her Royal C returned money to Wal*Mart, and then she returned money to Ted Kennedy's felon brother-in-law.
8 Go on -- y'know y'wanna :~)
8 Right back at ya "Peanut Boy"
8 Nannie Bloomberg finds trouble in Albany, with a capitol "T" and that rhymes with "C" and that stands for CARDS!
8 Bill Maher thinks Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid was a gay movie.
8 Is Tom Cruise a male chauvinist pig?
8 Speaking of no-class, this is Barry Manilow in a very UNclassy move. It only makes him look older.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006

"George W. Bush is a classy gentleman. He doesn't care what these people say about him at Coretta Scott King's funeral because he knows that they're the ones that look very small and petty. It's not affecting people's perception of him." -- Rush

RUSH: I'm looking at something I haven't seen in I don't know how long. Bill and Hillary are at the pulpit side by side, and she is looking so lovingly and respectfully at him that I don't believe it. The last time I saw them side by side was in that picture when they were on the beach dancing to no music two weeks before the Monica Lewinsky story broke.
BILL CLINTON: (Cheering of audience) President Bush 41 complained that he was at a disadvantage because he was an Episcopalian. (Laughing.) Then he came up here and zings old Laura like he did. I thought, "That ain't bad for one of the frozen chosen." (Laughter.)
RUSH: All right, this is sort of funny. I had a whole observation. Bill and Hillary -- you'll see this on TV tonight if you watch the news -- are standing at a pulpit together, and Bill and going on and on and on and on and on, and Hillary starts out smiling, nodding approval, admiration, whatever, and as Clinton went on and on and on and eventually started talking about himself, the look on her face changed. The smile vanished and the nodding stopped, and was just sort of a "Are you through?" kind of look, and at that point said, "Who advised her to go and stand up there like a sock puppet all of that time while he's making a speech?" and I know why it is. It's because they're presenting the idea, the notion, the picture that we have here of a loving couple, happily living ever after, so forth and so on.

Carter warmed up by conjuring the outlandish conspiracy theories that still linger from Hurricane Katrina ..
Then he segued on to the Bush administration.
In what could only be taken as a direct attack on Bush's electronic surveillance of suspected terrorists — a program Carter has repeatedly denounced as "illegal" — the ex-prez said of Mrs. King and her slain husband, Martin Luther King, "they became the targets of secret government wiretapping and other surveillance."
8 Bulldog Pundit wants to know: Why Did Washington Post Delete Jimmy Carter Funeral Potshot From Later Editions?

8 I'm ashamed to say that I didn't remember Ronald Reagan's birthday yesterday, but Chris did.
8 Tom Cruise can't dance. So tell me something I don't already know.
8 Combat soldiers were in Cody, WY, last week to learn the art of donkey packing.
8 According to RJ: Our Commander-In-Chief believes we are spreading democracy — and all of its quaint accoutrements like freedom of speech — throughout the Middle East.

In case you haven't heard this story yet, Twitney was photographed driving with her baby on her lap, not in his carseat.
Dlisted posted the proof yesterday: great big photos with one showing her license plate.
Word got out quickly and the cops were called in to question her. She had some lame explanation, too.
"There aren't enough words to describe how stupid she is. She placed herself and her child in grave danger," said AAA spokesman Robert Sinclair.
He said if Spears had braked her SUV suddenly, her baby would become a projectile, crashing through the windshield.
"And if the airbag goes off, it's going to launch the child into her face or her chest. The child is going to be killed without a doubt," Sinclair added.
Spears yesterday blamed it all on a "horrifying, frightful encounter" with the paparazzi.
But Francois Navarre of the X17 photo agency, whose snappers got the shots, insisted Spears and her baby were never in danger as they left a Starbucks and proceeded two miles along the Pacific Coast Highway between Cross Creek and Los Flores.
Here's the reason why passengers should be properly restrained.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Who knew that Eli Wallach could be so romantic?

In the very heartland of the nation — in Pennsylvania and Ohio — the Republican Party is getting set to nominate black candidates for governor in the coming elections. In a nation that has not a single African-American governor — not one — from either party, this is its own little revolution.
And as former Rep. J.C. Watts of Oklahoma found out, African-Americans who reject the entitlement ethic and stand for self-reliance and individual upward mobility are very attractive to white voters.
Black candidates are highly threatening to white political leaders. Sources close to Rev. Al Sharpton, for example, attribute Hillary Clinton's comparison of the House of Representatives to a "plantation" to her fear of a Rice candidacy. "She boycotted the event for two years in a row and now, when Condi might run, she shows up and uses militant rhetoric," one of Sharpton's key people told me. "She needs to get Al to vouch for her in South Carolina if she goes up against Condi," he added.

February 7, 2006 -- HOLLYWOOD drums are beating about the re-indict ment of former private eye Anthony Pellicano, who was known to have worked for such clients as Sylvester Stallone, Tom Cruise, Elizabeth Taylor. I have reported successive stages of this saga because I've been on the story since Day One because I have had substantive conversations with the man who called himself a "sin eater" for the glossiest names in our country. Almost as we speak, jailed Anthony is being charged yet again for additional acts of lawbreaking that, allegedly, were done with the complicity of some of California's biggest lawyers for some of moviedom's biggest stars.
The government is squeezing Anthony into giving up certain names. He repeatedly says he won't be a rat. Coming out of Hollywood is: The mess will take down a major Los Angeles attorney who was in the forefront of all sorts of miseries that befell his blue-chip powerful clients.
This could shut down an entire law firm, cause other legal eagles to run for cover, and be the beginning of boundless headlines and endless lawsuits.

The Pellicano briefing
Pellicano … was a member of what has been dubbed President Clinton's "Shadow Team." What he did for the White House during the Clinton years remains shrouded in mystery. But he is a private investigator known for ruthless dirty tricks and rough tactics on behalf of celebrity clients.
Pellicano, now 61, made a name for himself by working for Hollywood's elite before and after being commissioned by Hillary Clinton during her husband's administration to spy on their perceived "enemies."
But what no one is talking about is what Pellicano did during the Clinton years. Pellicano was one of several private investigators used by the White House to conduct "shadow" operations. Others included Terry Lenzner, founder and chairman of the powerful Washington detective firm Investigative Group International, and San Francisco private eye Jack Palladino and his wife Sandra Sutherland.
It was Hillary Clinton who hired the "Shadow Team" – some believe to do work that employees of the federal government could not or would not do.
Monday, February 06, 2006

Here's another photo from The Misfits: Clark Gable mustanging.
A few days ago our hot water heater quit, which meant a new hot water heater. Then last night the knob on the hot water pipe to the kitchen sink popped off and sprayed gallons on piping hot water all over the place. By the time we finally got the damned thing shut off, the house was transformed into a sauna and we were wading through hot water. The wet vac sucked up all the standing water, but the carpeting was still wet.
I awoke at 3:00 this morning and couldn't get back to sleep. Not even Paul Muni in The Life of Emile Zola did the trick. Actually it's not a bad movie; under better circumstances I might have enjoyed it. Instead, I walked into the kitchen and immediately regretted not wearing shoes as the carpet was still wet. Then I discovered a cupboard we missed when we mopped up last night when I pulled out the bag of Friskies dry cat food and

The insulation behind the sink must have gotten wet because the storm windows are still dripping wet, even with a wind chill factor today of 15*. Is toxic mold our destiny?
Blogging today has been a lost cause. Road Runner was down most of the day, which was only fitting as blogger was buggered most of yesterday. So, as I waited for the plumbers I paid some ungodly bills. yee-haw.
Yeeee-uuuup, that Nevada desert gets better lookin' by minute.
Sunday, February 05, 2006

I've been thinking of Nevada ever since I came across some pictures taken during the filming of the movie The Misfits, which was the last film for both Clark Gable and Marilyn Monroe.

The Misfits was originally a short story which Arthur Miller wrote, in 1956, while he was residing in Nevada to divorce his first wife. He married Marilyn after the divorce that same year.
Eve Arnold, one of the film's photographers, said of Marilyn, "The camera adored her, and she was the only person I ever met who photographed 10 pounds lighter." And, "She was not supposed to be nude."
8 Pat has posted a great desert picture at his Hitching Post

This article names names -- if you're interested:
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton is a smash hit in La-La Land, where she gobbled up big bucks late last year from Tinseltown's elite — swelling her campaign bank account to $17.1 million.
Hollywood royalty Paul Newman and his wife Joanne Woodward each forked over $2,000 to her campaign, which can convert the cash for a presidential bid if she opts for a 2008 White House run.
But Hillary won't take money from everyone. Clinton returned $5,000 to Wal-Mart Stores Inc., a company with long ties to the Clintons dating back to the couple's days in Arkansas.
Clinton campaign spokeswoman Ann Lewis said the money was returned "because of serious differences with current company practices."
However, if you read nothing else today, read this absolutely hilarious jab at the limousine liberals:
Pale Thin Man and the Sundance Kid
Al Gore was at Sundance the other week with the likes of Robert Redford, Paris Hilton and various film people who claim they are interested in "issues."
John Kerry was at Davos with the likes of Kofi Annan, Angelina Jolie and sundry slobbering journalists.
The skiing was excellent in both places, we're told; the networking was au point; and the opportunities for meeting hoi polloi, other than as conveyors of drinks and canapes, just about zero.
8 Pat has posted several photos with his Big Protest Against President Bush in Washington, which links to a WaPo story.
8 Which reminds me of this photo showing the proud anti-American/pro-terrorists Lefties:
The Wickedness of 9-11 Protesters
This photo was taken by my friend Ronald Rotunda while he was participating in the Freedom Walk at the Pentagon on Sept. 11 [2005].