imkittymyers at hotmail dot com
Saturday, March 11, 2006

Check out Blogs4Bauer's "She's Gonna Limp Caption Contest"!
Friday, March 10, 2006

La famiglia returns on Sunday and I'm countin' the minutes.
I'm praying Furio, who's gone back to Italy, will return to the show. The guy is the perfect Italian male: he's tough, trim, tender and he can cook! And no matter what he may look like, with all that going for him, he's drop-dead gorgeous -- no pun intendeed.
I can do without the greedy, disloyal Paulie Walnuts. Speaking of which, is Johnny "Sack" really gone? Let's hope.
AJ was beginning to grow -- not mature; they never mature -- into an interesting and resourceful character.
As to the women ...
Here's hoping that Dr. Melfi's stick is removed and she finally gives Tony a glimpse of her undeniable attraction for him.
I'd never put up with what Carmella does with Tony -- or her kids, for that matter! -- but I don't want to see her whacked, either. She's whiny and arrogant and just g-d annoying most of the time.
Now Janice is another story. What a worthless use of human DNA, sucking up all the oxygen. Whack her!
As I said, I'd never put up with a Tony, not ever. But he's one of the best characters to come along in years. I grew up with a lot of Italians -- many first generation. I was briefly engaged to one. [The guy was not bright, so the engagement lasted long enough for me to learn how to make good sauce. His mother fed an army every weekend and made the best sauce with homemade Italian sausage. Btw, she never served spaghetti; she served rotini, penne or rigatoni.]
I like Tony. I don’t want to see him whacked or incarcerated. In real life, however, it would be a different story.
8 Speaking of scum-sucking two-timing bastards, BILL CLINTON HAD AN AFFAIR ON 9/11
[and 9/12 and 9/13 …]

Wellsboro instructor testifies in terror trial
Prevost said he was an instructor at the Pan Am Flight Academy in Eagan, Minn., when he asked Moussaoui on the first day of class whether he was a Muslim. Prevost said he became suspicious when Moussaoui responded with a terse "I am nothing."
"I said, 'Should we be doing this?' " Prevost told the court. "'We don't know anything about this guy and we're teaching him to throw the switches on a (Boeing) 747.' "
He said he raised his concern the next morning with school official Alan McHale and was told: "He paid the money. We don't care."
Prevost said he responded, "We'll care when there's a hijacking ... and the lawsuits come in after they find out we taught him how to do this."
8 For a rundown of the port deal gone sour, check out my post at Lifelike Pundits: "THIS PORT DEAL WAS A DRIVE-BY SHOOTING"
Thursday, March 09, 2006

8 Here's an eye-opener!
Out of Control Spending Threatens Tax Reform
Tax reform? We're getting close to the day where we're not going to be able to do it, and here's why. If you go to my website and you look at who pays taxes, and it's a chart that we leave up there every day. It never gets taken down. We are so close to reaching the 50-50 point, where half the nation's income earners don't pay any federal income tax, and once we surpass that 50-50 point, and once it is a minority of income earners paying federal income taxes, you can kiss tax reform good-bye because the majority who's not paying taxes will never go along with it. Zilch, zero, nada, never.
8 Rick Moranis on Andrea Mitchell's husband's $8.5 MIL memoir.
8 Rick Moranis' The Agoraphobic Cowboy :~)
8 NewsBusters: Molly Ivins Refers to Hillary as a “Hair-Splitting Son of a Bitch”
8 Littering again? Judging from these pictures it must be true that Twitney is preggers and her first baby is just 6 months old. She may want to give little Sean Preston a sibling, and she may be trying to hang on to that worthless slug-of-a-husband, but I think the real reason she wasted no time to get pregnant again is so she has a reason for packing on the pounds as she continues to chow down.

Nitwit was compelled to respond:
I wrote the original post and apologize for the impression that I’m concerned about Democrat vs. Republican or left vs. right. Those labels have nothing to do with what’s happening in this country today. (I included Reaganomics and Grover Norquist because the current administration endorses those policies that starve social programs designed to aid society’s poor and most vulnerable). The people in charge are radicals much farther out of the mainstream than you’ve painted my perspective in your comments.
While I won’t be going out dancing with my agent, I want a relationship that must be built on mutual trust and respect because she will represent me and my work whereas the gas station attendant will never play that role. I can’t respect someone who condones torture, etc. I just can’t. And for those of you who ridicule me for my values and refer to my well-documented concerns as tin foil hat conspiracy theories and suggest that I should tap phones and emails in my attempt to find compatible representation, well, you’re clearly not paying attention (or you’re very subtle political satirists).
I would never have fired my insurance agent if Bush hadn’t invaded and occupied another country under a series of provably false and exploitative pretexts designed to mislead the U.S. public and the world. I fired him because he wasn’t someone I could respect; anyone who continues to support this administration is living a life of denial and is a partisan of the highest order (FYI, I’ve voted for Dems, Reps, and Greens). I won’t apologize for paying attention when 34% of the eligible voting public isn’t.
So maybe it was crazy to ask Miss Snark the question but I wondered if it was a question that could be asked of other agents. And, according to her, it is

E-Publishing or Print Publishing?: If you want to be published and you're not a patient person (like me), start learning. This is NOT a quick or easy business. An average purchase to the print publication timeframe is 18-24 months. But the bigger (and more tedious) hill to climb is the one that leads to "the call," as we call it in print publishing. (i.e., selling the book to a publisher.)
To sell in print, the average author writes for about 7 years and writes an average of 4-5 full manuscripts (of 100K words each) before selling. Some people don't have that sort of stamina. They give up after 1 or 2 manuscripts. I tell you this now not to discourage you, but to give you an idea of a reasonable expectation.

Jennifer “In Her Shoes” Weiner compares lad lit to chick lit: They're basically the same as the Bridgets and the Emmas and the Kates and the Janes, except they tend to binge drink more frequently...and they're way more superficial. For instance: the passage in Love Monkey where the hero, a fellow named Tom, takes a break from his seduction of the lovely, lissome, ten-year-his-junior Julia to slip into the bathroom for a chat with his penis. He wants his private parts to behave themselves and, as incitement, he names a string of unattractive women. "Hillary Clinton...Camryn Manheim....Rosie O'Donnell...Oprah."
OUCH! (tee hee hee)
Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Here's a writer obviously disagrees with me.
Dear Miss Snark,
I know a writer and agent aren't going to hang out together around the gin pail but still, I'd like to know that my agent shares my general sensibilities about the political situation in this country. I fired my insurance agent after he came to my house with a Bushbot sticker on his bumper and absolutely cringe at the thought of collaborating with a literary agent who, unbeknownst to me, condones illegal invasion and occupation, torture, assault on the poor, cronyism, and the laundry list of other horrific acts committed by this administration.
I was able to delete some candidates from my agent search because their web sites touted Reaganomics and past professional association with Grover Norquist, but aside from these instances, how is a writer to know?
Not only don't I want a relationship with someone who thinks everything's hunky dory right now, I don't want my agent's 15 percent funding the radical extremists currently running roughshod over everything I value.
8 WOW! Check out the comments readers left on that Miss Snark post!
8 And then check out Miss Snark's reply here.

Haven't seen Brokeback Mountain yet? Don't worry; watch the Bunnies' 30-second version :~)
Have you seen a movie you'd recommend?
Tuesday, March 07, 2006

His latest blunder was claiming how it was really Hollywood that raised everyone's awareness of AIDS. In case you can't read it, that People mag is dated November 18, 1985; just one of dozens of periodicals at that time which featured AIDS related articles/stories.
Clooney's Oscar Speech
ABC didn't challenge Clooney's "smarts" by taking apart the factual (or were they merely rhetorical) particulars of his speech. Even when it could be read as insulting to the liberal news media. For example, Clooney claimed: "We were the first to shout about AIDS when it was just a whisper."
This was not a claim that would stand up to a newsman's scrutiny. The news media didn't whisper about AIDS. Newsweek (April 18) and Time (July 4) published AIDS cover stories in 1983. AIDS was a common news story in the 1980s, and it was presumed that Reagan was failing to do anything about it by reporters. How about Diane Sawyer's network? Consult Nexis. Here was ABC's "World News Tonight" on March 2, 1983, and reporter George Strait: "Unknown eighteen months ago, officials say AIDS has now become a national epidemic, claiming more than a thousand people and killing 418."

So I wasn't surprised when I read this in the NY Post this morning.
"I believe in a woman's right to choose, stem-cell research and full civil rights for gays. Our family worships in the Episcopal Church, but we are not evangelical," wrote McFarland, who announced yesterday that she would challenge former Yonkers Mayor John Spencer, an anti-abortion social conservative, in the GOP primary for the right to take on Clinton.
8 Here's her website.

Ralph Peters continues to report from Iraq.
AMONG the many positive stories you aren't being told about Iraq, the media ignored another big one last week: In the wake of the terrorist bombing of the Golden Mosque in Samarra, it was the Iraqi army that kept the peace in the streets.
AS a result of its nationwide success, the Iraqi army gained tremendously in confidence. Its morale soared. After all the lies and exaggerations splashed in your direction, the truth is that we're seeing a new, competent, patriotic
8 Also, check out his MISSING N.Y.
Monday, March 06, 2006

Late Friday, Department of Justice lawyers in the Office of Legal Counsel were attempting to determine if former President Bill Clinton had registered as an "Agent of a Foreign Principal."
Federal statute requires that anyone -- even a former President -- doing political or public affairs work on behalf of a foreign country, agency or official must register with the Department, and essentially update his status every six months. It was not clear the Clinton had done so.
According to current and former President Clinton staff, Hillary Clinton's Senate office was aware that Glover Park was in the running to do work on the DPW deal.
"She was also very much aware of President Clinton's financial arrangements with the UAE," says a former Bill Clinton staffer. "We're talking about more than a million dollars, some of paid out soon out after they left the White House. That income helped the Clintons buy the properties that allow them to live both in New York and Washington, D.C. This was not an insignificant financial arrangement."
8 Btw, Brian tells me that Clinton and Lance Armstrong will be giving a lecture for "The Power Within." Slick probably heard that Armstong and Sheryl Crow broke up and wants her phone number.
Kerry, on the other hand, is clueless.

No, I'm not talking about the Oscars nominating films no one has seen, I'm talking about the results of the last Presidential Election. Our old buddy John "Crushed" Kerry, who is spending the windsurfing offseason making a further jacka$$ of himself, went over to Northern Ireland to give a speech. (Are they his relatives again, or is he still claiming to be part Jewish?) Of course, the purpose of the speech was to tell us all how much smarter he is that all of us (like George Clooney), and of course got off some real doozies.

He looks more like a toothless hag here.

8 For reference, the winners and losers.
8 Out of the corral gate, this liberal blogs on Why Jon Bombed: Yes, he bombed! ... He looked nervous and edgy, his timing was way off, his standup ran in super slow-mo, and his jokes flatlined. What’s more, he didn’t even try to make excuses for the movie industry ... Even his sharp political humor, what little there was of it, was dull. He slammed the Democrats twice, and told only one Cheney joke. (That got his biggest laugh.) He didn’t lay a glove on Bush, and what’s up with that? Isn’t that why we tuned in, to see Mr. Liberal get himself in trouble with the Red State Right?
8 The DC limousine libs thought Stewart's monologue "went over well," BUT there was a Collective Gasp as 'Brokeback' Fails to Win Top Honor: "You could feel the air leave the room as people collectively gasped to hear that 'Crash' and not 'Brokeback Mountain' won best picture for the Oscars this year."
8 And GASP! they did. Watch and hear The GASP :~)
8 The bachelor himself (ever wonder why?;) George Clooney Suggests Hollywood Helps Solve Society’s Problems: During his acceptance speech, Clooney admitted that Hollywood is out of touch. However, he said that this was a good thing, and actually had the gall to suggest that Hollywood is responsible for bringing attention to problems like civil rights and AIDS.
Video clip included.
8 This video clip had to be the funniest thing at the Oscars! 78th Academy Awards tackles cowboy issues