imkittymyers at hotmail dot com
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Just to let you know that I've been battling the mother of all colds this week. Violent chills seem to be over, and just when we're having great spring-like weather. Every year this happens, which is why I think it's also tied in with allergies. The trees are beginning to bud.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I tag Pat and Aaron.
8 According to ABP, the real reason for Card's Departure has nothing to do with any “shakeup.”

Click for larger view.
Haven't we been down this runway before? Suddenly John L'Fraude Kerry is in the news. You've got your pick of stories, from the sublime to the ridiculous. Such is the herd mentality of the media. The Frank Burns candidate of '04 was/is so conceited that he actually had his plane painted "John Kerry PRESIDENT." Not "for" president, mind you. He eventually acquiesced and added Edwards' name, but "PRESIDENT" remained.
8 Kerry and Producer Do Battle for Honor (at Least the Word): Mr. Sherwood said this fight was nonpartisan. "This is a personal thing. It has nothing at all to do with his politics," he said. He called it an effort to make Mr. Kerry answer for having "defamed and excoriated hundreds of thousands of men, some of them killed in action, just for his own political future."
As for the name of the fund, with its riff on the title of the film, Mr. Sherwood said, "it's simply mocking."
"When we say it," he added, "we're deadly serious."
8 VIETNAM VETERANS REACT TO JOHN KERRY LEGAL DEFENSE FUND: "That's his way of mocking us and all Vietnam veterans," Col. Day remarked. "The concepts of truth and honor are utterly foreign to him. He's forced to plagiarize our words."
8 In visit to Salem, Kerry sounds like a candidate: It was Salem Mayor Kim Driscoll who asked the question on everyone's mind: Will you run again in 2008?
"The short answer is, I'm thinking very seriously about it," Kerry said. "I know what it takes. I know how to do it, I know the mistakes we made, and we did make some mistakes."
8 What about Kerry’s elusive military records? Well, as Dave points out: Yes, he released a portion of them but not the ones that would do him political damage.
8 And now for something completely different, John Kerry Hates Celery!: In the spirit of bipartisanship, The Smoking Gun today extends our review of political tour riders across the aisle to examine Senator John Kerry, whose list of demands (and that of his wife) makes Sprite-lovin' Vice President Dick Cheney look like a travelin' rube.
Kerry, of course, will have to contend with Her Royal C, which will be fun to watch.
8 You've probably already hurled over this statement by Sharon Stone, but this article seems to have been written by a Hillary supporter.
Hillary Clinton Too Sexy To Run For President: Hillary Clinton may have tons of political power, but she doesn't have an ounce of sexual power. I have never met a single man who finds her attractive. Hillary's pantsuits, severe haircut and angry glare are the very antithesis of sexual attractiveness.
8 And don't forget that not every liberal is enamored with HRC: Sarandon calls Clinton a 'disappointment'
Picture is a cropped version of this Delonas cartoon.
Sunday, March 26, 2006

LOOK WHO'S PACKIN': These boldfaced names are among more than 38,000 licensed gun owners in the city; the number has steadily declined in recent years as fewer people apply for permits - and fewer are approved.
That 38,000 figure equals 0.47%, or 47 hundredths of one percent, which doesn't mean that the other 7.9 million don't carry guns.
And no, Sean Penn is not mentioned in this article. However, speaking of the devil ...
8 Sean Penn likes to "violate" Ann Coulter doll: "There are cigarette burns in some funny places."
8 The Easter Bunny is banned in St. Paul.

Sean Delonas 25 Mar '03
Periodically, I delve into Lucianne's archives of her daily Must Reads to compare the news of then with now. These nuggets were culled from her Must Reads dated March 26, 2003:
And The Loser Is...Michael Medved in the Wall Street Journal writes about the know-nothing anti-Americanism of the Hollywood set better than dozens of other columns written since the Oscars. All one need remember from their sorry show is that there are 250,000 men and women volunteers who have offered to die for you and what you believe in. Susan Sarandon isn't one of them.
Massed Psychosis: The barking moonbats of the left plan to "shut down" Manhattan tomorrow by staging disruptions in midtown including a "die-on" at Rockefeller Center. (Don't they know Katie Couric won't be able to get home?) This brilliant idea might cause New York Mayor and Super Nanny Michael Bloomberg to stop whining about those who enjoy a cigarette with a cocktail and threaten them all with a night or two in Riker's Island. Tiny, Spike and Bruce await them all.
8 Michael Moore today.
8 Hollywood today.
8 Anti-war crowd today.
Somethings never change.