Yesterday we went out of town to bury my father-in-law. It wasn't a funeral per se; it was a burial with a few minutes of graveside remembrances, which was the way Harry had wanted it. He was 95 and had led an interesting life consisting of, among other things, a boat with sonar fishing equipment and a Harley. So it was no surprise to us that he was buried along side his 2nd wife and his long-time girl friend, with his 1st wife buried several headstones away.
That still pales in comparison to what greeted me upon my return last night. I logged online and discovered that RUSH LIMBAUGH WAS ARRESTED! I didn't freak as I'm familiar with the MSM's SOP. After all, I've been documenting for the past seven days how they've pretty much ignored the admitted CIA info leaker, "Milk Carton" Mary McCarthy. I grabbed that screen shot of the MSN's homepage last night -- notice TWO mentions of him! -- but I was more curious what I would find today, how they would treat Rush Limbaugh compared to their treatment of Mary McCarthy.
8 I didn't find any mention in today's NY Post, but the NY Daily News, which Rush refers to as The Daily Snooze, couldn't resist a bit of payback.
Limbaugh busted in bid to pile up on pills: It was an embarrassing end to a nearly three-year probe that Limbaugh had tried to derail - and which forced the moralizing motormouth to admit to his legions of law-and-order-loving "dittoheads" that he was hooked on prescription drugs. Legally, however, Limbaugh appears to have gotten off easy. Under the deal, Limbaugh was ordered to pay the state $30,000 to defray investigative costs. He was allowed to file a not-guilty plea to a single "doctor shopping" charge with the court and will have his record scrubbed if he stays clean for the next 18 months and continues with his therapy. ... Returning from rehab, Limbaugh resumed his liberal bashing while his spin team came up with a secret plan to save its boss' right-wing reputation.
"Embarrassing end"? "Moralizing motormouth"? "Spin team"? "Secret plan"?
You know they don't listen to his show, but I do. I've been a dittohead for 14 years now. I was as shocked as anyone when he admitted he was addicted to painkillers. I recall at the time that he talked about how he carefully avoided discussing drug addicts because of his own addiction. I've read several references today of how he supposedly did talk about locking up addicts, and yet I can't recall him ever saying that. So, I pulled out my copy of his second book, the 1993 See I Told You So, and checked the index. (His first book, The Way Things Ought To Be, does not have an index.) There are no references to "drugs" or "addicts" or "pot(heads)." I know that this isn't proof that he never talked about it on show, but his two books have echoed his show, almost as though he used transcripts for the books, so why no mention in the books?
8 Brian Maloney's excellent roundup of media bias and pics. MSM: LIMBAUGH 'ARRESTED': In an extreme example of mainstream media spin, however, it has quickly been portrayed as an El Rushbo "arrest", rather than a settlement.
8 NewsBusters sums it up best: A casual reader of headlines could easily conclude that Limbaugh was admitting guilt, with words like "surrenders" and "turns himself in." But it was a part of a deal with no admission of guilt. The story by Peter Whoriskey noted: "The agreement is not an admission of guilt to the charge." A less inflammatory set of headlines would have said "Prosecutors, Limbaugh Strike Deal."
8 Aaron has posted Rush's statement and the list of the drugs the doctors prescribed.
I left a comment in which I discussed his prescriptions and ran the numbers:
I've done some research and ran the numbers, and this is what I found.
Out of the total 2,130 pills listed -- dates covering 187 days -- a total of 1,863 pills were prescribed for pain.
[Niacin is vitamin B3, Xanax is for anxiety, and Clonidine is for high blood pressure.]
That equals 10 pills/day.
Not taken into consideration is that the last 160 pills (for pain) would be taken beyond the 187 days I used for this purpose.
If you deduct those 160 pills from the equation, the result is 9 pills/day.
8 Right now, Rush is the 2nd tag on Technorati. The rankings fluctuate; let's see how long he remains on the list. Mary McCarthy wasn't on the list very long.
8 I was fumbling around this morning trying to think of a pithy title for this post. Wouldn’t y’know it, Laura Lee picks the most perfect one! (I’m pea-green with envy:) She also has an interesting take on it. No Rush to Judgement by the MSM?: So my take on the great and fantastic Rush is it is a blessing that he was pursued by a ravening Democrat prosecutor who was out to crush him because it caused Rush to confront his addiction in front of the whole world and it just may save his life.
8 Scott Ott reports that Limbaugh Not Guilty, Pelosi Calls for Rove Firing: “Only the most naive among us will believe that Karl Rove didn’t pull the lever to spring Limbaugh,” Rep. Pelosi said.
8 I agree with Dave that However the story pans out, Monday's show ought to be a barnburner. In the meantime, Kate Moss' drug addicted lover, Pete Doherty, was photographed injecting drugs into an unconscious fan's arm. Kate is no stranger to drugs, as she was also photgraphed with coke.
PLUS, BALDWIN BRO BUSTED AGAIN: DANIEL Baldwin, the blow-loving black sheep of the Baldwin brothers, has been arrested again on drug charges. Cops say they ... found him holding a drug pipe. Baldwin, 45, and another man, Anthony Hunter, 52 - who was reportedly hiding in the bathroom - were also found in possession of a "small amount of cocaine," police said. ... In 1998, Daniel was found running naked, high on crack cocaine, through the Plaza hotel. Cops were called following complaints that the actor was watching porno movies with the sound turned up loud. After being hospitalized for an overdose, he pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct and was sentenced to three months in drug rehab. Baldwin has admitted battling a cocaine addiction since 1989, shortly after he started his career in Hollywood.

This is a huge scandal. I leave the analyses of said scandal, with its multi-levels of twists and turns, to greater minds than mine. Instead, I have focused my attention on the lack of pictures and film footage in the news of the elusive Dr. MaCarthy.
I have been asking for a week now, Where are all the pictures of Mary McCarthy?
Where are the miles of film footage showing reporters
1) following her
2) crowding her car
3) looking in her windows
4) camped out on her front lawn
5) interviewing her neighbors
6) and speculating endlessly on her guilt on TV?
The first picture the media used (on the milk carton) was an old one originally linked to CSIS (Center for Strategic and International Studies), but the site was quickly cleansed of any mention of her name, along with her picture. Then the press began using a picture of the CIA logo when writing about her. The AP actually used Lewis "Scooter" Libby's picture instead of McCarthy's! That story was quickly deleted -- probably because of the outrage it caused -- but here's the cached version, sans Libby's picture -- natch.
The MSM wasted no time branding Scooter Libby as a vile leaker, while they are giving Dr. Mary McCarthy, who admitted leaking information, a pass and printing stories portraying her as a whistleblower.
Why make such a fuss over this lack of her picture? Because that's how the MSM manipulate us -- or try. Adding a picture to the story is one of the best ways the MSM have of cementing in your minds the image of so'n'so as being such'n'such. Recall what the MSM did to Linda Tripp. Need I say more?
A good portion of this scandal -- what is and is not being done and why -- involves the MSM's course of action. This is not about lying under oath in a civil suit; this is about our national security. We are at war, y'know. Is the MSM calling the shots?
docweasel is reminded of Wilfred Brimley’s great line in the movie Absence of Malice, “It ain’t legal, and by God, it ain’t right.” h/t Lorie
I'm attending a funeral today, so, to keep up to speed with the news on Mary Loose Lips (coined by Mac Ranger :), here are my favorite bloggers, who've on top of this scandal:
AJ Strata
Mac Ranger
Rick Moran
Spook 86

8 OH. MY. GOD. Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged will be made into a movie, and Angelina Jolie, a longtime devotee of Rand's, and Brad Pitt, also a fan, are rumored to be circling the leading roles of Dagny Taggart and John Galt.
8 Right Wing Nut House warns us: While we were busy making fun of liberals, looking into the McCarthy mess, and wailing about immigration reform, Congress and the giant telecom companies have temporarily put one over on us. They’re trying to steal the internet right from underneath our noses.
8 THIRDWAVE Dave says IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP: Watching the news each day and seeing terrorist attack after terrorist attack, one can get desensitized to the horror of it all, and then the focus is lost.
8 I wonder if Kofi will try to blame Bush for THIS?: Amid the many scandals at the United Nations, a new mystery now looms. What happened to the world organization’s unique and valuable postal archive — in effect, the U.N.’s own stamp collection ...?

Keeping you updated with the latest Mary Loose Lips news'n'views from the blogosphere.
8 AJ Strata notices what I’ve noticed since the Mary Loose Lips story broke. McCarthy Lays Low: For someone innocent of the allegations and a whistleblower on serious crimes by our government, McCarthy’s silence speaks loudly. A true, innocent whistleblower would be out there day in and day out pleading her case.
8 Spook86 has a contact on the Hill who reports that former CIA employees may be fomenting a revolt: There are clear prohibitions on certain types of political activity by federal employees, and the reported actions of these former officers would appear to fall under that category. I think it's time to start firing some contractors and cancelling consultant deals. These former spooks were hired to do intelligence work--not instigate a palace revolt.
8 About that intelligence bill passed Wednesday: [T]he bill would allow the agency to persue those ops even if they retired, with prosecution and revocation of pensions and benefits. Which is why the agency issued a warning to those ex ops who just can't resist talking to the WAPO, Times, and other rags.
8 When you get right down to it, it’s real simple, according to MacRanger: This "war" against this administration from the beginning has been all about regaining power and keeping illicit avenues of money flowing to the pockets of both corrupt politicians, as well as some both active and former ops (see here). Which is why I told you back here that's the reason that to them Bush has to go because he killed the Golden Goose.

That 2003 video grab picture of Mary McCarthy remains to be the recent one of her.
Where are all the conservative reporters? Couldn't one of them get a current photo of the admitted CIA leaker? And just where is Mary McCarthy these days? Inquiring minds want to know.
In today's Mary Loose Lips roundup ...
8 Mind in Qatar has posted McCarthy Matrix - The Sequel
8 AJ Strata wonders if the CIA keeps any secrets anymore. More Rogue CIA Agents In The Media: If I was the paranoid kind, I would think ex-CIA agents and NSC members are trying to instigate a bloodless coup d’etat. I am not there yet. But with McCarthy’s firing as the first publicized person caught …it is interesting to see who is coming out and about in the media.
What is interesting is all these folks could look like independent sources to the lazy, casual eye of someone like Mary Mapes and Dan Rather.
8 Rush points out that: You know what's amazing about this? You cannot leak the name of a person that works at the CIA who was not even covert. You can't do that! We'll nail you to the wall! We'll do our best to put you and your bosses in jail, but if you go out there and you leak secrets that expose clandestine CIA activity, why! (applause) Good for you!
Caller: You know, if you remember the Rockefeller memos from a couple of years ago, oh, that -- this is the playbook of the Democrats. And, you know what? If that gets out, something like that gets out and a staffer gets fired, "Oh, it's a smear campaign."
8 MacsMind reminds us that Rove’s fifth appearance in the never-ending Valerie Plame media circus was a “scheduled” appearance. It’s MSM Wagging the Dog: I wouldn't be a bit suprised if this wasn't a bit of "wag the dog" by the MSM to take the attention off the growing Mary Loose Lips story. … Rove not a target - as I told you.
8 Just for fun, I ran MARY MCCARTHY through the anagram server and came up with A CRAM CRY MYTH

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (L) speaks with Iraqi President Jalal Talabani at the Presidential Council Office in Baghdad. Rice and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld flew in unannounced to Baghdad for joint talks with Iraq's new leaders to push for the swift formation of a national unity government.(AFP/Pool/Jim Watson)
The mystery of what Mary McCarthy looks like continues. As yet, the most recent pictures of her remain those few dated 2003. But I'm still looking!
In the Mary McCarthy news today ...
8 To get up to speed on the Mary McCarthy Case, read AllahPundit's CIA Leak: A Blog Primer
8 Mind in the Qatar has put together a graphic illustrating The McCarthy Connection. He notes: Yes, I know that I forgot Richard Clarke, and if I get time, I will try to update the chart tonight.
8 Sister Toldjah points out the 6 degrees of Mary McCarthy: In the case of Mary McCarthy, there are more than six “degrees” tying her to various Democrats and CIA officers and/or defenders.
8 The Prowler reports that while McCarthy may be in denial, Howard Dean and others at the Democrat National Committee are looking to some of their donors to set up a legal defense fund for McCarthy. "If Scooter Libby can have a legal defense fund and website, then McCarthy should have one too," says a DNC staffer.
8 AJ Strata says: I think I have figured out McCarthy’s Clintonesque denials coming out of Ty Cobb.
8 In MacsMind, The Net Closes: The key is McCarthy and how bad she wants that pension. Will she flip? That distinct possibiliy has a lot of people very nervous.
8 I've saved the most delicious for last :-) Wonkette received a tip that Mary McCarthy is “extremely irritating to be around, according to former law school classmates of hers.” … According to the tipster: [Mary McCarthy was] the night student from hell… You know who I’m talking about — she talked CONSTANTLY, had very little to say that was relevant to the class discussion, and was always ready to tell a lengthy anecdote about herself or her personal experiences. I don’t remember if I would have known she worked at the CIA, but I know she worked for the government. In general — your classic gunner, but add in a dose of superiority for being older than everyone else in the room.
In other news ...
8 Soprano Sue loved Sunday night’s episode of the SOPRANOS: Mr. Chase, you have restored my faith in the possibilities of television. Like Artie, you have gone back to cooking from scratch.
8 Dennis Prager tries to answer the question, Why Are Jews Liberal?: The question is entirely legitimate since Jews (outside of Israel) are indeed overwhelmingly liberal and disproportionately left of liberal as well. For example, other than blacks, no American group votes so lopsidedly for the Democratic Party. And the question is further sharpened given that traditional Jewish values are not leftist. That is why the more religiously involved the Jew, the less likely he is to be on the Left. The old saw, "There are two types of Jews -- those who believe Judaism is social justice and those who know Hebrew," contains more than a kernel of truth.

Writing in NRO, William Hawkins sees the character of President Logan as Clinton:
The Clinton Show
Even 24 can’t top the crazy things Clinton tried.
Logan was more often compared to another Republican president, Richard Nixon. … But it seems there is a closer comparison between Logan's plot and reality. It was revealed by new Pulitzer-prize winning New York Times reporter James Risen in his book State of War. And it involves former Democratic president Bill Clinton.
I always viewed the character of President Logan as Jinny Carter; they're both spineless and out for only themselves. (And don't give me this Habitat for Humanity business, either!) Logan is married to an on-again off-again basket case named Martha. Martha drinks and can do and say stupid things, although she seems to possess a real patriotism and can be strong, unlike that f'n weasel she's married to. In fact, she reminds me of another Martha, who died 30 years ago: Martha Mitchell.
Martha Mitchel was married to the then U.S. Attorney General John Mitchell, of Watergate fame. When the scandal hit the fan, Martha was sent into an absolute tizzy. Rumors began to circulate that she was drinking as she attempted to save her husband.
[S]he began to call other reporters, sometimes in the middle of the night. John Mitchell knew of his wife’s shenanigans, and at first defended her, accusing the press of exploiting a naïve Southern girl. Soon Nixon was on his case, however, and John reportedly went so far as to lock Martha in a closet to keep her from phoning the press.
In fact: "If it hadn't been for Martha there'd have been no Watergate," Nixon said in an interview with David Frost in 1977.
Last night in a moment reminiscent of Watergate, that smarmy Logan had his wife Martha locked up, too.

OFFICIAL PORTRAIT UNVEILED: A former Clinton aide, who saw the painting last night but did not want to be identified, said, "I don't get the whole hands-on-the-hip thing. I don't know what it's supposed to convey."
Is this guy dense? Slick is flaunting his wares, he's advertising his goods, he's looking for bimbos. As in: Have blue pills, will yadda yadda yadda. Duh!
Whereas Slick's pix will be everywhere, I'm still looking for a recent one of Mary McCarthy. However, Wonkette found one ... HA HA HA !!!
I continue to ask, where are the shots of Mary McCarthy taken by photogs hounding her 24/7? Where is the footage showing reporters crowding her car, waiting outside her windows, setting up camp in front of her house? The most recent picture we have the self-admitted CIA leaker, Mary McCarthy, dates back to 2003, and that was grabbed from video.
Better minds than mine are keeping track of this story. So, to keep you up to speed ...
8 Spook86 on The McCarthy File: As we noted previously, the career of fired CIA agent Mary McCarthy apparently suffered a major setback with the end of the Clinton Administration. Until that time, Ms. McCarthy had been on the intelligence equivalent of the career fast-track; in barely a decade, she climbed from obscure analyst at CIA Headquarters to the National Intelligence Officer for Warning (NIO), a feat of bureaucratic advancement that it simply stunning.
The former NIO's planned retirement might also have been intended to provide legal cover for the disclosure effort. The leaker (or perhaps, leakers) apparently reasoned that the agency would be reluctant to prosecute her after she left Langley, to avoid the possible compromise of other intel programs and sources.
Did Mary McCarthy have any help? That's an intriguging question. Here are some thoughts that suggest she might not be the only leaker. [emphasis mine]
8 Rick Moran, at Right Wing Nut House, notes that TY COBB AIN’T NO BENCHWARMER: What is significant about Mr. Cobb is that he defended some of the highest profile criminals in the Clinton Administration including cabinet officers, a White House staffer, and a former Senator. … How has a woman who may not be in any danger at all from prosecution been able to procure the services of a $750 per hour attorney like Ty Cobb whose client list reads like the attendees at a Bill Clinton private Sybaris party?
8 MacRanger discusses Damage Control 101: The first thing a defense attorney tries to do when they begin defense of their client is to attempt to get the confession thrown out. … Mary Loose Lips now denies having confessed. Which is a lie - she did, and signed the appropriate statement to the effect. You don't fire career government employees without a written confession of their wrong doing.
When you rob a bank it doesn't matter if you took one-dollar or two=hundred thousand - you broke the law, you go to jail. Whether you wispered in Dana's ear, wrote it on a cocktail napkin, it's still treason.
8 AJ Strata discusses McCarthy Lawyers Up: McCarthy’s lawyer could be playing a dangerous game. If she is talking to investigators, he better not be out there playing PR games right now. Laying low and cooperating is the best plan if she admitted to exposing classified material. A public push back could paint a target on her she will forever regret.
[N]owhere in the CIA statement was McCarthy exonerated - just the opposite. And the sources to this story seem to be in the CYA mode - which is bad for McCarthy. If she is even once tries to cover for someone else her leniancy deals are off.
The PR effort is a full court press, likely to backfire on poor McCarthy, unless this is part of the sting - get her cohorts to expose themselves through public demonstrations of support.
In the meantime, Where's Mary?

Blogger has been down, for HOURS >:O, and THIRDWAVE Dave and I have been patiently awaiting its return.
In the meantime, I've been scouring the news for actual pictures of Mary McCarthy, the admitted CIA leaker.
The story broke on Friday and already the news on Mary seems to have waned. So, using Yahoo! search engine, I did a search for "Mary McCarthy" pictures and got bupkis.
Next I typed in "CIA leak" and here are the results:
1 picture of the CIA symbol
2 pictures of CIA Director Porter Goss
A U.S. soldier, carrying bottles of mineral water
2 different shots of Lewis 'Scooter' Libby
And 1 shot of Former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage.
So, where's Mary?
It was in her favor that the story broke late Friday. The bloggers are on the story and Rush will no doubt have something to say.
Soanys, moving right along ...
8 Scott Ott reports No Prize Again in Pulitzer 'Non-Treason' Category
8 From Dana, who lived through Katrina in Slidell, New Orleans deserves what she gets: [I]t soon became evident, as voters trickled in, that the anger was gone. How is it possible that with such an important election only 1/3 of the eligible voters voted! Not only that, but they voted for the incumbents!
8 'United 93' Message Boards Hacked
8 I kid you NOT #1, Pimpfants.... it's more than a name, it's a movement! Our clothing bridges the generation gap between parents and kids, allowing babies and tots everywhere the opportunity to hit the playground with fresh gear and street cred.
8 I kid you NOT #2: Japan has a penis festival ... during the day ... out in the open ... for all to "enjoy" ... even children.

However, look what Ace discovered!: [A]n AP story on McCarthy's illegal leaking runs with a picture of.... SCOOTER LIBBY!
MARY McCARTHY: OUTTA SIGHT, OUTTA MIND? Here is picture #3 of Dr. Mary O. McCarthy. Notice that it's actually just another pose of the picture in the previous post, both of which I believe were snatched from the October 2003 video.
While the absence of Mary McCarthy pictures in the media is not a crime, it is indicative of how the MSM operates: they protect their own. Putting a face with the allegations -- She has not been charged with any crime. -- is just one way to cement the person's image in a negative light. Hence, it is my belief, that keeping her face out of the media is one way of sidestepping this news for something more palatable to the MSM's liking, such as Bush is a fool for keeping Rumsfeld (notice the scowling picture of Rumsfeld) and Democrats blame Bush for high gas prices.
Ah, well, this is still the weekend; let's see what Monday brings.
Interblogatory Mary news'n'views ...
8 Spook86’s thoughts on her tenure: Observers will note that McCarthy's tenure in that role coincided with early strikes by Islamofacists against the United States, including the first World Trade Center bombing, and the Khobar Towers attack. It could be argued that Ms. McCarthy's performance in the warning directorate was mediocre, at best--but it clearly didn't affect her rise in a Democratic Administration.
and on her reasons:
I also detect the whiff of sour grapes in her motivation for leaking information to the Post. At the time she talked with reporter Dana Priest, Ms. McCarthy was apparently working in the CIA Inspector General's Office. The agency, citing the Privacy Act, hasn't divulged her pay grade or title at the time of her firing, but it seems certain that she was not at the NIO level. After the rarefied air of the Clinton White House, McCarthy had been banished to a relative backwater at Langley, and she was likely upset by the apparent demotion.
Spook86 concludes with this excellent observation/question:
One final thought: with her firing, McCarthy will likely lose her CIA pension. I wonder if the WaPo will offer her anything through their retirement plan?
8 Rick Moran, at Right Wing Nut House, cautions us do not resort to spinning conspiracies: Rather than jump to conclusions, best take a deep breath and examine the information as it trickles out. Then we can start putting pieces of the puzzle together (if indeed there is a puzzle at all) in a rational manner. Otherwise, we look like a bunch of cross-eyed, drooling lefties who see Haliburton behind every tree and Rove underneath every bed.
8 However, Wizbang ponders the idea of A cold civil war?: [A] lot of people are starting to draw tentative connections between seemingly disparate people and events. And although I'm usually one of the first to mock and denigrate conspiracy theories, I have this niggling suspicion they very well might be on to something.
8 Mac Ranger believes that Mary is only the beginning: Mary's discovery definitely came as a part of a tip, most likely on the promise of immunity, which I find most intriguing and amusing. Imagine a mole on the inside who is now spilling the beans on those leakers - such as Mary - who have been leaking stories over the last three years. Its going to be fun to watch the rats devour one another to save their own hides.
For those who have wondered why this administration never seems to "fight back", that is now effectually over.
The game is on.
Bookmark these sites for Mary McCarthy news:
In From The Cold
Right Wing Nut House