Q Sorry, I've got to get disentangled --
THE PRESIDENT: Would you like me the go to somebody else here, until you -- (laughter.)
Q Sorry.
THE PRESIDENT: But take your time, please. (Laughter.)
Q I really apologize for that. Anyway --
THE PRESIDENT: I must say, having gone through those gyrations, you're looking beautiful today, Dave. (Laughter.)

Page Six announced that : SEAN Delonas, the genius behind the cartoons on this page, has teamed up with his son, Ryan, on a children's book, "Scuttle's Big Wish." Ryan wrote the book, a retelling of the King Midas story, when he was 6. Scuttle is a mouse, and instead of gold, he wishes everything he touches turns to cheese. Sean did the scary illustrations, including a spider with teeth. The tome is dedicated, "In loving memory of Scuttle, who was tragically devoured during the making of this book."
Here are some of the early Clinton classics:
Clinton MIA; 1992 campaign season
Clinton & Carter; Dec.'92
Clinton's State of the Union speech; 19 Feb 1993
Clinton gives the Japanese economic advice; 8 July 1993
Vince Foster in Night of the Living Dead; 12 Feb 1994
Clinton rents out rooms; 27 Feb 1997

The next time some Hollywood braintrust begins flinging around terms like FASCISM, especially in reference to President Bush, they should be asked for a definition.
Fascism: a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism. [Think Mussolini in Italy 1922–43.]
According to Jeff Spicoli, Bush Caused 'Enormous Damage to Mankind,' May Bring Fascism to U.S.: Actor Sean Penn, in a taped Larry King Live interview aired Thursday night on CNN to promote his new movie, All the King's Men, in which he plays a Huey Long-like character, suggested President Bush may bring fascism to America, charged that Bush has “devastated our democracy,” insisted Donald Rumsfeld and Bush have done “enormous damage” to “this country and mankind” and claimed the war on terrorism is meant to distract from reality.

For the best first-hand, woman-on-the-street account of what it was like to live through 9/11 up-close and personal, Lucianne's Short Cuts are the best. She's always up bright'n'early, so the planes had not struck the towers when she posted on 9/11/01. Yet the first item is still chilling in retrospect.
Short Cuts, Tuesday, Sept. 11th, 2001: Troubled Skies: We begin the morning with one of our spy planes shot down over Iraq and Russian war planes buzzing our planes over the Pacific.
By Wednesday, the Short Cuts had changed.
Wednesday, Sept. 12th, 2001: AN HOUR BEFORE DAWN and this gigantic engine of a city that never sleeps is trying to. It has never been so quiet here. There is no traffic. We are sealed off from the world. The tunnels and bridges are closed. People streamed out of the city yesterday and today will not be permitted back in while workers try to determined the enormity of what has happened. The death and suffering has just begun.
My favorite tidbit appeared on Thursday: The nightly news showed Clinton on the street here in New York. He was in front of Curry in the Hurry on Lexington Avenue miles from the scene or carnage. He had his arms around a comely, crying brunette holding a picture of a missing loved one. He was feeling her .....pain. Doing something for himself, not New York. Sorry, that may be crass but my loathing for his man requires medication. What, dear God, is he doing here in the first place?
I got through those first couple of weeks reading Lucianne's Short Cuts before anything else. Bless her generous heart, she's archived them all HERE, which is just one more reason to visit her site and "click an ad for Lucianne!"
SEPTEMBER 11, 2006
All the superlatives describing this particular anniversary have been done to death -- no pun intended -- so my adding to the list would be beyond redundant.
While BUSH LAYS WREATHS AT GROUND ZERO, the geezer Slick, in his never-ending birthday bash, PARTIES WITH STARS IN CANADA: At yet another bash, this one in Toronto, celebrity guests on hand for the International Film Festival made light of the former president's unease with the Big 6-0.
Naturally, the geezerette benefitted from the festivities, too. Birthday Goodies: Senator Clinton has no connection to her husband's philanthropic operation. "But the message was pretty clear," says an executive with a foreign-owned bank that does not operate in the U.S., but has clients in America. "If we wanted some access to Senator Clinton, the foundation would be a good way to facilitate some access for our issues." A number of tables at the event were purchased at the corporate level of $200,000. Others were bought for prices as "low" as $50,000.
Was it coincidental that Clinton chose Toronto at this particular time to celebrate his geezerness while the Toronto Film Fest was in full swing? I think not. Controversial "Death of a President" film debuts: After a short burst of applause at the movie's end, about half the audience left the theater quickly while the other half stayed around for a question-and-answer session with producer/director Gabriel Range, 32. Range complained there had been a rush to judgment about his film, spurred by both its subject matter and by a still photo from the movie that superimposed Bush's head on an actor being shot.
Imagine if the film had been about assassinating Clinton -- or even (gasp!) Her Royal C!
Speaking of movies ...
“Wouldn't it be great if the Democrats cared this much about defeating terrorism?” – Rush Limbaugh on the half-vast left-wing's "outrage" over "The Path to 9/11."
I watched most of "The Path to 9/11" last night, although I had no intentions of doing so. However, since I'm not sleeping well these days, I fell asleep towards the end. Rush, who has seen the entire movie, believes there's no doubt that we'll know that the true enemies are the terrorists. Yet I kept thinking that the Clinton Administration was just as bad. Call me a partisan hack, but would we even be in this mess if Slick didn't have Monica/Paula/Juanita (et al) on his mind? The only thing that surprises me is that the half-vast left-wing hasn't tried to blame the impeachment-minded Repubs for distracting Slick's "altruistic governance."
So what did other bloggers think?
Decision ’08 weighs in with The Path To 9/11: Night One: Well, I have to hand it to ABC; they didn’t cave much. And it’s clear from the previews that just aired for night two that the Bush Administration is going to take their lumps in the second part. I expect the howling from the lefty blogs is off the charts about now: Sandy Berger and Madaleine Albright (and Clinton) came off looking very bad indeed.
Pat was pleased that they got so many details right. I highly recommend watching the second half of the movie tomorrow night.
AJ Strata says First off, well done. … Looking forward to part II. It is a really good story, but most of America is probably missing much of the nuance. How many people know who Mary Joe White is and her battles against Reno and Gorelick and their barriers between intelligence and law enforcement. Too few I am afraid.
Al Brown, at NewsBusters, found the show riveting and chilling. I suspect that Clinton's legacy is of less concern to the Left than the fact that "The Path to 9/11" makes it painfully obvious that the Left's thinking has not evolved since that day.
On the other hand, Brooklyn Boy thought that it was too easy on the Clintons, in my opinion.
Tom Maguire refers to the movie as The Path To Tedium: I watched ABC's controversial "Path to 9/11" last night. Well, I watched parts of it - I tuned in late because I had the silly idea that "The Path to 9/11' would be aired from, well, 9 to 11; check your local listings.
Meanwhile, one of Foggy Bottom’s braintrusts believes that Bush Duped Public On Iraq: [A]fter 2 1/2 years of reviewing pre-war intelligence behind closed doors, the lead Democrat on the Intelligence Committee, Sen. John Rockefeller (D-W. Va.), who voted for the Iraq War, says the Bush administration pulled the wool over everyone's eyes.
Amazing! The half-vast left-wing kooks believe that A) Bush is an idiot, while simultaneously believing that B) Bush is the most clever manipulator who ever lived.
8 Bookmark this reference material. Straight from the donkeys’ mouths, it’s The Who Said It Game - Iraq Style: A repository of quotes from prominent Democrats regarding pre-war intelligence on weapons of mass destruction in Saddam Hussein's Iraq.
88 Do NOT miss this interview! Not All the President's Men: It is being reported that a former military aide to President Clinton (and upcoming guest on our radio programs) claims he witnessed several missed opportunities to capture or kill Osama bin Laden. And he says the producer of the ABC mini-series "The Path to 9/11" came to him in frustration after network executives under a heavy barrage of criticism from former administration officials began pressing for changes to the script. 77
I think it's great that Wal*Mart is on the runway.
It must drive the glitterati nutz :~)

8 September 11, 2001: Timeline and Pictures
8 WTC pictures taken from neighborhood buildings
Mark Steyn writes 9/11 enemies are still hiding in plain sight: [H]alfway across the world, on the streets of Ramallah, people filled the streets and cheered and passed out candy. They celebrated at Concordia University in Montreal, and in northern England and in Scandinavia, too, but I didn't find that out until e-mail from readers began coming through later in the day. In Afghanistan, Osama bin Laden and his colleagues followed events on the Arabic Service of the BBC. (Not all the BBC's output is in Arabic; it just sounds like it is.)
8 Islamic Centers in North America
This virulent hatred of Bush is not human nature; it's a disease. Jeff Jacoby writes about A new low in Bush-hatred: [H]as there ever been a president so hated by his enemies that they lusted openly for his death? Or tried to gratify that lust with such political pornography? … Shot in the style of a documentary, ["Death of a President"] opens with what looks like actual footage of Bush being gunned down by a sniper as he leaves a Chicago hotel in October 2007. Through the use of digital special effects, the film superimposes the president's face onto the body of the actor playing him, so that the mortally wounded man collapsing on the screen will seem, all too vividly, to be Bush himself.
And yet the plea, "Do the right thing for the country and pull this despicable work of fiction from the air," is not in reference to "Death of a President," but to "The Path to 9/11" because it doesn't speak highly of Clinton.
8 You knew it would happen sooner or later :) View the ABC footage that Bill Clinton Does NOT want you to see
ANDREA AND MARK WILL INTERVIEW LTC BUZZ PATTERSON: LTC Buzz Patterson knows the accuracy of [“The Path To 9/11”]. He was an aide to President Clinton and was an eyewitness on more than one occasion when Clinton had a chance to bag OBL. … LTC Patterson's book, "Dereliction of Duty," was used as a source for PATH TO 9-11.
88 Check HERE for the particulars of the interview. 77
Isn't interesting when the Islamic terrorists timed their attacks on the World Trade Center? They first tried to bomb the WTC on February 26, 1993, just 37 days after Clinton was inaugurated in his first term. Then they changed their MO, took a few flying lessons, and demolished the WTC on September 11, 2001, which came 234 days after Bush was inaugurated in his first term. I wonder how the terrorists will test the next president in 2009? Because they will. It makes electing the best possible man as president, one who is absolutely and resolutely dedicated to fighting the WOT, even more important than any other time in modern history.
The malignant tumor in my mother's lung has grown, even after radiation therapy, and is now pressing on nerves in her spine which control the lower half of her body. She is numb from the waist down. Although the tumor appears to be necrotic right now, the doctors still consider it "aggressive." Since she needs more care than she can receive at home, we all -- family, doctors, and Hospice -- decided that she should be transferred to a nursing home. That was done Friday.
The doctors have labeled her cancer "very strange" and "very bad." It metastasized from a previous cancer. It's simply not the typical lung cancer (affecting a non-smoker), so none of them will even begin to speculate how long. However, one doctor advised that "now is the time to put things in order," which hit me with a resounding thud.