imkittymyers at hotmail dot com
Saturday, February 28, 2004
In today’s file is “LET’S DO THE TIME WARP AGAIN!” Byron York, in The Hill, writes a fascinating piece about John F***ing Kerry being stuck in the 60s & 70s and refers to a ’96 interview Kerry did with a Boston Globe reporter. (In other words, I referring you to an article which refers to another article.) According to the Globe: ‘The future senator was so “focused on his future ambitions,” Sennott reported, that he bought a Super-8 movie camera, returned to the scene, and re-enacted the skirmish on film.’
Just ponder that for a moment … After John F***ing Kerry fought the skirmish, he went out and bought a movie camera (pre-camcorder days) and then RE-ENACTED the skirmish so he could FILM IT! Is that self-absorbed or what, boys and girls!
And according to York: ‘At 60 years old, Kerry seems to be obsessed with the past in ways that the 57-year-old George W. Bush isn’t. And Kerry seems far older than, say, the 71-year-old Donald Rumsfeld — a man who is always moving ahead, not inclined to lecture about the way things were 30 or 40 years ago.’
This is just too rich! Karenna Gore Schiff is having a hissy fit over that mean ol’ Mr. Nader. She stomps her foot and huffs, ‘Get Out, Mr. Nader You're only fueling defeatism--and you defeated my father.’
It seems as though Katie Couric, with her malignant perkiness, has ‘has pitched NBC into a “storm watch” with vicious infighting that threatens the success of the entire network.’
And that malignancy? It's not fatal to her, just to the rest of us.
I was never a big fan Of Princess Di. Not that I disliked her, but I just never got caught up in the to-Di-for Princess Di mania. With that said, I think what Charles did to her … purposely allowing her to believe in their fairy tale marriage while loving the Rottweiler (Di’s nickname for Camilla Bowles) … is beyond despicable.
Princess Di made tapes in which she openly talked about her life: “Somebody in his office told me that my husband had a bracelet made for her [Bowles] which she wears to this day," Diana says on the secret tapes that were smuggled out of Kensington Palace and used by Andrew Morton as the basis for his best-selling book, "Diana: Her True Story."
"It's a gold chain bracelet with a blue enamel disc - it's got a G and an F entwined in it. Gladys and Fred, they were their nicknames. . . And I was devastated. This was about, I don't know, two weeks before we got married. . . He took the bracelet [at] lunchtime on a Monday when we got married on Wednesday.”
“The tapes and the story behind them are the backbone of the two-part special, "Princess Diana: The Secret Tapes" airing March 4 and March 11.”
If any of you read Maureen Dowd’s column in the NY Times, I have a question: Why? I read her recent column “Stations of the Crass” to see how her fellow liberal heathens regard Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ.”
This should give you an idea: ‘"The Passion" has the cartoonish violence of a Sergio Leone Western. You might even call it a spaghetti crucifixion, "A Fistful of Nails."’
And then there’s this gem: ‘So presumably you should come out of the theater suffused with charity toward your fellow man. But this is a Mel Gibson film, so you come out wanting to kick somebody's teeth in. In "Braveheart" and "The Patriot," his other emotionally manipulative historical epics, you came out wanting to swing an ax into the skull of the nearest Englishman. Here, you want to kick in some Jewish and Roman teeth. And since the Romans have melted into history . . .’
Okay, so if Christians are such brutes, when and where are they committing these brutal acts against their fellow man?
The only reason I’m linking her column is so you can read her entire slimy piece (she includes some choice “witticisms” about Bush, as well). Then, if you feel so inclined, you can e-mail your reactions to her. And in case you don’t want to read it, here’s her e-mail:
Father, forgive Mo Dowd, even though she knows darned well what she’s doing.
As a surprise to Limbaugh, Jim Caviezel, who plays the other J.C. in “Passion,” called Rush’s show yesterday around 2:45p.m. Rush spent the last fifteen minutes speaking with him. Great conversation! You can read it or listen to it here. Take THAT, Mo Dowd!
Friday, February 27, 2004
I'm watching Little H today, so I've little time. Here are two articles to consider. Have a great day!
Teresa Heinz Kerry blasted WAL-MART last week week -- but an investigation reveals she has over $1,000,000 in WAL-MART stock, and purchased a ton of it throughout 2002!
"Another thing that drives me crazy, and I hope I don't offend anyone here, is WAL-MART," Mrs. Kerry told a group of Democratic women activists at a luncheon in St. Paul last Tuesday. "They destroy communities."
Teresa Heinz Reality:
H.J. Heinz III Marital Trust
Wal-Mart Stores Inc.
Assets: Over $1,000,000
Dividends, Income: $2,501 - $5,000
04/04/02: Purchase: $500,001 - $1,000,000
04/05/02: Purchase: $500,001 - $1,000,000
06/04/02: Purchase: $15,001 - $50,000
06/06/02: Purchase: $50,001 - $100,000
11/13/02: Purchase: $50,001 - $100,000
11/14/02: Purchase: $15,001 - $50,000
11/14/02: Purchase: $15,001 - $50,000
Breaking News from
Clinton Library Ships $1 Million Contract, and Jobs, Overseas
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – While Democrat presidential candidates complain that too many jobs are going overseas, the last Democrat to hold the office is having a Scottish firm build nearly $1 million worth of cabinets for his presidential library
The foundation building the $160 million Bill Clinton Presidential Library says limited choices forced it to look overseas for the specialized museum cases.
Skip Rutherford, the foundation's president, told The Associated Press on Wednesday that he and others involved in the project had "worked hard to make sure that Arkansans and then Americans received the work."
Nonetheless, exhibit fabricators Maltbie Associates of Mount Laurel, N.J., subcontracted the manufacturing of 85 glass display cases to Netherfield Visuals of Dalkeith, Midlothian, Scotland. The contract was worth about $936,000.
Rutherford and library construction manager Jonathan Semans said they were not aware of any other foreign subcontractors. But they said they had not compiled a list and could not be sure.
They downplayed the significance of hiring a foreign company for what they called a small part of a project that employs 1,500 people. Rutherford said it was "a stretch" to suggest that hiring the Scottish firm contradicted promises by Clinton's fellow Democrats to combat President Bush's free-trade policies, which they say have allowed too many jobs to go overseas.
"I don't think a subcontract on a major museum project is setting international trade policy," Rutherford said.
But Lindsay Taylor, a spokeswoman for Republican National Committee, said if Democrat presidential hopefuls Sens. John Kerry of Massachusetts and John Edwards of North Carolina wanted to criticize Bush, they could not ignore the Clinton library subcontract.
"Call me crazy, but something tells me [they] won't be highlighting the Clinton library giving jobs to Scotland during their campaign speeches," Taylor said.
Kerry, the front-runner in the Democrats' presidential race, attacked Bush's policies in a speech Wednesday in Cleveland and promised to make companies disclose all exported jobs to the government if he's elected president. He has, however, defended his vote for the North American Free Trade Agreement, although at other times has called for "revisiting" NAFTA.
Semans noted the Scottish firm had already performed work for the Smithsonian Institution in Washington; the Liberty Bell Center, National Constitution Center and Independence Visitors Center in Philadelphia; and the California Museum of Science and Industry.
Thursday, February 26, 2004
In today’s file, on the one who would be a hero, is this very interesting analysis of how many lives the Vietnam War touched and how they just might view Frenchie come November.
R. Emmett Tyrrell, over at The American Spectator, opines sardonically about that exemplar of French heroics.
“This past week reports have begun to surface that the senator's boasts might be highly exaggerated. It appears he only served four more months in Vietnam than the 90 percent of the men of his generation who did not serve there at all. Some critics are dredging up evidence that the senator's decorations were more the consequence of his political skills than his military heroics. Actually I doubt these critics. Thus far Kerry's demonstrated political skills do not appear to be that good. If he continues to drone on about the he-man he was three decades ago, he may achieve the hitherto unthinkable effect of rendering combat service laughable.”
Which got me to thinking that John Kerry is so Frank Burns from M*A*S*H. At least twice Burns applied for the Purple Heart for such combat heroics as being struck in the eye by a “shell fragment” (which turned out to be an eggshell from breakfast) and throwing out his back. Like Kerry, foppish Frank was haughty and hollow and lampooned by his peers. Both men married women who controlled the purse strings. Kerry’s continued harping on his he-man heroics could be his undoing. “Suicide is painless, it brings on many changes …”
And this Delonas cartoon, bringing up the rear, will conclude our John F***ing Kerry files for today.
That headline is just too good not to post, not to mention it’s a perfect segue considering the previous subject. Here’s the entire piece:
‘Soybeans may contribute to male infertility, researchers say. That's because soy contains the female hormone estrogen - and eating too much of it has been linked to poor-quality sperm, according to the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
"What many men do not realize is that soy is not just consumed by vegetarians, it is contained in a lot of everyday . . . foods," said Dr. Lorraine Anderson, who led the study.
"It is contained in foods such as pizzas . . . [and] some pre-packaged dinners."’
OHMYGOD! When I read the headline ELVIS' GRANDKID GOES BEYOND BLUE SUEDE, my jaw dropped to China. Riley Keough is the spittin’ image of her mother. In fact, I had to read the caption under her picture to make certain I wasn’t really seeing Lisa Marie, who is the spittin’ image of Elvis. How come they grew older and I didn’t? (Not that I’m complaining, you understand.)
Wednesday, February 25, 2004
Here is the article about Teraaaza Kerry's philanthropic activities. This appeared in the Columbus Dispatch (Ohio) based upon an article in the G2 Bulletin. However, I can't locate the Dispatch article, and I have to subscribe to G2 Bulletin in order to read this. But, it is there.
Kerry's wife supports
U.S. radicals, jihadists
Teresa Heinz lavishes millions on abortionists, defenders of terror, homosexual extremists
If John Kerry becomes president, the first lady will have a track record of support for the causes of radical, anti-American groups – including Islamists, terrorist-defense law firms, abortionists and homosexual activists – that, by comparison, would make much of the country nostalgic for the days of Hillary Clinton, a study of her philanthropy patterns by Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin concludes.
One of heiress Teresa Heinz Kerry's favorite charities is the Tides Foundation, a 28-year-old grant-making institution that funds to the tune of hundreds of millions radical groups that, among other things, protest the U.S. invasion of Iraq, demand open U.S. borders, provide the legal defense of suspected terrorists and promote the spread of Islamist ideology in the U.S.
Teresa Heinz Kerry
Heinz Kerry, worth an estimated three-quarters of a billion dollars, working through the Howard Heinz Endowment, oversaw the donation of more than $4 million to the Tides Foundation between 1995 and 2001, reports G2 Bulletin, a premium, online intelligence newsletter published by WorldNetDaily.
While John Kerry criticizes the way President Bush has conducted the war in Iraq, he actually cast a Senate vote to support it. Yet, Tides' Iraq Peace Fund and Peace Studies Fund supports the War Resisters League and Ramsey Clark's International Action Center. Clark actually offered to defend Saddam Hussein. His center also sponsored International ANSWER and United for Peace and Justice, both of which were run by long-time communist revolutionaries.
The Democratic Justice Fund, created through the efforts of Tides and George Soros, seeks to ease U.S. restrictions on Muslim immigration from countries designated by the State Department as “terrorist nations.” Tides also supports the Council for American Islamic Relations, a group that bills itself as a “Muslim civil rights group,” but one whose leaders have links to the terrorist group Hamas.
CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad openly stated in 1994, “I am a supporter of the Hamas movement.” Community Affairs Director Bassem K. Khafagi has been arrested for visa and bank fraud. Randall Royer, a communications specialist and civil rights coordinator at CAIR, was arrested along with a group of Islamic radicals in Virginia for allegedly planning jihadist activities. CAIR has defended terrorist fronts posing as “charities” – some of which have beem shut down by the Bush administration.
Tides supports the National Lawyers Guild, which began as a Communist Party front. Last October, Lynne Stewart, an indicted terrorist NLG lawyer, gave a rousing closing speech at the organization's convention. Stewart was arrested for helping her client, convicted 1993 World Trade Center bombing mastermind Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, communicate with terrorist cells in Egypt.
"And modern heroes, dare I mention?" she said. "Ho and Mao and Lenin, Fidel and Nelson Mandela and John Brown, Che Guevara, who reminds us, 'At the risk of seeming ridiculous, let me say that the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love.' Our quests like theirs are to shake the very foundations of the continents."
Heinz Kerry not only serves as chairman of the Howard Heinz Endowment, she also sits on the board of the Vira I. Heinz Endowment.
The Earth Island Institute is a recipient of Heinz cash. Three days after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on America by Islamists, the group published a statement on its website rationalizing the terrorist actions. Under the headline, "U.S. Responds to Terrorist Attacks with Self-Righteous Arrogance," the statement explained that the destruction of the World Trade Center, the crash at the Pentagon, the four airline hijackings and the 3,000 Americans killed "was not an 'attack on all American people,'" but "an act of anger, desperation and indignation."
On the record, the Tides Foundation says it has worked since 1976 for "positive social change. We put resources and people together –strengthening community-based nonprofit organizations and the progressive movement through innovative grant-making. We define 'progressive' as creating a positive impact on people's lives in ways that honor and promote human rights, justice, and a healthy, sustainable environment."
For a fee, the group protects the anonymity of donors by directing tax-deductible contributions to specific groups.
One of Tides principal concerns, according to its annual report for 2001-2002 is mobilizing against the death penalty – always a polarizing issue during elections.
"At a particularly conservative time in national politics, the United States seems to be awakening to the economic and racial biases of the criminal justice system," the report said. "Public support for the death penalty is the lowest it has been since 1981, and the anti-death penalty movement is gaining momentum. To support this growing movement, Tides Foundation launched the Death Penalty Mobilization Fund, which supports progressive coalition building and collaboration at the local, regional and national levels among groups working to reform the death penalty and to abolish capital punishment."
Another initiative was to promote groups pushing "living-wage organizing."
"More than 56 local ordinances mandating a living wage have already passed across the country," the report said.
Tides points out the "economic justice movement" has received only limited funding from other foundations.
Local, state and national groups promoting abortion on demand are supported by Tides. They include Planned Parenthood chapters, the National Abortion Rights Action League and Abortion Access Project.
Homosexual activist organizations, including some of the most extreme, such as ACT-UP, have received Tides funds.
In addition to its support of the National Lawyers Guild, Tides supports many branches of the American Civil Liberties Union and the Institute for Policy Studies, founded by Robert Borosage, a political mentor of Hillary Clinton.
In addition to its support of CAIR, Tides supports the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee and the Arab American Action Network.
A group called "Barrio Warriors" is also a recipient of Tides grants. This race-conscious Hispanic organization calls for the "liberation of Aztlan," the American southwest, including California, New Mexico, Arizona and Texas.
Tides supports a variety of gun control groups, controversial needle exchange programs, euthanasia and assisted suicide organizations.
Don't be surprised if some of the tax-deductible donations by Tides results in political endorsements of Heinz Kerry's husband this year. The League of Conservation Voters, the recipient of hundreds of thousands of dollars from Tides, has already endorsed John Kerry for president, despite its non-partisan billing. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and People for the American Way are two other regular recipients of big dollars.
So well-endowed is Tides, last year it gave $8.5 million to the Rockefeller Family Fund.
Subscribe to Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin
Thanks for this article, GM!
Here's the entire article:
Latest MyDoom Outbreak Spreading, Deletes Files
Feb 25, 7:05 AM (ET)
LONDON (Reuters) - Security experts issued fresh alerts over a new, file-deleting version of the MyDoom e-mail worm that was targeting computer users with greater ferocity on Wednesday.
The new outbreak, known as MyDoom.F, emerged late last week and has been gathering steam ever since.
The virus is programmed to infect personal computers and use them to unleash a crippling digital barrage known as a denial-of-service attack on select Web sites belonging to Microsoft Corp. and the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA).
The attacks failed to bring down the sites, though access to the Web site for the RIAA was hampered slightly on Wednesday, security firms reported. The RIAA, a lobbying group for the music industry, has drawn the ire of computer users since it began suing American online song swappers last year.
While it was not spreading as fast as its MyDoom predecessors nor as rapidly as last week's Netsky.B outbreak, MyDoom.F is considered a growing risk as it deletes random Microsoft Word and Excel files, plus photos and movies stored on an infected computer.
"MyDoom.F has been picking up pace since Monday and Tuesday," said Mikko Hypponen, manager of Finnish anti-virus research firm F-Secure. "The disturbing thing is that it has a destructive payload. We haven't seen a destructive virus like this in a while," he said.
Computer viruses rarely destroy files these days. They have instead evolved over the years to turn unsecured computers into "zombie" machines capable of carrying out the virus writer's commands.
Typically, this army of commandeered machines is used to send out torrents of e-mail spam messages, unleash digital attacks on targeted Web sites and, in some cases, host Web sites that sell everything from vitamins to pornography.
The first MyDoom worm surfaced in January and is considered the most virulent outbreak ever, infecting millions of computers around the globe.
Security firms were again advising computer users not to open mysterious-looking emails or click on their attachments if they are not certain of the sender's identity.
The latest outbreak arrives in e-mail in-boxes carrying a variety of subject header lines including: "Approved," "Your Credit Card" and "You use illegal File Sharing...Your IP was logged."
A listing (I believe complete) of reviews for "The Passion of Christ" can be read at If you read only one, I recommend that you read Roger Ebert's review.
'What Gibson has provided for me, for the first time in my life, is a visceral idea of what the Passion consisted of.
"The Passion of the Christ," more than any other film I can recall, depends upon theological considerations. Gibson has not made a movie that anyone would call "commercial," and if it grosses millions, that will not be because anyone was entertained. It is a personal message movie of the most radical kind, attempting to re-create events of personal urgency to Gibson. The filmmaker has put his artistry and fortune at the service of his conviction and belief, and that doesn't happen often.'
Don't forget that if you'd like to contribute a review, just e-mail it to me and I'll post it here. Please keep it 200 words or less. I'd love to hear what any of you have to say about the film.
Today’s must-read in the John F***ing Kerry ever-growing file is an impassioned account of how the craven Kerry purposely buried and even destroyed evidence concerning the issue of POWs and MIAs. We’re talking “shredding documents, suppressing testimony, and sanitizing the committee's final report.”
Check in later because I’m going to post the entire article concerning Teraaaaaza’s funding of terrorists.
“SECRETLY taped phone conversations released by a former associate of imprisoned private eye Anthony Pellicano reveal that the P.I. made a cottage industry of ratting out his celebrity clients.” What makes any Pellicano story intriguing is that he did a lot of hip-deep dirt-digging for the Clintons. Of all the recent stories written about Pellicano’s predicament, there is rarely a mention of the Clintons, and this one is no exception. But this one does detail how he had no qualms about selling out his clients. He might have been eager to sell out Jean-Claude Van Damme, but I doubt he’ll ever peddle the Clintons’ secrets. Ah, but one can hope, which is why I always check out the latest Pellicano story.
(drum roll please) This is the first story I’ve ever posted on John Edwards. I mean, really, up until now why bother? But this was too funny to pass up. Seems as though Edwards patted the heads of some disabled people in Rochester, NY, the other day. Here’s the story in Rochester’s Democrat & Chronicle. It was reported in Page Six of the NY Post as BALKING HEAD. And, of course, weighed in with their own bit’o’satire. The guy has tanked.
I get a newsletter from James Hirsen called THE LEFT COAST REPORT. He writes about Hollywood’s involvement in politics. Here’s the latest:
Katie Couric Displays First Lady Partiality
Katie Couric recently interviewed a few of America's first ladies for NBC's "Today" show. The interviews of Hillary Clinton and Nancy Reagan turned out to be a study in correspondent contrast.
Couric introduced Hillary in this way: "Hillary Rodham Clinton. She perhaps faced more challenges professional and personal than any other first lady in history. Now three years after she left the White House, Hillary Rodham Clinton may wield more political power than her husband."
There was no mention of Hillary's cattle futures windfall, Billy Dale's Travel Office nightmare or the mystery of the disappearing and reappearing Rose Law firm billing records. By the way, Katie and her pal Hillary appeared together last weekend at a forum in south Florida.
But when Couric interviewed Nancy Reagan, after mentioning some perfunctory accomplishments that she brought to the position, Couric chirped: "Unfortunately some critics were saying no to Nancy Reagan. She was taken to task for wearing designer gowns and redecorating the White House during a recession. But her regular consultations with an astrologer raised the most eyebrows."
If anyone would like me to forward THE LEFT COAST REPORT on to you, just e-mail me.
Mel Gibson’s movie “The Passion of Christ” opens today in theaters all around the country. It was previewed locally last night, primarily for the area’s clergy. While movie critics generally panned it, I’m hearing nothing but good things from the average viewer. A local real-estate agent: ‘"You know how you see something that all of a sudden, a light goes on, and you just want to sit there and take it all in?" she said. "What impressed me the most was the fact that even through all of the brutality, it just brought so close to home how much the Lord really loves us."’
No mention of hating and/or blaming Jews.
There’s a book you can order called “A Guide to the Passion” which answers questions about the crucifixion. As I understand it, you have to order a minimum of two for $10. I ordered two and the total was $14.60. You can order in quantities, too, for a better price. AND, I believe you can download the book for FREE on the same site!
If anyone here goes to see “The Passion,” I’ll gladly post your review. Please keep it 200 words or less.
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
1) Joel Mowbray writes in “Created by the conservative Free Republic Network, seems to contain the most comprehensive compilation of Kerry’s words and deeds shortly after returning to America more than three decades ago. …
One of the most shocking quotes comes from Kerry himself, admitting that he had committed war crimes in Vietnam, then shrugging that off as merely a matter of following orders. Following orders, however, does not absolve someone of guilt for committing war crimes. Which begs the question: will Kerry be willing to discuss the details of the war crimes he admits committing?”
2) Is Teraaaaaza Heinz Kerry all sugar & spice? Not judging from her list of philanthropic efforts. GM from Ohio sent the following to me. It’s copied’n’pasted from the Columbus Dispatch. I’m still trying to locate it online so I can link it here. I’m quoting only a fraction of the piece to give you an idea. If and when I find the Dispatch article, I’ll post the link. In the meantime …
“Kerry's wife supports U.S. radicals, jihadists. Teresa Heinz lavishes millions on abortionists, defenders of terror, homosexual extremists.
If John Kerry becomes president, the first lady will have a track record of support for the causes of radical, anti-American groups – including Islamists, terrorist-defense law firms, abortionists and homosexual activists – that, by comparison, would make much of the country nostalgic for the days of Hillary Clinton, a study of her philanthropy patterns by Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin concludes.”
This article refers to Joseph Farah’s G2Bulletin, to which you must subscribe to access his articles. As you can see, the article is there.
HOWEVER, nostalgic for Her Royal C? NEVER!!!
GM: If you can find out when the Dispatch published this or, better yet, provide the link, I’d be very appreciative. I’m having trouble locating it. And thanks for this heads up!!
From Page Six: “ONLY a painful tooth extraction could keep Sen. Hillary Clinton from criticizing President Bush. The Post's Kenneth Lovett reports that Clinton was scheduled to bash Bush over homeland security funding before the state Conference of Mayors in Albany yesterday, but canceled after she underwent emergency dental surgery. "She said she was really swollen and sounded groggy," said one official who spoke to the disabled Democrat.”
Will Nader sour the Dems’ chances once again? Au contraire! according to one “DNC staffer.”
That’s the title of a forth coming “virulently anti-Clinton” book by another Clinton turncoat named Aaron Tonken.
“Tonken is now a felon. … He's party to seven different lawsuits. He's pled to one count of fraud in return for singing.
The song he is singing is very off-key and will cause major disharmony for big bbbiiiiigggg names in Washington and New York and will lance the dark side of the underbelly of Hollywood.”
Read the juicy teasers from the book.
How old is your inner child? Supposedly, mine is sweet 16 :) What’s yours?
Monday, February 23, 2004
You are about to take a short test. It consists of only one question, which is very, very important. Don't answer too quickly or without thinking. Answer truthfully and you will test your moral fiber. It is an imaginary situation, in which you have to make a decision. Remember: you have to give a spontaneous answer, but it must be truthful.
You are in Florida … in Miami, to be exact. You are in the midst of the chaos of tremendous flooding after a hurricane. Unbelievable amounts of water everywhere. You are a photographer for CNN and here you are, in the middle of an historic disaster. The situation seems almost without hope. You're trying to shoot some great pictures that capture the scene while all around you the flood swirls, houses float away, people disappear. The power of nature is unleashed mercilessly with its all its fury and takes everything with it.
Suddenly, you see a woman in an SUV. She's struggling valiantly not to be swept away by the mass of debris in the flood. You wade closer, against an angry current. She seems somehow familiar. Then you see her--it is Hillary Rodham Clinton! You notice that the rising flood is about to sweep her away, forever. You have to make a choice: Save her, or snap the picture of your career. Save her, or take the photo that will win you the Pulitzer prize. One photo, which records the horrible accidental death of one of the most important women in the world.
Now, the question (answer truthfully!):
Glossy or matte finish?
Thanks Blue!
I’m getting pretty pissed off at the media for this idea that Matt Drudge was peddling bilge about John F***ing Kerry having a bimbo eruption. Drudge didn’t start any rumors; he reported on the stories making headlines in the UK. A story, I may add, of which our very own press was well aware. Drudge does break stories sometimes, but not this one. After both Kerry and Alex Polier denied any affair, Drudge reminded a reporter that both Bill and Monica had denied their affair, and that Monica had even signed an affidavit. And, as I suggested last week, it’s possible that Kerry himself had engineered the whole thing to defuse any future eruptions. So, without further eruptions, let’s plunge into today’s file on
1) How long did Kerry serve in Vietnam? I ask because it is John F***ing Kerry himself who has made his military service such a friggin’ issue. Normally, I wouldn’t care, but HE keeps throwing it in our faces. So, just how long did he serve? Four months. I’m not disparaging the fact that he served four months, but, on the other hand, four months does not a president make. Bush is winning the war that counts. “If Bush loses in November because he can't provide sufficient witnesses to prove where he was on certain weekends in 1972, he'll still have an impressive legacy: He's toppled two dictatorships, neutered a third, and put the squeeze on several more. Yes, Americans are still being killed by Islamists in Iraq. But they're not being killed by Islamists in New York offices, or Washington government buildings, or U.S. embassies and ships.”
2) Dubya’s Wing Men separates the men from the boys. “President Bush is no combat hero, but he served bravely and well in the Vietnam era. His service gave him confidence in his nation and its motives that John Kerry lacks. What Bush has and Kerry doesn't is the critical difference in character between a president who can lead a nation through a war, and one who cannot.”
3) After doing his four excruciatingly long yet impressive four months with his “band of brothers” in Vietnam, John F***ing Kerry turns on his band of bros and protests. “The group John Kerry and his associates were protesting was The National Guard Association, which had its 1970 convention in New York at the Americana Hotel (now the New York Sheraton) from Sept. 13 to Sept. 17. Kerry's group set up a picket line in front of the Americana, and staged a protest rally against the Guard on Sept. 17, 1970 at 5:30 pm.” Today he’s returning to the scene of his crimes (or at least some of them).
4) He may not be heavy, but John F***ing Kerry ain’t this Vietnam Vet’s brother, either. A MUST READ filled with pithy statements, like “He stands for everything, which means that he stands for nothing.” Dead on!
5) DYKWIA :)
Her Royal C. (Look for “TICKET PUNCHER.”)
In case this has been timed out, here it is:
February 22, 2004
A BRITISH Sunday newspaper is claiming Osama bin Laden has been found and is surrounded by US special forces in an area of land bordering north-west Pakistan and Afghanistan.
The Sunday Express, known for its sometimes colourful scoops, claims the al-Qaeda leader has been "sighted" for the first time since 2001 and is being monitored by satellite.
The paper claims he is in a mountainous area to the north of the Pakistani city of Quetta. The region is said to be peopled with bin Laden supporters and the terrorist leader is estimated to also have 50 of his fanatical bodyguards with him.
The claim is attributed to "a well-placed intelligence source" in Washington, who is quoted as saying: "He (bin Laden) is boxed in."
The paper says the hostile terrain makes an all-out conventional military assault impossible. The plan to capture him would depend on a "grab-him-and-go" style operation.
"US helicopters already sited on the Afghanistan border will swoop in to extricate him," the newspaper says. It claims bin Laden and his men "sleep in caves or out in the open. The area is swept by fierce snow storms howling down from the 10,000ft-high mountain peaks. Donkeys are the only transport."
The special forces are "absolutely confident" there is no escape for bin Laden, and are awaiting the order to go in and get him.
"The timing of that order will ultimately depend on President Bush," the paper says. "Capturing bin Laden will certainly be a huge help for him as he gets ready for the election."
The article says bin Laden's movements are monitored by a National Security Agency satellite.
On Thursday last week, General Richard Myers, chairman of the US joint chiefs of staff, said America had been engaged in "intense" efforts to capture bin Laden, who was believed to be hiding in the border area between Pakistan and Afghanistan.
But he insisted that the focus of the search had not narrowed for months.
I was terribly saddened to hear that Dubya’s beloved Spot had to be put to sleep on Saturday. She will be buried at the ranch.
LoanCat sent me this Yankee-Dixie Quiz. I have lived my entire life in New York State and I still only managed a 48% Yankee rating. Go figure. But it was fun. If any of you have a fun test like this, pass it along!