imkittymyers at hotmail dot com
Saturday, March 13, 2004
I've added the option for you to add your comments. I've been meaning to do this for a while, and I finally had the time to figure it out. I'd love to hear what y'all have to say. Please keep it decent. And THANKS!
When Clinton ran for president in ’92, Rush’s show received numerous calls from his supporters. They couldn’t say why they were going to vote for him, not exactly, just that “things can’t get any worse.” Perot supporters called in and predicted that if Rush didn’t support Perot he’d lose a vast portion of his listening audience. That year, Clinton received 43% of the vote while Perot received 19%. Not exactly groundswells for either of them. (Rush’s audience, on the other hand, not only increased in number, they bought 2.5 MILLION copies of his first book, “The Way Things Ought To Be.”) The point is that Rush was flooded with calls for both of these candidates. Both Clinton and Perot energized their bases; their supporters genuinely like them. (There's no accounting for taste.)
When Clinton ran for re-election in ’96, the Clinton supporters were still calling Rush. They loved this lying, philandering crook. (By this time, Perot’s idiocy had become apparent and had soured his base.) Dole supporters called in, but they were less than enthusiastic. They admired Dole and respected him. They thought he’d be up to the job, but let’s face it: Dole didn’t energize Republicans. They didn’t vote for Dole as much as they were voting against Clinton. Clinton won with 49% of the vote that year.
Which brings me to John F***ing Kerry. He may well be on the ticket this year, but the voters will see Bush vs. ABB (Anybody But Bush). Kerry is not likable; on the contrary, he proudly wears his elitism like a badge. He doesn’t smile, which has nothing to do with all that Botox. His laugh pains the ears. Kerry is a walking advertisement for Heinz vinegar. He doesn’t energize his base in a positive way. Instead, he tries to whip them into a frenzy, which can not be sustained for any length of time. Hate and negativity wears the body down; it’s tiring. All of which may be why yesterday Rush said:
‘Folks, we haven't had a Kerry supporter on this program yet, not a genuine one. There isn't any groundswell of love and adoration and emotion for John Kerry. It's all "Bush sucks" from these people. That is the ID of those supporting Kerry or the liberal Democrats. Every liberal that calls here has a snide attitude about Bush, but I don't hear any love for Kerry. … Kerry has much bigger problems than individual issues. His biggest problem is that he's colorless. His biggest problem is he doesn't know how to sound passionate; he doesn't know how to look energized. When you say John Kerry, what's the first thing that comes to your mind? You want to say, why the long face, senator? I can't tell when the guy is happy. Normally, you can tell that about a person.’
As liberal as the publishing world probably is, they’ve gotta love all these books slamming the Clintons because the books sell. Here’s another one written by convicted Hollywood fundraiser Aaron Tonken, who ‘became so cozy with the first couple that he and Hillary once sat in their pajamas together eating popcorn and watching TV in her bedroom.’ Supposedly, Tonken also ‘smoked pot with Bill's brother, Roger.’ More than just the salacious tidbits, Tonken talks about illegal contributions, and the Feds are listening. "I'm a star witness against President and Mrs. Clinton," he told attorneys in an unrelated civil case. "I'm a star witness in New York in the grand jury regarding the Marc Rich pardon and regarding the fundraising activities that I've done on behalf of the Clintons." The book is due out in October, just in time to ratchet up the fun.
Page Six: ‘THE next California gubernatorial election could be called "Meathead vs. the Terminator." While participating in an interview for Elle magazine about Laurie David, Rob Reiner (above) slipped and told Katie Rosman he was considering a run for governor against Arnold Schwarzenegger. Reiner, who has spoken of his political ambitions before but backed away from them during Gray Davis' term, quickly changed the subject when Rosman pressed him for more, not wanting to tip his hand.’
You may have heard that there were 911 days between the Twin Towers attacks and the attacks in Madrid on March 11th. The significance is substantial, as it may be more than a coincidence; it could be a message, which is one reason why the Feds strongly suspect Al Queda. But is it 911 days or really 912? Remember that this IS a leap year, which brought a flurry of cyberspace discussion. By most counts, there are 912 days between the two dates. However, there is a time difference between Madrid and New York of 6 hours. If the bombings occurred in Madrid before 6:00a.m. Madrid time, it would still be March 10th in New York, which would make it 911 days.
Next, I tried to find the time of the Madrid bombings. The bombs were ‘were activated by mobile telephones which had had their alarms set for 7:39 a.m. (6:39 British time) on Thursday.’ So, either the perpetrators forgot about February 29th or the coincidence is just that … a coincidence, plus a day. Me? I suspect it was meant to be 911 days and someone screwed up. Maybe his turban was wrapped too tightly. Maybe he had had a rotten piece of camel for dinner. I do know that those bomber-types are fond of meanings through numbers.
Friday, March 12, 2004
BACK TO REALITY: ‘GO ahead, you deluded or dishonest folks who claim George W. Bush has no business discussing or showing the 2001 attacks on America in his advertising.
Go right ahead with your coordinated, contemptuous complaining - paid for in part by foundations and organizations lubricated by Mrs. John Kerry's ketchup-drenched dollars.
It doesn't matter now, not after what happened yesterday in Madrid. Not after the worst terror strike on a Western country since 9/11.’
911 DAYS: ‘Coincidentally - or perhaps not -- the attacks came exactly 911 days after September 11 on 3-11’
I love Neil Cavuto on Fox News. I try to never miss his show at 4:00p.m. He’s always, without exception, positive, which is not to be confused with perpetually sunny, because even in times of tragedy (Greek or otherwise), Neil Cavuto is positive. And, yes, he smiles a lot. He laughs a lot. He jokes a lot. He always sees the proverbial class half-full, never acknowledging that it just may be part empty. I always feel good after spending time with Cavuto.
Yesterday, while in California, Cavuto snagged a one-on-one interview with the Governator himself, Ah-nuld. And I have to tell ya, that if I had had any doubts about Ah-nuld before, I don’t now. Why? Because, like Cavuto, he’s a positive person, always forging ahead. You can watch the interview here and you can read Cavuto’s piece here.
Reagan was the epitome of optimism. Living under the Carter reign was like living in a dungeon. Carter’s politics hit home for me, constantly draining our wallets, constantly intruding on our sense of well being. Yet it was Reagan who energized me to register to vote for the very first time. Reagan made us feel good about America. We began to refer to ourselves as Americans and to proudly display the red-white-and-blue once again. He made us feel good about ourselves, something we had not experienced in what seemed to be an eternity. Reagan smiled a lot. He laughed a lot. He joked a lot.
Bush is also a positive person. Like Cavuto, Ah-nuld and Reagan, he, too, smiles a lot and laughs a lot and jokes a lot. He seems to genuinely like all people. Even in times of tragedy (Greek or otherwise), he makes me feel as though all things are possible.
Contrast that to the Heinz-vinegary John F***ing Kerry whose ads are vile and whose words are acid, who once belonged to an organization that actually plotted to assassinate Republican politicians who supported the Vietnam War. Just when DID he resign that organization?
In a hurry! Check back later …
Thursday, March 11, 2004
THE BLACK SHEEP?: Seems as though John F***ing Kerry has TEN bros, not nine. And Slappy, you’ll love this: It was Rush Limbaugh who unwittingly encouraged the “lost brother” to step forward. PCF-44 Gunner’s Mate Stephen M. Gardner is not quite in lockstep with his other nine bros. He claims that “Kerry was chickenshit,” that “Whenever a firefight started (Kerry) always pulled up stakes and got the hell out of Dodge.” He says what many of us have known, that Kerry is “another ‘Slick Willy.’”
‘[T]he crux of Gardner’s beef against Kerry. Gardner—who remembers no important dates or times or locales—claims that Kerry once threatened him with a court martial. The incident happened when Gardner, who told me he had “no trouble shooting gooks,” saw a Viet Cong guerilla with an AK-47 in a boat and started firing. “I lay the hammer down on him,” Gardner explains. “I just put a finger on the gun: boom, boom, boom, boom. He’s done. He got flipped out of the boat, he went straight down. That’s when Kerry came running out of the guntub screaming ‘ceasefire, ceasefire, ceasefire.’ Then he turned to me and said, ‘I ought to have you court-martialed for shooting.’ I said, ‘Hmmph…sorry big boy. When somebody brings a gun up on me I’m gonna shoot and I’ll ask questions later ‘cause I ain’t goin’ back in a body bag.’”
Read the entire article because Gardner has lots more to say, which may be why John F***ing Kerry has never mentioned him before. Y’think?
WE DON’T NEED NO STICKIN’ INTELLIGENCE: Written by two men who know, Bill Young and Porter Goss sum up how the CIA became public enemy #1. ‘With the end of the Cold War, some in the Clinton White House and the Democrat-controlled Congress saw the opportunity in the 1990s to sharply curtail spending on one of their least favorite government organizations: the Central Intelligence Agency.’ And, of course, there’s a Kerry konnection: ‘Serving as a senior member of the Senate Intelligence Committee from 1993 to 2000, John Kerry had direct oversight for every facet of the U.S. intelligence community. Did he fight the cuts in intelligence spending or the restraints on U.S. intelligence operatives? Far from it. In fact, he was leading the way to make deep and devastating cuts.’
KAMP KERRY KAPERS: Uh-oh! Seems as though those rapscallions within Kamp Kerry are up to mischief again. They’ve been claiming that their anti-Bush ads were produced by Riverfront Media, except that Riverfront Media claims otherwise and they are not amused. They ‘may have to seek legal action to get this MAJOR problem resolved."’
QUOTE OF THE DAY (3-10-04): "These guys are the most crooked, you know, lying group I've ever seen. It's scary." John Kerry, on President Bush.
It’s an ethics issue. ‘Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has lent her name and presence to a lecture series co-sponsored by the liberal NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund, an advocacy group that often argues before the court in support of women's rights that the justice embraces.
In January, Ginsburg gave opening remarks for the fourth installment in the Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Distinguished Lecture Series on Women and the Law.
Two weeks earlier, she had voted in a medical screening case and taken the side promoted by the legal defense fund in its friend-of-the-court brief.’
Rush has always stood up for us in flyover country, that we aren’t stupid as politicians are wont to believe. DogMan has disagreed; he believes that at least half of the voters are morons. So I had to laugh when I read “the moron vote” phrase in R. Emmett Tyrrell’s Job Growth Description, or as I like to think of it, Zen and the Art of Counting Jobs.
‘For two decades self-employment has represented an ever larger percentage of post-recession job growth. In the months following the 1982 recession self-employment accounted for 5.4% of job growth. In the months following the 1991 recession it accounted for 9.3% of job growth. "Since the recession ended in November 2001," Wesbury writes, "total household employment has climbed 2.1 million and self-employment has grown by 644,000….31.1% of all job growth in the Household Survey."’
In other words, if you go from being unemployed to self-employed, will your job be counted by the government? Not really, but you’ll be taxed heavily just the same.
Drop that mouse! Do you know where your computer has been surfing? And with whom? In another asinine story the media can love and the moron vote can take seriously, the Internet is now being blamed for the spread of syphilis among gays. I kid you not. Reminds me of all the stories Rush mentions of vicious SUVs which keep running down innocent people.
A PASSION FOR “PASSION”: As of 3-9-04, Mel Gibson’s “The Passion” has made $223,720,260 in 14 days, which = nearly $16 MILLION/day.
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
DR GUIDO, DDS: Hey Short Stop! GM in Ohio said if you and Guido ever pass through to look her up. She needs her teeth cleaned:)
To do justice to Kitty Litter requires time and work. I spend maybe 2 hours each morning surfing the Net collecting news tidbits. As I’ve said before, I don’t know what I’m going to post until I log on. The first thing I do is to open a word document, then I copy’n’paste articles and their links into this word.doc. When I’m done collecting, I print what I have (for reference), then I log off and begin composing what I’ll post. When I’m finished with composing Litter, I log back on and then copy’n’paste into Litter. Then comes the fun part of including links and checking them for accuracy. As time-consuming as it can be, it’s great experience, both for the writing and the computing/technical aspects. It’s far more work than I had anticipated, but I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t enjoy it (dangling participles aside:).
This morning, as I was completing the collection phase, DogMan asked me if he could check something on a disc he had. “You don’t have to even log off!” Sure. Go ahead. He was on but a few minutes and turned the computer over to me again.
“OH FUDGE!” (Except I didn’t say fudge. I said the Queen Mother of dirty words, as in the John F***ing Kerry of dirty words.) “WHERE’S MY WORD DOCUMENT?”
“There wasn’t any.” He had accidently deleted it. Such is my Greek tragedy. :-) :-(
So, I called Short Stop, who’s home from Penn State for the week, and asked her if she wanted to do something. She got to see my new car and I got to meet her fabulous parrot (parrot?) named Guido, who just happens to love me, probably because I let him sit on my shoulder while he cleans the tartar off my teeth with his beak. Hey! He charges nothing while my dental office charges 3-figure$!
MEMO TO SHORT STOP: Rent out Guido for cleaning teeth to help pay off college loan$.
PROVE IT: Remember yesterday’s post about John F***ing Kerry claiming that all sorts of unnamed foreign leaders have told him that he must beat Bush, that he MUST win? I wasn’t surprised, considering that there are oodles of despots and socialistic heads-of-state who would LOVE having one of their own running this country.
Tony Blankley wondered just when Kerry actually spoke with these people: ‘Note that he doesn't merely say he talked with them (by telephone.) He claims he "met" them and "they looked at" him while they were saying these things.
Senator Kerry has been on public view almost every day since he started running for president last year (except for the period of his hospitalization, when he obviously could not have been traveling around the world). I don't recall seeing him in Europe, the Middle East or on other foreign travel during that period. (His campaign office wouldn't respond to my inquiry for a record of his foreign travel in the last year.) Nor do I recall seeing or reading about foreign heads of state meeting with Sen. Kerry when they visited Washington during the last many months.’
DEM PRIMARY FLATLINE: More people have paid to see Gibson’s “Passion” than voted in the primaries yesterday. ‘With the exception of New Hampshire, the report by the Committee for the Study of the American Electorate, which tabulates and analyzes voter participation, said that turnout "was generally low — in the aggregate, the third-lowest on record."
"Only an estimated 10.3 million citizens ... nationally participated in the selection of Sen. John Kerry as the Democratic nominee," it said.’
So much for the energized Half-Vast Left Wingers. Remember the “Broken Glass Republicans”? They’re the ones who said they’d crawl over broken glass to vote for Bush in 2000. Well, we’re still out here and just waiting for November!
“WHO’S KERRY?”: Jeremiah Denton is a retired Navy admiral who served in the U.S. Senate from 1981 to 1987, who wrote the following: ‘To put it bluntly, John Kerry exemplifies the very reasons that I switched to the Republican Party. Like the majority in his political party, he has proven by his words and actions that his list of priorities -- his ideas on what most needs to be done to improve this country -- are almost opposite to my own.’
Tuesday, March 09, 2004
KERRY’S KASH KOW: The NY Post sums up nicely the just who and what and, more importantly, how few are actually behind Kerry’s attacks on the Bush ads.
‘September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows - which, the group admits, has only a few dozen members and represents relatives of no more than 1 percent of the 9/11 victims.
More to the point, the group was formed specifically to oppose the entire War on Terror: Not just the campaign against Saddam Hussein, but also the toppling of the Taliban in Afghanistan.’
‘And back in January 2003, the group said had it had gotten a "verbal commitment" to the fund proposal from the junior senator from Massachusetts - John F. Kerry.
Little surprise there - because Peaceful Tomorrows' parent group, the San Francisco-based Tides Foundation, has received millions from foundations controlled by Kerry's heiress wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry.’
Teraaaaaaza really is a cow. Normally I’d hold my tongue for potential first ladies, but ladies do not wear and distribute buttons that say “Asses of Evil” under the pictures of the president and vice president (see yesterday’s post). But what can we expect from someone who’s married to …
"NASTY JOHN": Another great read from John Podhoretz: ‘even back in the year 2000 … major-party presidential candidates did not say the sorts of things about each other that Kerry now says on an hourly basis about Bush. It was considered unseemly, beneath the office being sought.’
‘A few weeks ago, Kerry entered Howard Dean territory and has stayed there as the media swoon over him. Usually, the media hate negative campaigning - but not when it spills out of Kerry's mouth and right onto the front pages without so much as a suggestion of a critical filtering.’
‘He says Bush hasn't provided America's military in Iraq with enough protective gear - in essence, accusing Bush of leading to the deaths and injuries of hundreds of American fighting men and women. And he asserts that Bush's supposed failure in this regard calls into question the president's patriotism.’
ON THE SUBJECT OF MILITARY: Here's a link to sign an online petition for Kerry to release his Military and Medical records. Mine is #804. What’s yours?
“HOW ‘FLIP-FLOP’ KILLS KERRY”: Dick Morris tells you how. ‘Conventional wisdom says that this election is going to be close, a replay of 2000. It need not be so. If Bush runs aggressive national advertisements, hammering at these themes, he can put this race away by the end of the spring.
We must remember that Bush's father trailed Mike Dukakis by 17 points in the months before the conventions. Until Bush Sr. ran negative ads, it seemed that the Massachusetts governor would be Reagan's successor. Kerry's bubble may prove to be just that fragile.’
LIKE, DUH!: Now I know how John F***ing Kerry’s face got so looooooooong: making claims like this while keeping a straight face. "I've met foreign leaders who can't go out and say this publicly, but boy, they look at you and say, 'You've got to win this, you've got to beat this guy, we need a new policy,' things like that."
I don’t doubt for a second that your beloved “Father Aristide,” bin Laden and Osama, not to mention France and Germany, would positively LOVE for Kerry to win. Then they could return to the S.O.P., you S.O.B. In this case, great leaders are defined more by their enemies than by their friends.
If you ever need a lift with a laff, read Mark Steyn … a Canadian, no less!
‘I'm a small-government guy, so my default position on any issue is that, generally speaking, I'm on whichever side the government's not.
Last week, for example, the government of Nova Scotia announced that it wished to clamp down on newspaper and broadcast usage of words such as "fruitcake", "nutcase", "madman", "kooky", etc, as these terms are hurtful to the mentally ill. To that end, it was offering cash rewards to citizens who reported sightings of these terms in the media. Whatever "hurt" these words do the mentally ill is less than that done to society by a state that polices your vocabulary. So I would urge any Nova Scotian reporters, disc jockeys, weather girls, etc, who read the Telegraph to use these expressions as often as possible - "You'd have to be a nutcase to go out in this weather", etc - and then get their relatives to bankrupt the government's cash-reward budget.’
He then incorporates topics touching on Waco and Janet Reno, Martha Stewart, Cleveland’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Haiti, and Kerry and Bush.
Monday, March 08, 2004
Where to begin? Where to begin? I’ve just spent 2+ HOURS surfing the Net finding more than I can use at one time, and it’s ALL about the French-looking flipper. So, let’s begin with an outrageous piece I saw yesterday.
PREMATURE, MAIS OUI?: ‘Senator John Kerry tells TIME that he "almost certainly" will send a team to Iraq "within the next few weeks or months" to help him formulate his Iraq policy positions.’
“THE NEW WAR”: When the French-looking John F***ing Kerry isn’t muddling about in foreign affairs (state, heart, otherwise), he’s writing about them. Seems as though the busy-bee senator penned yet another book entitled “The New War” back in 1997. ‘Just last month, Kerry pointed to his book and told Fox News that it shows he'd be "a president who does see ahead."’ But that was LAST month. Flip-flop flip-flop.
“WIN ONE FOR THE FLIPPER”: Not all Dems are krazy for Kerry. Marjorie Williams, an admitted ABB (Anybody But Bush) person, writes in the WaPo: ‘Kerry voted for so many of Bush's major initiatives that in order to disown them now he can only argue that they were wrongly or dishonestly "implemented." This amounts to a confession that his opponent made a chump of him for the past three years. In fact, one might argue that Kerry is a poster boy for all the ways in which congressional Democrats have allowed themselves to be rolled by the Bush administration.’ Hee hee hee :)
ANYONE? ANYONE?: ‘Dems not exactly leaping to be veep. No. Yes. Probably not. Maybe. Those were the wishy-washy answers yesterday from four top Democrats thought to be on John Kerry's short list of potential running mates.’ Hee hee hee:)
SUCH REFINEMENT: Mother Teresa she’s not. She sports an “Asses of Evil” button (I could only find the T-shirt version). Imagine this woman as First Lady? Meeting and greeting heads of state? With her potty mouth? What a colossal embarrassment she would be!
MORE REFINEMENT: ‘Sen. John Kerry's official election website is riddled with obscenities, the DRUDGE REPORT can reveal. … A campaign source tells the DRUDGE REPORT that "John Kerry For President" online simply contains published material, and the senator was simply unaware on Sunday that the expletives were being carried on his own Internet server. [A search on the official Bush/Cheney re-election revealed no such curse words.] … "I think you'll see the offensive words removed," the top campaign source said.’ Hey, y’can’t expect Frenchie to be editing his website when he’s got to dispatch his winged monkeys to Iraq, can ya?
From The American Spectator: ‘TENSIONS BETWEEN THE KERRY camp and the DNC were exacerbated on Wednesday and Thursday last week when the DNC was attacking the Bush campaign for including four seconds of scenes from the World Trade Center terrorist attacks in the President's first campaign ads.
"The DNC is yapping about this and the Bush ads are running on every news station and on every nightly newscast around the country for two days straight. The Bush guys basically got full saturation from an ad that perhaps one million people might have seen on one of those cable channels had no attention been given," says a Kerry campaign staffer. "Then they put these spokespeople out there to talk about the ads who were just embarrassingly bad. The party guys did us no good."
It isn't as though the Kerry people weren't looking to attack the ads themselves. Despite denials that the Kerry campaign criticized the Bush ads, the Kerry camp did reach out family members of people killed on 9/11 whom they knew were supporters of Kerry and asked if they'd be willing to denounce the ads publicly. Those people were given the names of assignment editors at cable news channels and network news outlets, as well as talking points for them to use if they were interviewed.’
OUR 9/11: From the Wall Street Journal opinion page: ‘The attacks happened to us all. The images of Ground Zero, the Pentagon and Shanksville have been plastered over coffee mugs, T-shirts, placemats, book covers and postage stamps, all without a peep from many of these family members. I suspect that the real outrage over the ads has more to do with context than content. It's not the pictures that disturb them so much as the person who is using them.’ Written by Ms. Burlingame, a life-long Democrat, is the sister of Charles F. "Chic" Burlingame, III, captain of American Airlines flight 77, which was crashed at the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001.
Heads up: ‘The Service Employees International Union in New York has senior union leaders looking for ways to complicate the Republican National Convention in New York later this summer. SEIU members work in hotels, restaurants, hospitals, and other establishments, and are one of the largest unions in Manhattan. There are no contracts expiring for the SEIU in New York this year, but that hasn't stopped the union, which has already committed more than $30 million to prevent the re-election of President Bush, from looking for ways to embarrass the Republican Party and make its stay in New York unpleasant.
"Maybe some hotels make the mistake of unfair work conditions, and the union has to pull out and strike city wide for a couple of days to protest their brothers and sisters being treated unfairly," says a member of another AFL-CIO union. "It can happen, and we are already hearing the talk. These folks will do anything to ruin the convention. It's one convention they did not want to come to New York."’
Sunday, March 07, 2004
E-MAIL: I got another response from the woman who e-mailed me this morning to thank me for my comments about Martha Stewart on (see post below). She brings up an interesting point by comparing the treatment of Martha with a hypothetical similar situation involving Oprah:
How can the American woman take pleasure in seeing Martha Stewart destroyed for her greed and stupidity? Do they not realize that if Oprah Winfrey was convicted on these same types of charges..there would be a Blue Light Special throughout this country in every major city? The burning, looting and terrorist chaos would be to support her because of what she built. I am certainly not condoning this but this group thinking would absolutely vilify the court system of "Justice."
We, as American Women do not need to protest violently or destructively but an icon has gone down. Someone who was raised in Nutley, NJ one of six kids whose father was monetarily ruthless learned that success is money and money is success. True she did not use money to help others to turn their lives around but WHO THE HELL HELPED HER?
There is where my VICTIMIZATION statement comes in. Oprah would be a victim while Martha is now a villain. We had a true villain in the White House with more proof than anyone could have ever asked for. Yet, we watched her lie, cheat, steal (remember the trailers filled with furniture and furnishings that she found in warehouses all over that area that she helped herself to?) and take all that she could and not be held accountable.
'Sopranos' mesmerizing in fifth season: After FIFTEEN LONG COLD MONTHS, things will heat up quickly tonight with the season premiere of The Sopranos. 9:00p.m. on HBO. I’m bringing dis to your attention in case any of youse tries to contact me at dat time. Juss fuhgeddaboudit!
Some interesting tidbits:
‘"Sopranos" creator David Chase says he was reading about all the organized crime figures who were put in jail in the 1980s. Federal agents boasted they had broken the back of the Mafia in a series of highly publicized RICO cases.
"I read an article that a lot of those guys are now getting out of jail. They've now served their time, and they are hitting the streets again," Chase says during a recent interview. "So the show begins with what we call the Mafia Class of 2004 hitting the streets."’
‘The tortured Tony yearns to be someone different, someone better. But, as the clich goes, a leopard can't hide its spots. After some body-thumping with his nameless mistress du jour, Tony sees "The Prince of Tides" on TV and fantasizes being with his former psychologist Dr. Melfi (Lorraine Bracco).’
I don’t know about you, but Tony sitting through that BS & Nick Nolte movie cracked me up!
Uncle Junior faces Alzheimer's.
New Faces:
Steve Buscemi, as a licensed massage therapist!
Joe Santos
Robert Loggia
Patti D'Arbanville as a “leathered bookie”
Back to my Greek tragedy ...
JF’nK “DEFERMENT”?: Hmmmm! Deferments? You’d think that the very French-looking Vietnam War macho-macho man wouldn’t need no stickin’ deferments. Kerry camp: NO COMMENT. ‘"This means that Kerry didn't jump into all that heroic service until he was pushed, and it is a very nice piece of information," said Lucianne Goldberg, a prominent Republican campaigner.’
Anti-Kerry ad: IN HIS OWN WORDS
JOHN KERRY SCARY: Great “Lurch” button! Buy it here. A future collector’s item (and no, I don’t get a commission).
ABOUT THOSE WTC WIDOWS: The following info, in response to the widows who have blasted Bush for his ad, was posted by an Ldotter this morning on
''September Eleventh Families For Peaceful Tomorrows''
“Peaceful Tomorrows is a project of the Tides Center, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Many thanks to our initial fiscal sponsor The Fellowship of Reconciliation for helping us get started!''
You can learn that the ''Howard Heinz Endowment'' contributed ''$4,298,500'' to the Tides Foundation [aka Tides Center] from 1995 - 2001.
The Tides Foundation makes grants to the Ruckus Society, Earth First, Greenpeace, and among many other extreme-left groups which you can confirm by digging at
The orchestration of this attack against Bush certainly contains some conflicts that the public has a right to know about.
I neither love Martha Stewart nor hate her. I watched her TV show, and I loved the Martha parody greeting cards. Nurse G and I always bought them. I heard all the nasty divorce stories at the time. I can certainly understand how some think of her as arrogant, and I was shocked at how her Connecticut neighbors hated her … sometimes with reason. But I am still confounded by the rage and venom that her mere name engenders, from people who have no connection to her. Today on was a Martha story in her Must Reads. The outrage was there … no sense of balance … so I posted the following:
Reply 23 - Posted by: Kitty Myers, 3/7/2004 7:39:52 AM
Look, enough of the bash Martha business here! She didn't make policies that could ruin your lives, like the Clintons did (who, btw, are STILL free!). Maybe she was greedy and maybe she is arogant, but she also created thousands of jobs. Her merchandise is great and at reasonable prices. I didn't love her or hate her. Save your wrath for the Clintons, who REALLY deserve it!
Then came this reply:
Reply 25 - Posted by: sinic, 3/7/2004 7:55:10 AM
I'll spread my "rath" anywhere I damn well please, thank you. If you're life centers on a jihad against the Clintons, you better call the Samaritans.
So I countered:
Reply 27 - Posted by: Kitty Myers, 3/7/2004 8:06:24 AM
#25 No, my life doesn't center on "a jihad against the Clintons," (even though I live in NY State and have Her Royal C as a senator). But I simply don't understand all this rabid hostility towards a woman with whom many here (maybe all?) have no connection.
Two replies is my limit. After that it’s a lost cause. However, there was another like minded soul reading my posts, because I received the following e-mail response:
We saw so much wrong, illegal, immoral, outrage, scum type living and behaving with the Clintons, especially the one who was not elected get away with it, Martha's crimes seem inconsequential.
We are shocked by these verdicts because what shocked us with the Clinton duo that was excused isn't even anywhere near this offense.
We need a heavy heavy dose of seeing bad people punished. We need not to see how bad people not only get away with it but they get millions for doing what they do and are voted in as a Senator.
I enjoyed your post.
I thanked her and received this:
It is class envy! Plain and simple. Our culture has been dumb-downed and taught that VICTIMIZATION is the way towards being recognized.
L.dotters are laughable. They could never do what she has done ...kicking and scratching but they know how to criticize.
I for one am not part of the MS cult either. However, I applaud her for what she has accomplished and so sorry her business is now close to defunct. As a business woman, I feel that same pain towards any business, no matter who is running it.
Class Envy is my diagnosis.
Thank you very much!
Now back to my Greek tragedy …