As some of you may know, I co-blogged with Pat at Kerry Haters, and we weren't quite certain if we'd have to crank up the blog again. Then -- sniff sniff -- John Kerry announced the other day that he will not seek the '08 nomination. I realize that we treated Kerry like a joke at times, and we doubted his some of his military experiences. But he really did earn the gratitude of a few foreign leaders. I know these Marines won't ever forget Kerry.
Since Kerry's dream of the White House is history ...
What about his presidential plane?
What will he do with all those buttons?
What will his supporters do?
Oh, well, there will always be the product endorsements and his book tour.
Labels: arrogant ass, Kerry, lies, military, Vietnam
Not only does Miss Hillary minimize her role in [Travelgate], she minimizes the affair itself. It was no small thing in the life of Billy Dale, who had worked in the White House travel office since the Kennedy administration. Travelgate cost him his job, his life savings, his good name, two years of legal Hell and, until a jury acquitted him within two hours of hearing the hoked-up charges against him, his peace.To Her Royal Chill, people are the rungs on her ladder to power; emotions are accessories to help sell her agenda. She loves power more than money, more than her daughter, more than her Mambo #5 cohort in crime (A little bit of Monica in my life, A little bit of Erica by my side, A little bit of Rita is all I need ...). Marble seemed perfect for her.
After all that, Hillary Clinton is still smearing the guy, and implying his guilt. After his acquittal. How's that for fair? And this she calls history.
The London Times has published what Lucianne calls "The most withering profile of Hillary yet."
The vaulting ambition of America's Lady Macbeth: As you consider her career this past 15 years or so in the public spotlight, it is impossible not to be struck, and even impressed, by the sheer ruthless, unapologetic, unshameable way in which she has pursued this ambition, and confirmed that there is literally nothing she will not do, say, think or feel to achieve it. Here, finally, is someone who has taken the black arts of the politician’s trade, the dissembling, the trimming, the pandering, all the way to their logical conclusion.
To grasp the scale of the transfiguration, it is necessary only to consider the very moment it began. The turning point in her political fortunes was the day her husband soiled his office and a certain blue dress. In that Monica Lewinsky moment, all the public outrage and contempt for the sheer tawdriness of it all was brilliantly rerouted and channelled to the direct benefit of Mrs Clinton, who immediately began a campaign for the Senate.
"[T]he sudden discovery of her Jewish ancestry, useful in New York, especially when you’ve established a reputation as a friend of Palestinians."
Labels: Billy Dale, Her Royal Chill, Hillary, ruthless, Travelgate
Aye, laddie, it's Burn's Night in Scotland. Careful when yer cuttin' the haggis as people have been hit with flying bits'o'innards.
It's not that I'm a Burns aficionado. I just wanted an excuse to post that picture :~)
Also, it allows me this strained segue for this ...
BOTTOM LINE: JOE Eszterhas says Hollywood doesn't care how bad you are as long as you're bankable. "It doesn't matter if you are a convicted child molester; it doesn't matter if you once p-ed on a studio executive's new Tibetan rug; it doesn't matter if you bitch- slapped David Geffen at the Ivy," the ruddy-faced "Basic Instinct" screenwriter tells Stuff magazine. "All that matters in Holly wood is that someone who reads your script believes that money can be made making it into a movie."
Labels: buns, Joe Eszterhas, Robert Burns, Scotland

I never intended to watch it, least of all like it. A couple of cowboys playing slap’n’tickle? I don’t think so. But I happened to catch the middle 20-30 minutes of it, while waiting to leave for an appointment, which enticed me to catch it later from beginning to end. It was Wyoming after all. Okay, so technically it was Calgary, Canada.
I no longer think of it as a gay cowboy movie; I think of it as a heart wrenchingly sad love story, although Ennis and Jack never tell each other that they love each other. When Ennis learned of Jack’s death, his pain was palpable. I even choked up when Ennis saved their two shirts, still dirty, on a hanger, one inside the other.
I don’t expect straight men to understand how anyone could see the movie as a love story anymore than I’ll ever understand why they like to watch naked women together. Years ago I did an impromptu survey at my local newsstand, where the testosterone levels can hang heavy. Why do men like to watch naked women together? Virtually every man there replied, Naked women, of course. I doubt a one of them could watch Brokeback Mountain without averting their eyes and gagging -- except for the sex scenes between Ennis and his wife Alma. In fact, those were some of the best hetero sex scenes I’ve ever seen.
I found Annie Proulx’s original story in her book Close Range at our library. The movie is pretty true to her story, although Proulx didn’t have Ennis date after his divorce. It’s the first time I’ve read anything by Proulx.
Well there it is, my sin: the like that dare not speak its name.
8 What Real Cowboys Think of 'Brokeback Mountain'
8 Where Is Brokeback Mountain? (video)
8 Have Heath "Ennis" Ledger and Michelle "Alma" Williams married in real life?
Labels: Annie Proulx, Brokeback Mountain, cowboys, Heath Ledger, Michelle Williams